Chapter 53

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On the evening around 7 or 8PM?, Beavis and Butt-Head we're in the arcade, playing a lot of video games. Butt-Head has the most high scores on that zombie apocalypse, while Beavis has very low scores cause he's suck at it, which, Butt-Head laughs at it.

Butt-Head: Uh huh huh huh. You suck! Uh huh huh huh.

But Beavis was not having it.


Butt-Head: Yeah, sure? Uh huh huh.

He said in a sarcastic tone, Butt-Head's not buying it, which made Beavis angry. Afterwards, they left the arcade, and went to the restaurant to eat dinner. They meet the same people again, even through the others don't want these two idiots here. But what's different is the table they all seated, they seated at the captain's table, with the captain sitting at the head table or something? The captain was telling his stories of his adventures at sea. Everyone listen, except Beavis was picking his noise, and Butt-Head was picking his teeth with a fork. After he's done with his teeth, he throws the fork to backwards, hitting someone and said in a pissed off tone, "OW"! WHO THROW THAT?! The boys started laughing. The captain ignored the complaint, and continued his story.

Captain: And that was the first time I saw the northern lights at their peak. And as I gazed, astonished at their lustrous brilliance, I turned to my first mate and said, "We are looking into the very eyes of god".

Alfred: Well, that's a wonderful story.

Butt-Head: Uh, it's sucks! Uh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah! and boring! Heh heh.

But Before the captain could said anything, a crew member came up to him and whisper something in his ear. After he's done whispering, the captain got up from his seat and said to the passengers.

Captain: I'm sorry, but I've have some important matters to attend to, have a pleasant night.

The captain and the crew member left together. Afterwards, they all left the restaurant to do whatever they want.

Meanwhile, the captain approached the control room. He tells the crew member to sail-by salute past the Poros Island in Greece, a manoeuvre he had performed before back in his 30 years of being captain. Just as the crew member was sailing almost towards the island, there was this very huge, blow or crash heard from the ship. There's also this strange, scratching, and rumbling noise, and rough shaking. It's like someone clawed the chalkboard with their nails. that lasted a few seconds. a panic ship engineer came in here like he's running for something? The captain came up to the engineer, asking him what's wrong?

Captain: What's going wrong?!

The engineer, out of breathe, talks very fast.

Engineer: Captain!, we've got a very serious problem!

Moments before the strange noise or something?, shows Beavis and Butt-Head still spitting in the ocean, and laughing idiotically. Then, Beavis stops, and said to Butt-Head.

Beavis: Hey Butt-Head! What place are we going? Heh eh heh.

Butt-Head: Uhh...I don't know? Some Island again or something? Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Oh yeah! Heh eh.

Just then, a strange, scratching, and rumbling sound has been occurred. The boys hold on to the rail as the shaking was too much.

Beavis: AAAAHHHH!!!

Beavis screamed.

Butt-Head: UUUUHHHH!!!

Butt-Head screamed too.

Harvey was still drinking at the bar when he heard and feel this strange, scratchy noise and rumbling sound. He holds his drink so it won't spill. Most of the drinks have spilled, and slide off from the counter. Everyone started either running, or hold on to something by the rough shaking? Harvey is like, "What The Hell"?

Alfred is reading his favorite book for the hundredth time, when the same thing happened. Books have fallen from the shelves. Alfred can feel the whole ship is shaking, like an earthquake.

Barbara was having a good time at the club, dancing, drinking, and making out with a hot, young guy. That's until the strange noise happened. The music stops playing and everyone stops dancing, just the shaking and the rumbling came up. Barbara didn't know what to think, or know what's going on? The guy she was making out with, ran off, crying for his mama.

Jim, Ed, and Ana we're just finishing their hot, threesome, love making session again (they have A LOT of stamina). Ana got up from the king size bed to pour herself a glass of champagne, Jim lay in bed, feeling exhausted, like he just won the marathon, and Ed was exhausted as well, just staring at the ceiling. Then, all of a sudden, the scratchy, strange noise is heard, coming from the room, and the rumbling is so loud and shakes very roughly a bit, that the bottle of champagne fell to the floor, shattering the whole bottle into millions of pieces. Ana holds on to the desk, while Jim and Ed holds on to the bed.

Scottie was at the ships boutique's, buying whatever she likes with Harvey's credit card. She knew Harvey will not like this, but she's on vacation, she want's to enjoy it, while she can. Then, she heard and feel this loud, scratchy, sound around the ship, and shakes rough. Thinking it was an earthquake, she quickly duck behind the cashier counter, along with other people as well.

Bruce and Selina we're taking a long walk around the ship. They haven't talked a lot since they're time in Hydra. It felt really awkward for both of them. They had sex for the first time. They don't usually talk about it a lot, all they do is kiss and making out, nothing further. Bruce spoke first.

Bruce: So uh...wanna talk about it?

Selina: What do you wanna say?

Bruce feels really awkward and embarrassed. How's he gonna say or explained after they had sex for the first time? As much he wanted to happened again, he doesn't wanna rushed or ruined things between them.

Bruce: Is just...back at the island, um,, um, I don't know what to say?

Selina: Is it that we had sex on the island?

Selina just blurted out. Bruse started to blushed.

Bruce: Yes, and, um...

Just then, the strange, scratchy noise is heard all over the ship, and it's started to shake uncontrollably. Bruce and Selina hold on to each other tightly. They've hold on for a few seconds, until the terrible noise and shaking just stopped. They've let go, to see what's going on?

Selina: What the hell was that?

Bruce: I don't know? Let's just find Alfred.

They both ran to find Alfred. Meanwhile, Beavis and Butt-Head we're looking down at the ocean, both turning their head left to right of the ship, searching for something what made this whole commotion?

Beavis: Um, anything Butt-Head?

Butt-Head: Uhh, I don't know?

Beavis: Um, something tells me, this isn't good, or something?

Butt-Head: Quiet thinking! Let's go inside, I'm hungry for some nachos.

Beavis: Yeah! I'm sure it's nothing.

They both walked away, not knowing what happens?

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