Chapter 96

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Beavis and Butt-Head walk by a church and see that a funeral is about to happen.

Butt-Head: Check it out! A funeral?

Beavis: Um heh. So what?

Butt-Head: So? Uh. There's chicks that are, like, crying and stuff? And like, guys comfort them. Huh

Beavis: Oh! So your saying that we should go in and comfort them? And maybe, we properly score? Heh.

Butt-Head: That's exactly right Beavis. Huh.

They both walked in. Inside the church, there's a bunch of mourners here to pay their respects to Elijah Van Dahl. Beavis and Butt-Head went and sat near the grieving Anastasia and her sister, Natalie. There's also Jim and Ed in presence.

Beavis: So um, who died?

Ana looked at them in a pissed off frown.

Ana (Penguin): Not now you two! My father just died! So please, I don't wanna hear anymore of your perverted pick up lines!

She told them off. Then, the Reverend arrived. Then, began the eulogy.

The Reverend: Family and friends, we're gathered here today to mourn the passing of Elijah Van Dahl.

As the reverend was speaking, Beavis and Butt-Head disrespectfully take out their phones and begin to play games on it.

The Reverend: I'd like to start with a favorite passage of Elijah's from First Samuel chapter 18, verses 1-4 in the King James Bible. {Reading}. "And it came to pass, when he had made an end of speaking unto Saul, that the soul of Jonathan was knit with the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. And Saul took him that day, and would let him go no more home to his father's house..."

While the reverend is talking, Beavis and Butt-Head we're playing games and rudely make noises.

Butt-Head: [Groans].

He groan loudly when he loses a level.

The Reverend: [Clears his throat]. As I was saying, [Continues reading] "Then Jonathan and David made a covenant, because he loved him as his own soul..."


Beavis yells when he loses a level, just like Butt-Head, causing everyone to look at them in disgust. Ana wanted to ripped these two apart and throw them in the shallow waters.

Beavis: Uh...what?

Now, the reverend is almost losing it with these two, and he haven't even finished his eulogy. But, he took deep breathes, calming himself down.

The Reverend: If anyone would like to come up and say some parting words, now would be the time.

Everyone from the first row started to get up from their seats.

Beavis: Uh, why are these people walking towards the casket?

Butt-Head: Uh...I think they, like, say some last words to the guy before they buried him, or something?

Beavis: Oh!

Next, people from the second row came up. Next came Beavis and Butt-Head, who get to view the opened casket of Elijah. They both looked horrified and disgusted by his appearance.

Beavis: AH! What happened to his face?!

Butt-Head: That looks disgusting!

Then, they both get hit on the back of their stupid heads really hard by an angry Ana.

Ana (Penguin): He has a serious illness, you insensitive idiots!!!

She move passed them angrily. The two again looks at the body.

Butt-Head: Uh, should we like, say something?

Beavis: Um? I don't know? I never been to a funeral before, you?

Butt-Head: Uh, no? Why don't you go first.

He push him aside, almost making Beavis frustrated.

Beavis: Hey! Don't push me! You go first!

Butt-Head: Damn it Beavis!

Butt-Head pushes Beavis so hard that Beavis bumps onto the open casket, and knocking the whole thing down, with Elijah's body rolling over and stops right near an elderly women was sitting, which, made the elderly women scream in horror and fainted. Everyone in the church we're screaming. Ana was in disbelieve and horror to see her father's body in the ground like that.

Butt-Head: Whoa! That was cool!

Beavis: {Still on the ground}. Whoa!

The next scene shows outside the church, and we see Beavis and Butt-Head getting thrown outta there.

Butt-Head: UGH!!!

Beavis: AHH!!!

They both in the ground.

Butt-Head: Well, this sucks!

Beavis: Yeah! Let's go and egg Barney's house.

Butt-Head: Uh, alright?

They both walked away from the church and go to egg Barnes house. But then, Beavis remember something?

Beavis: Say Butt-Head. Did we forget something?

Butt-Head: what?

Beavis: Um? I think we supposed to like, do something else?

Butt-Head starts thinking stupidly. Then, a light bulb popped out.

Butt-Head: Oh yeah! that blonde chick told us to like, "take out" that chick with the whip and that big bald guy.

Beavis: Oh yeah, your right! So, do we do that?

Butt-Head: Uh, I don't know? I'll think of something?

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