Chapter 64

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Since they've been awarded for saving the mayor and all that, the duo can like, do whatever they want. (Well, not mostly?). But they did get free discounts on stores, and restaurants for their bravery act. Anyway, Beavis is busy in the kitchen, cooking something rather "unusual?". He, and Butt-Head both never cooked a day in their lives before, but, it's something Beavis wants to try, because he a cooking show on TV, and thought, "he could cook something like that, but better!". And this dish that he's preparing, tastes good, but so unhealthy.

The food prepared by Beavis, proclaimed his "Pork Swine Delight", consists of tasty but extremely unhealthy foods, including various pork dishes such as pig knuckles and chitlins (pig intestines), with deep fried, and lots of butter. Butt-Head loves it, and to Beavis.

Butt-Head: Hm, This is good, dude! Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Really?! Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Yeah! You can like, sell it to people, and like, make a lot of money. Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah! I'll do that! Heh heh heh.

But the problem is that In addition to being tasty, the food induces severe drowsiness on both of them, meaning if anyone eat that kind of food, they'll fall asleep after a big meal. They both dropped to the floor, passing out from the food.

Soon, Beavis and Butt-Head we're walking to their work, and they both discussed the food that they should put on the menus of the diner.

Beavis: I hope that manager guy likes my food! Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head: Course he will! Uh huh. It's better then that crap we always cook everyday! Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Yeah! Heh. The food sucks! Heh heh heh.

They went to the diner, and told their manager about adding new things for the diner. The manager, when viewing their menu, didn't like the idea of making unhealthy foods to the customers. But then, he thinks about the financial pressure he's been under, since the diner has been getting a lot of backlash and losing much of their customers, ever since these two started working there. He had no other options. He's gonna have to give them a chance, and see how it goes?

They went back to their usual working spots. Beavis is in the kitchen, making a new item, while Butt-Head is busy, stealing money from the cash register. A customer walks in here, and ask Butt-Head.

Customer: Hi, what's the special today?

Butt-Head: Uhh...what? Uh huh huh.


The customer is getting annoyed by him already. Butt-Head turns his head to Beavis, who is preparing something new?

Butt-Head: Uhh, Beavis! This guy want's something new, or something? Uh huh huh huh.

Beavis: Tell him to wait! It's like, almost done? Heh heh heh.

Butt-Head turns his head to the customer's and said.

Butt-Head:'s like, almost done! Uh huh huh.

The customer sits at a table booth, waiting. Minutes later, Beavis went to the customer, with a odd looking burger in front of him. The customer said confusingly?

Customer: What's this?

Beavis: I present to you "The Beave." A full-pound burger patty covered in cheese, grilled onion, five strips of bacon, all sandwiched between--

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