Chapter 33

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Seymour Butz is based on Bart Simpson's prank calls.


The next day at night, Beavis and Butt-Head were  working at the diner during the night shift and it's right at closing  time. Butt-Head is cooking some extra burgers and fries to take home  later and headbanging in stride, while beavis comes back from the alley  at the back exit of the kitchen, having gathered a large cup of worms he  found inside the garbage bags.

Beavis: Hey, Butt-Head! Check out these cool worms I found in the garbage bags! Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Whoa!

He gets on the intercom and starts doing air guitar.

Butt-Head: Bring forth the worms! Uh huh huh huh. Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Heh heh heh. Heh heh heh.

Beavis and Butt-Head walk into the kitchen and prepare the fry-cooker.

Butt-Head: And now, to make the seasoned curly fries. Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah! Heh heh heh.

Beavis pours the worms into the fryer.

Butt-Head: I'll give you a dollar if you eat one, dude! Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: No way! Butt-Head. These are for the next customer. Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Dude, there isn't going to be another customer. It's closing time. You know what that means? Uh huh huh huh huh.

Beavis and Butt-Head know that this means only one thing...

Beavis and Butt-Head: FOOD TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAG!!!!!

Butt-Head grabs a raw patty off the grill and throws it at Beavis.

Butt-Head: You're it, dude! Uh huh huh huh.

He  makes a run for it out into the dining area. Beavis throws a patty at  Butt-Head, striking him in the head. He then makes a run for the  counter, ducking and dodging like from an action film. Butt-Head throws  at Beavis, but threw it so hard, it flies directly into the overhanging  ceiling fan, splattering meat all over the place.

Butt-Head: Whoa! Uh huh huh. That was cool! Uh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah! Heh heh heh heh.

Beavis stares at Butt-Head for a moment, giving Butt-Head the most awesome idea ever...

The next scene shows Beavis and Butt-Head, throwing all the food into the ceiling fan.

Butt-Head: One Burger with cheese!

He tosses it into the fan.

Butt-Head: Uh huh huh huh. Cool! Uh huh huh. One hot soup! Uh huh huh huh.

He  throws the cup of hot soup in it as well. But the soup was too hot,  causing them to scream from the burn when it splattered on them.

Butt-Head: One 72 ounce beef steak with extra onions! Uh huh.

Beavis: One large Diet Coke! Heh heh heh.

They both throw the food and drink into the fan at the same time, making a huge mess!

Butt-Head: Would you like some fries to go with that? Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah! Heh heh heh heh.

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