Chapter 63

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At 3 pm, Jim is searching leads for a possible attack on the mayor during his speech at City Hall. Earlier, he got a call, from an anonymous caller, claiming that there's two criminals, working on an attack that is gonna happened when the mayor starts his speech. Jim and Harvey starts going anywhere for possible clues, and this one clue holds the key to where it is? It's in a warehouse somewhere far. They had to get there quickly.

At 3:01 pm, Selina looks at the pregnancy test, and it says...negative. Selina sighed with relief. She doesn't know what she'll do if she's actually pregnant? Or how Bruce will react? Their way too young to think about kids now. She leaves the restroom, and continues with her business like nothing happened. She didn't need to tell Bruce about it.

At 3:02 pm, Ana is at the Narrows infirmary, waiting for Lee for the results to make sure if she's pregnant or not? As much as she wants children someday, it's just not the right time yet. A few minutes later, Lee returns with the results, and told her that she's indeed pregnant. Ana is both happy and nervous. But the big question is "who's the father?". Anna tells Lee if she could do a paternity test to see who's actually the father? Lee knew about the polygamous relationship between Penguin, Riddler, and her ex, Jim. At first, she's kinda angry of Jim, but, let it go as anger, won't solved anything. Anyway, she told Ana to wait 2 weeks, and also, tell the "fathers" about it first. Ana left the infirmary, thinking "how she's gonna tell them?".

At the warehouse, Jeremiah instructs the duo to push the button on the machine, that will released the toxins into the air, but only when Jeremiah commands them to push it, but these boys hardly listen to a word he say at all. As the others we're getting ready for the plan, Beavis and Butt-Head are goofing off.

Butt-Head: Uh huh. Pull my finger!

Beavis: NO!

Butt-Head: Uh huh. Come on Beavis, pull it! Uh huh.

Beavis: No way! Heh heh heh.

Meanwhile, Jervis is speaking to Jeremiah about him still trusting these two boys about their plan. Looks like Jervis still doubts about them.

Jervis: I still don't think we should trust these two with our plan. I mean, look at them!

The two look at the duo, still goofing around, only to be interrupted only by bowel gas as Butt-head cheats and pulls his own finger.

Beavis: That doesn't count!, you pulled your own finger! Heh heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Uh huh huh. I pulled my own finger! Uh huh huh huh huh.

Jervis turns his head to Jeremiah, telling him that these two aren't right.

Jervis: SEE!!!

Jeremiah: Yeah, yeah! I know that these two aren't that smart, but, I'm only using them, to take the fall for me. They helped me with my bank robbery, and they got caught, when I sent them to bomb the Wayne Building, and I still haven't been arrested. With these two stupidly caught, I'll get away with anything! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

Jervis: You better be right!

At 3:10 pm, in City Hall, Mayor Aubrey James begins his speech in front of all his audience.

Mayor James: Hello, the people of Gotham. I'll like to tell you all about the crime rates, economic and safety crises that's been going for too long. But I would like to hear what you all have to say first.

Back at the warehouse, the criminals, others who are working with them, and the duo are all watching the mayor on live TV. The duo wasn't paying attention to the TV, as they we're busy looking at all the buttons and switches on the machine that will release the toxins. Then, Butt-Head dares Beavis to press all the buttons.

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