Chapter 55

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Bruce is scene wondering the lobby of the ship, looking for Alfred. But it's hard searching for him, due to everything here being pitch black, that he can't hardly see, and keeps bumping into people, who are more confused by the whole situation? He then ask someone directions to the library, and he went straight downstairs where the shopping area is.

Meanwhile, a large number of passengers have gathered near the lobby. They are getting indignant about the confusion and darkness in the ship. Scottie snags a passing crew member.

Scottie: Excuse me! Do you know when's the lights gonna be on? I need to find my boyfriend.

The crew member backs away, almost stumbling on the floor by something.

Crew Member: Sorry, um. Let me go check.

He left in a hurry, leaving Scottie frustrated.

Edward enters, looking around the magnificent room, which he knows is doomed. Earlier, Ed got separated from Jim and Ana and got lost. He went everywhere in the ship, trying to find them or his way out or something? He then stumbled somewhere in the crew member only room or something like that? He has no idea where he's at? That is until he heard a conversation inside this not-so locked room. Curiosity?, he peaked a little and He saw and heard everything! After hearing what need's to be heard, he quickly left without anyone noticed him there, and went to find Ana and Jim.

Ana, standing nearby with Jim in the lobby, sees Ed in his almost scared expression. She walks over to him and Jim goes after her.

Ana (Penguin): Ed! Where you been?

Ed (Riddler): No time! We've gotta go, now!

He said in a frantic tone. He grabbed Ana's arms and pulled her the way out, but she stops in her tracks, demanding him what's going on?


He pulled Ana closer to him so no one heard what they saying, except Jim of course. He said quietly.

Ed (Riddler): The ship will sink.

Ana was shocked, and so was Jim.

Ed (Riddler): Yes. I heard the captain and the crew saying that. All this... will be at the bottom of the ocean... in an hour or so.

Now it is Jim's turn to look stunned. The ship? Sinking?

Jim: W...What?

Ed (Riddler): Look, We need to get into a lifeboat, quickly!

Ana (Penguin): But there's no emergency evacuation or anything?

Ed (Riddler): DOESN'T MATTER! LET'S GO!!!

As yet was pulling Ana to go to their master station, the ship begins tilting violently to the right. Jim grabbed Ana's hand, and Ed grabbed onto the table that was nailed to the floor ,so they won't slipped or fall over. People we're screaming and panicking. They all went straight to the lifeboats. Ed and Ana got themselves up with the help from Jim, and they all to the lifeboats as well.

Bruce was still looking for Alfred when the ships was listed very violently. He grabbed onto door handles, railings, and counters so he won't fall and started climbing. He shouted Alfred's name over and over until he felt something grabbed his right arm. He couldn't see the person as it was so dark. That is he heard a familiar voice.

Alfred: Master Bruce!

Bruce: Alfred! There you are!

Bruce hugs Alfred.

Alfred: What are you doing here? You should be on the lifeboats.

Bruce: I came to find you.

Alfred: Well, I'm here now! Let's hurry before the lifeboats were gone.

They both ran fast, but not too fast, or they will fall or get hurt from the ship's listing.

Selina and Barbara we're waiting for Bruce and Alfred when the ship was listing. Both women hold onto the bar counter as drinks, chairs, and other people we're sliding down to the right side.

Barbara: We need to go NOW!

Selina: NO! Not without Bruce!

Barbara: I'm sure they'll make it to the lifeboats. NOW LET'S GO!

Selina still hesitate to leave without Bruce, but what other choice does she had? She went with Barbara to the lifeboats, hoping to meet Bruce there.

Scottie was trying to find Harvey at the liquor bar where he always goes there when the ship starts listing violently to the right. She grabbed onto the chair stole to hold on. People we're running for their lives. Scottie couldn't hold much longer as it listed more and more lower. She almost let go and was about to fall until she felt someone grabbed her hand. She looked up and it was Harvey, who came looking for her.

Harvey: You okay babe?

Scottie: Yeah. We need to get outta here!

Just then, the ship listed lower again, but a bit slower.

Harvey & Scottie: FUCK!!!

Beavis and Butt-Head we're down the hall through the ship in the dark after they finished eating their nachos in the food court. Beavis bump into someone or something? for the fifth or sixth time? Beavis said angrily to Butt-Head.


Butt-Head: Yeah, me too. I don't know why people we're freaking out over the dark?

Beavis: Beats me?

Then, they felt the ship listed hard to the right, making them fall or trip to the glass window view thing. They both screamed.

Butt-Head: AAAAHHHH!!!!

Beavis: AAAAHHHH!!!!

Then, Beavis looks down and said to Butt-Head.

Beavis: Look Butt-Head!

Butt-Head turns his head slowly down, and saw what Beavis is pointing at. They can see the ocean water. They're way, way close to the ocean.

Beavis: Whoa! I can see fishes down there!

Butt-Head: Uhh, I don't think this is a good thing, cause we can't like, swim or something?

Beavis then realized that this is a serious situation.

Beavis: Oh f***! What we gonna do?

Butt-Head: Uhh...what did that lady on the TV said when there's like, an emergency or something?

Beavis is trying to think, but the thing is that, these two hardly pay attention to the safety instructions, so they have no clue of what to do in an emergency?

Beavis: Um...I think we should, um...

He then see's people running towards the exit, and heading straight towards the lifeboats.

Beavis: We should find one of those lifeboats, the lady on TV said it can save us, in case the ship sinks.

Butt-Head: Then let's go, before the lifeboats are all gone!

They both got up, and ran towards the exit.

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