Chapter 81

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Later that evening, dinner has arrived. Everyone went into the dinning room and began to enjoy the meal...well, not almost everyone. Grace seems to have a fake happy persona when Elijah was around, but when he's out of the room, she went into BITCH mode! Elijah went to use the bathroom quick, and Grace let's out her bitchyness. She gave a disgust look on her face as she bite on the food.

Grace: Anastasia, Natalia, do you both cook this, or pick it out from the trash?, because it taste revolting.

She said in a disgust tone. Her A-Hole kids we're laughing a bit. So Ana makes her mark.

Ana (Penguin): The only revolting thing in this house is your disfigured face! No matter how many cosmetic surgeries you had or how much makeup you worn, you never gonna be as young and beautiful as me. I mean, your face can be use as a Halloween mask without all the makeup.

Everyone started laughing, except Grace and her children of course. She was livid.


She screamed in rage, but Ana wasn't backing down, she's just getting started.

Ana (Penguin): Uh, this is my house, and I'll talk to you, any god damn word I want! I don't care if you told my father about it, doesn't matter if he does believe me or not, I'm not gonna let YOU and your F****** AIRHEAD, kids act like you owned shit here! Cause you ain't! Your just a waitress nobody who only married my father for his money, not love! Cause you have no clue what real love is, you Joan Crawford psycho shrew!!!

Ana finally done with her rant. Everyone in here is in shocked and can't hardly say a word. But, Grace was even more livid then ever. She got up from her chair, and said very pissed off voice or something? She looks at Jim and said to him

Grace: Are you gonna arrest her?

Jim: For what?

Grace: For verbal assault! You and everyone here are witnesses!

Jim: Did she? Mh... that's funny. I don't remember or hear any of this. I was just enjoying the food.

Edward (Riddler): So do I. But we do remember you called her a bitch, in her own home...

Jim: That part I heard.

Jim and Edward both lied to defend her. Ana thought it was very sweet. Even though she knew Jim will properly face some little consequences for lying or something, but he'll do it for Ana. Then, Grace started her outburst yet again to Ana and Natalie.

Grace: You both pieces of shits! I don't know why Elijah ever to connect with you two! You both nothing but trash harlots! Just like her mother was. I bet your bastard child will grow up to become...

Elijah: ENOUGH!

They all turn around and saw Elijah, standing right there with an angry look on his face.

Elijah: Is this been going on whenever I leave the room?!

He ask his daughters, and they both nodded yes.

Jim: It's true. All of it. She even called our unborn children bastards.

Edward (Riddler): Not to mention that your stepdaughter tried to seduce me and Jim earlier.

Ana looks at Sasha, who's fearing of her, and all she wanted was to smack the hell outta her, and it isn't the first time she did that. Elijah looks at Grace in rage.

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