Chapter 36

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Butt-Head is driving and Ana and Ed are in the back, Ana looking out the  window, thinking, and Ed is somewhat nervous and confused about  Butt-Head driving and how did he got a job as a limo driver? Jim drove  in his cop car to work. Butt-Head keeps glaring at Ana in the rear-view  mirror and not keeping an eye on the road. Then.

Butt-Head: Uh, so where you heading? Uh huh huh huh.

Ana looked at Butt-Head with a pissed off look.

Ana (Penguin): None of your damn business!

Butt-Head: Uh huh huh huh. Uh huh huh huh.

Ana looks back to the window and Ed spoke.

Ed (Riddler): Can I ask, how did you get a job as a limo driver anyway?

Butt-Head:  Uh, I read an ad on the newspaper, and it says they'll pay you $100 an  hour just to drive people. Uh huh. That's cool! Uh huh huh huh.

Ed (Riddler): Do you even know how to drive?

Butt-Head: Uh huh huh huh.

Now both Ed and Ana are really nervous.

Butt-Head: Uh, you know, this job is only temporary or something? Uh huh.

Ana (Penguin): Oh?

Butt-Head: Yeah! Beavis and I took second jobs because this dill-hole landlord raised our rent up!

Ana (Penguin): Why?

Butt-Head:  Cause we've caught him "doing it" with the bell boy several times. Uh  huh huh. Not our fault he doesn't lock the doors? Uh huh huh huh.

Ed and Ana looked at each other with weird looks.

Butt-Head: Now I'm doing limo driving, while Beavis is working at a convenience store or something? Uh huh huh huh.

Ed (Riddler):  Okay? Look, can you stop bothering us, it's bad enough that we're  already late for a meeting, but with you as a limo driver, who doesn't  know how to drive, it makes us uneasy!

Butt-Head swivels around and stares over his shoulder at them.

Butt-Head:  Don't worry dork!, there's like...nothing to worry about. They say  you're like, more likely to get killed on the way to work. You know,  like in a head-on crash, or something? Uh huh huh huh.

He ran  a red light, causing a bunch of cars crash into each other and there's  this huge explosion came. Ed and Ana we're terrified!


Butt-Head turns back to the steering wheel and watched the road as he should have been doing.

Butt-Head: Uh, okay? Uh huh huh. Smart thinking. Can't be too careful, a lot of bad drivers out there. Uh huh huh huh.

At  their destination, Butt-Head pulled over, he got off the car, and opens  the door for them. Ed and Ana got off quickly, feeling glad that this  ride is over.

Butt-Head: So uh, that'll be, uhhh...$100 or something? Uh huh huh huh.

They  looked at him with stern and angry looks on their faces. Did he thinks  they're gonna pay him for almost killing them, HELL NO!

Ana (Penguin): WE AIN'T PAYING SHIT!

They walks away and went into the building. Butt-Head just stands there and laughs.

Butt-Head: Uh huh huh huh. She want's me! Uh huh huh huh huh.

He got back in his limo car and drove off, leaving much chaos.

Meanwhile,  Beavis is working as a cashier at the same convenience store, the same  store we're they bought their winning lottery ticket. A bunch of people  came in and out, buying their stuff, while Beavis stands there, being  bored as hell. Then, Butt-Head came in, having a break after driving  people around.

Butt-Head: Uh, hey Beavis! Uh huh. How's it going? Uh huh.

Beavis: BORED! Heh. I just stands here all day! Heh. This job sucks!

Butt-Head: Uh huh huh. It sure does suck! Uh huh huh huh. Check it out!

Butt-Head pulls out a lot of money from his pocket. Beavis was shock.

Beavis: Whoa! Heh heh. How much is it? Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head counted his money, but doesn't know the exact amount he earns, so he properly made up or something?

Butt-Head: Uh, I think it's...$1,000 dollars or something? Uh huh huh huh.

But it's not, it's only $300.

Beavis: Whoa! Heh heh heh. We can buy something cool! Heh hm heh.

Butt-Head: Yeah! Uh huh huh. Well...I'll let you get back to your crappy job. Uh huh huh huh.


Butt-Head left the store, leaving Beavis to do his job.

Later that evening, they returned to the apartment, feeling exhausted. They sat on the couch and watching TV.

Beavis: Hey Butt-Head! Heh um, I'm really tired! Heh.

Butt-Head: Yeah! me too. Uh huh huh.

Then, they fell asleep on the couch.

The  next morning, they woke up and decided to get breakfast from the diner  they worked. They went down to the lobby, where the landlord stops them  and said.

Landlord: Hey dumbasses! Here's some mail for you.

He handed the mail to them and they both looked what they got?

Butt-Head: Uh, bills, bills, a crappy hippie catalogue! Uh huh huh huh.

He throws the rest into the garbage until Beavis spots one mail that looks interested.

Beavis: WHAT! Heh. Look Butt-Head! Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head looks at the mail and was interested as well.

Butt-Head: Whoa! check it out! Uh huh huh. A cruise ship! Uh huh huh huh.

He shows Beavis the mail that has a picture of a new cruise ship.

Beavis: Cool! Heh heh heh. We've gotta go! Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Yeah! But there's a problem? Uh huh. It's really expensive.

Now their really disappointed.

Beavis: THIS SUCKS! I WANNA GO! Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head:  Settle down, Beavis! Will figure something? This cruise is like, a few  months away? so we can like...raise a few money, so we can go! Uh huh  huh huh.

Beavis: Oh yeah! Heh heh heh. This is gonna be cool! Heh hm heh hm heh.

Butt-Head: Yeah! Uh huh huh. Think of the chicks! Uh huh huh. Uh huh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah! Heh heh heh. Heh heh heh heh.

Butt-Head put the cruise mail in his pant's pocket for safe keeping and they walked outta there to work.

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