Chapter 74

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Warning: Explosive and Violent Diarrhea

We go to Beavis and Butt-Head, who are watching an adult film on TV. Then, an commercial appeared, much to their dismay. The commercial shows a brand new men's cologne. It shows the men trying on the cologne, and women had their arms around them. The cologne is called "Irresistible", and it only cost $49.99. Beavis and Butt-Head were amazed.

Butt-Head: Whoa! Uh huh huh. We gotta get that! Uh huh huh.

Butt-Head said to Beavis. But Beavis said something stupid.

Beavis: You mean those muscles? Heh.

Butt-Head: No dillhole! That cologne! Uh huh huh. We don't score cause chicks thinks we're not cool or manly enough, or something? Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Oh yeah! Heh. So how do we that "man's perfume"? Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Uhhh, to the mall? Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Well, um, let's go! Heh heh heh.

They both got up, and left the apartment to go to the mall, to buy that cologne. Soon after, they're at the mall, where the perfume and cologne aisle.

Beavis: So um, why do we need to put on that men's perfume thing? Heh.

Butt-Head: Dammit! Why do I always have to explains things to you?! Uh huh. So that chicks will find us "Irresistible". Uh huh huh huh. Listen next time! Uh huh huh.

Beavis: Geez! Okay, Butt-Head! Heh. So where is it? Heh heh heh.

They look around the perfume aisle to find that cologne, but they didn't find it.

Butt-Head: Uhh, I don't know? Uh huh huh huh.

Just then, a cologne salesman shows up.

Cologne Salesman: Excuse me gentlemen, how can I help you with?

Butt-Head: Uhhh...we're looking for that cologne that's from, like, in the commercial we saw? Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah! Heh. Where all those chicks and um, boobs, and stuff. Heh hm heh heh heh.

Cologne Salesman: Um? Are you both referring to that "Irresistible" Cologne?

Beavis: Yes! That's the one! Heh heh heh.

Cologne Salesman: Yeah, we got tons of male customers here for that. It's the hottest one in the market! I'll go see if there's some?

The salesman left, leaving Beavis and Butt-Head alone, waiting for him to return.

Beavis: Um heh. Wanna look around and steal stuff? Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Uh, okay? Uh huh huh huh.

They indeed walk around the store, and steal some stuff that can fit in their pockets. In the medicine aisle, Beavis was snooping around, til he found something funny. It's some sort of "Colon Blow Laxative powder thing". Beavis laughs at the word "colon", and "blow", and even "laxative". He quickly grabbed the bottle, and stuff it in his pants, which create a bulge. He went to Butt-Head, who's on the food aisle. Butt-Head looks at Beavis with a weird look on his face as he notice something in Beavis's pants.

Butt-Head: Uhh...what's in your pants? Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Um, it's my wiener! Heh heh heh.

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