Chapter 1

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Skye hated it when Chase was called into work early on school days, she tried to get the twins dressed for preschool while making breakfast. "Orianna are you getting dressed" Skye yelled from the kitchen, "she isn't she is having a meltdown" Max said grabbing his breakfast, "I swear that girl is going to give me a nervous breakdown, Max watch them for me" Skye said as she ran upstairs. Orianna was sitting in her pj's, "Orianna Skye Chapman we need to leave soon" Skye said, "No mommy I am not going!" Orianna said, "I do not have time for this, get dressed I set out your clothes" Skye said. "No I do not want to wear that!" Orianna yelled at her, "I am not doing this today get dressed right now" Skye said. The 8 year old through a huge tantrum she was not having it as she screamed. Max ran upstairs, "mom I am just going to take the bus" he said, "okay please be careful where are you sisters?" Skye said, "watching a cartoon" Max said as he ran out the door to catch his bus. "Orianna please what can I do to make this easier for you?" Skye said. "I want daddy" Orianna said, "yes right now so do I but he is not here, and we are going to be late" Skye said. "I don't care mommy I am not going to school" Orianna said, "you are because you are 8 and have no choice in the matter" Skye said as she took her pj's off and fought with her to do it. Skye didn't care how much she resisted her Orianna was not winning this battle today, Skye had to work. Skye finally had her dressed and they were now very late, "girls get your shoes and jackets on please" Skye said. The twins put their shoes on and Orianna pouted on the stairs. Skye finally had her shoes on and she was dragged out the door making a huge scene.

Skye dropped the twins off first, "I love you babies, grandma will pick you up" Skye said kissing them both. "Okay mommy we love you" the both said as they ran inside, "Orianna I am dropping you off at school, pout all you must but you are going to be in public" Skye said. Orianna screamed from the backseat as Skye pulled up to the school, she waited a few seconds and climbed out. Skye took Orianna into the building and  said "bye I love you and have a good day" kissing her head and leaving. Orianna despite being still angry knew she was in school and she found her friends. Skye was thankful it was quiet as she drove to work in peace, Orianna was definitely her most challenging child and she just didn't know what to do anymore.

Ella was feeding Carlie she was just such a sweet baby, "Bye mom" Sophie said as she ran out the door. Ella noted her outfit and shook her head she was lucky Rocky didn't see her, Oliver came downstairs. "I am ready mommy" he said, "good just let me finish feeding your sister and we can go" Ella said as he was in private school and needed to be driven. Rocky ran upstairs he was working on a new project and super busy, "oh babe can you take Oliver to school?" Ella asked, "can't I am just grabbing something" Rocky said, "can you at least watch Carlie? It would be easier if I don't have to take her" Ella said, "babe I am working" Rocky said, "I get that but it will be 20 min, she is fed and changed" Ella said handing her over. Ella ran out the door with Oliver before he could protest. Carlie smiled at her daddy she loved him so much, "you know you are lucky you are cute, come work with daddy" Rocky said grabbing her bouncer and taking her downstairs. Carlie watched her daddy making the odd cooing noises, Rocky smiled at her, "you are the best Carlie, so easy and you let daddy work" Rocky said. Ella came home and walked downstairs knowing Rocky couldn't sit for 20 minutes upstairs, "she is the best Ella just watched me the whole time" Rocky said. "Yes well she is very fond of you, come princess it is time for a nap" Ella said picking her up and taking her upstairs.

Zoe managed to get Wyatt and Zola to school with no problems she loved how all their kids went to the same school. Zoe was meeting with Dr. Samson today and she was very nervous and she didn't have any symptoms. Zoe walked in and Dr. Samson greeted her, "how are you feeling?" she asked, "nervous I don't feel anything and with Wyatt I felt it all" Zoe said. "Every pregnancy is different, lets take a look shall we" Dr. Samson said drawing some blood and getting the ultrasound machine ready. "Just give me 2 minutes to test this and I will be back" Dr. Samson said leaving a very nervous Zoe in the room. She came back into the room and started the ultrasound, "Zoe here is your baby, very little right now but you are pregnant again" Dr. Samson said. "Really it worked!" Zoe said, "yes it did and you are 4 weeks along so it is still very early, your due date is Feb 16th" Dr. Samson said. "Oh my word thank you so much!" Zoe said she was very excited about this. "Your welcome I will see you in 6 weeks" Dr. Samson said leaving Zoe to get dressed and cleaned up. Zoe squealed she was so happy she knew Zuma was at work but he told her to call him when she found out. Zoe was sitting in her car and she called her husband, "Hello" Zuma answered, "babe it worked!" Zoe said, "it did?" Zuma asked, "yes we are pregnant!" Zoe said. "Yes that is awesome! I love you" Zuma said, "love you too babe see you after work" Zoe said hanging up. Zoe went to get some groceries and cleaned the house before having to get her kids.

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