Chapter 99

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After they stole the meat, the duo decided to have a break, so they just sit on the couch and watch TV, leaving the meat outside. Hours later when it's on commercial, they went to the kitchen to prepare to cook burgers.

: So... what's the ingredient of burgers? Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: How should I know? Huh. Don't you know? You always cooking burgers at work. Uh huh huh.

Beavis: I only flip burgers, not make them! Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Well, will just, "improvise", or something? Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Okay. Heh heh heh. {sniff}. Hey Butt-Head! Do you smell something? {Sniff}.

Butt-Head sniff in the air, but gagged by that horrible smell.

Butt-Head: UGH! {He covers his nose}. Did you cut the cheese? Uh huh.

Beavis: AH! {He too covers his nose}. NO! Maybe it was you? Heh.

Butt-Head: NO! {He sniff for the mysterious smell. But then, he looks at the meat and gagged more when he got closer}. UGH! I think it was the meat?

Beavis: Why did it stink? Heh heh.

Butt-Head: How the hell should I know? Uh huh huh.

What they didn't know, or forgot? Is that they supposed to put the meats in the fridge, otherwise, if the meat stays outside for so long, it starts to smell bad.

Beavis: Heh. Let's get cooking. Heh heh heh.

Not too much later. Beavis and Butt-Head got the smelly meat and started to make burgers. They spent the rest of the day pounding and tenderizing the meat, until they became burgers. Or something resembled burgers. The bread they had is already past the expiration day and it's full with mold.

The fashion show was pretty much going as planned as they focused on making a huge stage to Ana's liking to show off her latest designs. This has been the first fashion show in over few months since Ana give birth to twins. And she quickly lose all that baby weight in a heart beat, and yet...she still looks good! Anyway, she's been working really hard to make this fashion show "exquisite". All the Elite and fashion designs are here to watch the show. Bruce and Selina are there, and so does Jim and Ed, who apparently doesn't wanna be here, but was forced by Ana anyway.

Beavis and Butt-Head we're here, dressed in their "best" clothing that they've stole from Bruce Wayne's closet way back when they first robbed his place, and they pretend to be caterers as they carried trays of burgers and set them on the entree table for the guests.

Beavis: Heh. This party's cool! Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Yeah. We get to meet drink alcohol and meet models. Uh huh huh.

Then, Stewart shows up and he was shocked hat they're here.

Stewart: Uh, guys...what are you doing here?

Butt-Head: We're invited, bunghole! Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah! Heh.

But Stewart doesn't have time for it, he's really busy.

Stewart: Alright, just don't do anything reckless. I gotta get back to work.

He left. Then, an elderly rich man, properly in his 60's or 70's came up to them and looking curiously at the odd looking burgers on the table.

Elderly Rich Man: Excuse me gentlemen. I couldn't help but notice this odd pastry over there. What does it called?

Butt-Head: Uh...they called hamburgers? Uh huh. Stewart made these. Would you like some? Uh huh huh huh.

Elderly Rich Man: Huh? {He kept looking at the burgers}. They do smell nice, yet odd?

Butt-Head: It's one of those, "special" burgers he learned from that country he went long ago. He said it came from the earth? Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah, it has that "special" ingredient that's like, very rare. Heh heh heh.

Elderly Rich Man: Hm...rare, huh? I supposed one wouldn't hurt.

He took a burger and slowly bit onto it. Munch, munch, and munch.

Elderly Rich Man: Not bad actually...I swear it tastes like wither chicken or steak...are burgers supposed to taste like that, and are supposed to be crunchy? You see, I haven't have these in forever, so I'm not sure what they taste like?

Butt-Head: Uh...yeah...I guess. Uh huh.

Elderly Rich Man: Well, these are magnificent. Tell this "Stewart" fella that these "burgers" are exquisite.

Both boys stays silent, not knowing the work exquisite mean.

Elderly Rich Man: It means they're really good.

Beavis: Oh! Why didn't you say that in english. Heh heh heh.

The elderly rich man somehow caught the attention of some other people. Soon they formed a crowd around the entree table. Even the famous designer, Paul Simone walked up to the table and observed the strange food. He looked at one of the burgers with an inspecting eye and tasted it. He smiled. That was enough for everyone to start grabbing them. Even Ana snuck off stage to see what the commotion was about. Each person at least had one burger on their plate and went to sit down at their tables as the fashion show was about to start.

Ana came on to the stage and announced the start of the fashion show. Lights flared and the music started. Many models came out onto the stage and gave a good walk down the cat walk. Ana herself was part of it. The turn out was great, seats full. VIPS of course were in the front. Ana walked out first, gave a sexy pose for the cameras to take pictures. She smiled, but it wasn't a fashion smile. Looked more like, work through the pain smile. The other model had her turn after Ana, she had heads, but not as much then Ana had. Again she gave a weak smile. Next was the second model. Only she couldn't walk straight. For some reason, she was wobbly and her face was green.

Female Fashion Designer: I do say. Wonder what's wrong with her?

Male Fashion Designer: I don't know but already she's going to cost Anastasia's points. {He adjusted her glasses. Then he felt the lower part of his stomach rumble}. Those Hors d'oeuvres earlier certainly did a number on my digestive tract. {His stomach rumbled louder}.

The second model stopped at the end of the cat walk hovering over the other models. Ana was calling to her to come back to the exit but suddenly felt sick herself. The second model moaned then lowered her head. She wanted to lie down but the sickness quickly caught up to her.

The other model tried to help the sick model by showing her the back stage, But it was too late. The model puked all over the other model. The photographing guy stood their. Stunned. Then felt sick himself in returned barfed. The sight was too atrocious. Soon Paul Simone, the designer, puked as well. Ed looked in disbelief, but went to a nearest trash bin to puke too. Jim, Selina, and Bruce, and so does Stewart. Soon person after person barfed all over the tables and floor.

Ana was crying that her show was a flop. Tears stained her face then she lowered her head quickly to vomit as well. Almost every person barfed from either being sick or just looking in disgust. Beavis and Butt-Head stood there.

Butt-Head: Hey Beavis.

Beavis: Yeah?

Butt-Head: Did you had something in the meat, or something? Uh huh.

Beavis: Um...oh! Right when you we're in the bathroom, I accidentally dropped all the meat on the floor. Heh heh.

Butt-Head: Did you remember to clean the floor? Uh huh huh.

Beavis: Did you?

Butt-Head: Uh... I don't remember? Uh huh. Maybe that's why it's stinks. Uh huh huh huh.

Stewart was practically crawling on his knees, his stomach hurt and his face was a mess. His chef uniform was covered in puke. He crawled towards the duo who turned up fine.

Stewart: Beavis...Butt-Head... what's going on?

Butt-Head: Uh...we don't know? Maybe you made something bad?

Beavis: Did you like, taste it before you serve people?

Stewart: I...I--

But Stewart didn't finished his sentence as he barfed a lot on the ground and fell unconscious. The duo started laughing.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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