Chapter 13

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The guys continued to walk and laugh some more. But they stopped from their tracks as They came across this big mansion. This mansion is no other then the Wayne Mansion. They looked amazed by the size of this house. They never seen a mansion before, not even in Highland. Then, Beavis first spoke.

Beavis: Hey Butt-Head check it out! This house looks cool. Heh heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Yeah! Uh huh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Wanna check it out? Heh heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Uhh...what if someone's there?

Beavis: So what!...we just came to take a closer look. We won't be that long? Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Uh huh huh...Let's do this. Uh huh huh huh.

The boys finally came to an conclusion...their gonna sneak into the Wayne Mansion and possibly look around or take something; either way, it's not gonna be good anyway. They both climb over the fence and headed towards the backdoor of the house. Beavis broke a window so he can unlock the door. Once he's finished unlocking the lock, there finally inside. Surprisingly for them, there were no security guards there. Either it's their day off or something, or knows?

Butt-Head: Hey Beavis. Is it weird that there's no like...guards or something?

Beavis: Maybe they quit? Heh. Come on! Let's like...look around and take something that's worth much. Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Yeah! Uh huh huh huh.

They both split-up and searched every single room in this house. They took some and most expensive items they could find, and they even trashed the place too. This once spotless house now turns into like someone throw this huge wild party in college. They keep trashing the whole place up and stealing everything they think it's cool or something priceless. After their done, Butt-Head said.

Butt-Head: Hey Beavis! huh. Got everything you need? Huh.

Beavis: Yeah! Heh heh. You think they're notice something's missing?

Butt-Head: Properly not? They're rich, they'll buy something new or something? Uh huh huh.

Beavis: Oh yeah? Heh heh heh.

They both leave the house with their stolen items in their hands. A few minutes later, the front door was opened were Bruce Wayne and his butler/guardian came home from their errands and what they see has their items dropped outta their hands and onto the floor.

Alfred: What in the world!

Bruce: What happened?

Alfred: I don't now? but it seems we've been robbed. Wait here, I'll go check.

Alfred tells Bruce to wait right here while he checks everywhere in the house to see if the burglars are still there or something's missing? While Alfred was looking around, Bruce examines the damaged they've caused. Then; outta nowhere, Selina creep up from behind Bruce in which, startled Bruce a bit but used to it since Selina done this a bunch of times.

Bruce: Selina! What you doing here?

Selina: Just checking by...what happened here?

Bruce: I don't know? I think someone robbed our house? Alfred is checking to see if someone's still here and to see if something's missing.

Selina: Damn! Looks like someone REALLY trashed up the place.

Bruce: Your telling me. Help me look for something suspicious here.

Bruce and Selina were looking for something that the burglar or burglars left something or if they take something valuable. They found out that they've taken a vase, money, fancy clothing, shoes, and watches. Soon after, Alfred met with them and in his hand, a security camera he installed a few weeks ago in case something happends.

Bruce: They've taken most of everything here.

Alfred: Afraid so...good thing I've install this security footage to see who it is?

The three watched the footage and on that footage, they've seen Beavis and Butt-Head tresspassing onto the Wayne's property, breaking in, and stealing a bunch of valuable items. After watching the whole footage, Selina said that she seen these two.

Selina: Hey! I've seen these two before.

Bruce: You have?

Selina: Yeah and let's just say...these two are really stupid and perverted.

Bruce: What happened?

Selina: It happened yesterday, and I was walking around in the city, and these two idiots were hitting on me and telling me they want to "do" me. I threatened them to leave me alone, or I'll have their eye sockets scratch off.

Bruce felt like he wanted to find these guys and give them a taste of their own medicine. But, he keeps himself calm otherwise he'll let his anger get a hold of him.

Bruce: So what do we hold Alfred?

Alfred: Here's what I'm gonna do? I'm gonna called the police.

Alfred leaves the room to called the police, leaving Bruce and Selina alone.

Meanwhile at the GCPD, Captain Barnes was doing his paperwork quietly when he heard his phone ringing again. It has been ringing non-stop the whole day. He was getting calls about two teenage boys that are harassing women and destruction of property. Now he gets a call from Alfred saying that the same teenage boys were tresspassing, breaking an entry, and stealing valuable items. He tells him like he tells anyone of their complaints that they'll find them. He hung up the phone and called in Gordon and Bullock. The two officers came in and Barnes said to them.

Captain Barnes: Listen you two...I've been getting calls from numerous people complaining about those two boys. I need you two to retrieve them.

Harvey: Sheesh! What these two done now?

Captain Barnes: Several women were being sexually harassed by them, even Ms.Kean and Ms.Galavan, and several damages in properties. Now, you two get going and bring those two here NOW!

Jim and Harvey: Yes sir.

Jim and Harvey both left his office and on their way to bring Beavis and Butt-Head in. After they left, Captain Barnes cover his face with both of his hands, feeling exhausted by these two. They just arrived in Gotham and already they caused chaos. These two are gonna drive him insane.

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