Chapter 67

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The guys walk up to Captain Barnes's house and they see he's having a yard sale. As they make it to the main table, the boys are interested, as a hedge trimmer lies right in front of them.

Butt-Head: Whoa! Uh huh. Think of the thing, we can do with this? Uh huh huh.

Beavis: Hm, heh. Yeah! Cool! Heh heh heh.

Beavis picks up the hedge trimmer, and plays with it, as he's making trimmer noises.


Then, Barnes shows up, much to his dismay for seeing them again.

Captain Barnes: Hey! You put that bush-wacker down, now! This ain't a toy?!

Butt-Head: Uh huh huh huh. "Bush". Uh huh huh huh. Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Heh heh heh. "Wacker." Heh hm heh heh heh.

Then, Barnes hears his cell phone ring from his pants pocket. He looks at his phone, and it's from work.

Captain Barnes: Hold on! I gotta take this.

He walks a few feet away from them, and take the call. He answers it.

Captain Barnes: Hello?

He listens to the other person on the phone.

Captain Barnes: Really? Right now!

He continues listening on the phone.

Captain Barnes: I'm in the middle of a yard sale!.

He still listening on the phone.

Captain Barnes: Fine! I'll be there soon. Good day.

He hangs up the phone. He now has to figure out what to do with his yard sale! He doesn't have time to closed, and pick up everything up now! He needs to find someone to watch over the yard sale. But whom? His neighbor friends are all at work, so what does he gonna do? He looks at the duo, who is stupidly playing with the stuff. He doesn't trust either of them!, let alone his house and stuff. But he has no other choice. He walks towards them, and said.

Captain Barnes: Say, boys! Can I get you to watch my yard sale for a while? One of you could be selling, while the other one starts moving things inside.

Butt-Head: Uh, no. Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah. Heh heh heh.

Captain Barnes: Well, I'll tell you what. I'll give you 10% of what you sell, and I'll even throw in that bush-wacker.

Butt-Head: Uhhh...okay? Uh huh huh. Cool! Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah! Heh heh heh heh.

As Barnes walks off, Butt-Head manages the front. As one of the neighbors and a member of a church community group comes by for a nativity scene piece.

Butt-Head: Uh, are you gonna buy something, or just touch everything? Uh huh huh.

Church Member: Well, I'm looking for a gift for our church rectory?

Butt-Head: Uh, did you say "rectum?" Uh huh huh huh. Uh huh huh huh.

She looks around, but couldn't find the perfect gift.

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