Chapter 69

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Cassie made it over to her brother's house and Skye told her Chase was working so she decided to just hang out for a bit. "Auntie Cassie watch me!" Leila said, "Okay I am watching" Cassie said as Leila dove into the pool more doing a belly flop then anything else. "Wow 10 points!" Cassie said and Leila laughed, Lynne was swimming too but she was practicing her back float. "Do you mind just watching them while I get dinner ready?" Skye asked, "sure no problem" Cassie said and Skye was glad she was there. Cassie hoped Chase wasn't going to be long but Skye did mention that he was taking their fathers' death super hard and essentially not talking to anyone. "I done swimming" Leila said, "me too" Lynne said following her sister, Cassie was able to get them wrapped in a towel and took them inside to get changed. Once they were settled in the living room, Cassie talked to Skye, "how is Chase doing?" she asked. "Not good he is pushing us all away and arguing with everything. He is doing the exact same thing he did when Ace died and this time your father is the one gone and he isn't here to pep talk him" Skye said. "I know my mom is taking it hard too, she just cries all day long, yesterday I caught her in the closet in a pile of his shirts just crying" Cassie said. "I know and it sucks I still miss my mom everyday and I think about her all the time. I just wish Chase would acknowledge his children they really miss him and they are struggling too" Skye said. "Mommy is daddy coming home soon?" Orianna asked. "I am not sure baby, I don't even know if he is at work" Skye said, "ideally he works when Jax is with him mom" Max said, "well I guess you are right" Skye said, Cassie decided to stay for dinner she wanted to tell Chase her good news.

Just after the kids were fed Chase came home and Cassie could tell right away he was not happy, "hey you want to come talk?" Cassie asked, "not really" Chase said, "come on Chase, I need my big brother" Cassie said. "I need a lot of things I can't have" Chase said, "don't do this please Chase, we are all hurting and you are just being an ass!" Skye said, "whatever Skye" Chase said as he ran upstairs. Skye sighed and she fed Jax knowing he was probably hungry, "man when you said he was taking it hard I didn't expect this" Cassie said, "he has been doing this for days and I am just done" Skye said. "What do you mean by that mom?" Max asked worried she was going to leave. "Nothing Max" Skye said, "no you said you were done what does that mean? Are you leaving?" Max said. "No honey I just mean that I am not going to try and help your dad anymore he is just getting angrier and I don't know what to do" Skye said. "I can fix this" Max said as he ran upstairs. He found his dad laying in hid bed, "dad?" Max said Chase looked at him, "yeah?" he asked, "are you okay? do you want to leave?" Max said. "No bud I don't want to leave, why would you ask that?" Chase said. "You are so mad all the time, and I don't understand why you won't let us help. Mom said she is done, Auntie Cassie wants to talk to you and you are not even really here" Max said. "Aw man I am sorry little man, I realize I have not been myself and that is on me. I am just dealing with grandpa dying all in the wrong way, I am sorry I have been neglecting you and your sisters. I just had a hard day at work and I am tired, please just give me a few minutes and I will come down okay. Also can you feed Jax" Chase said. "Mom did and okay dad but please be our dad again we miss you" Max said as he ran downstairs. Chase felt so bad he knew he was taking it hard but he didn't realize his family was grieving for him. "Dad I miss you so much, I wish you didn't die. I promise to do better" Chase said as he cried for a few minutes and then gathered his composure and went downstairs.

"Are you good?" Skye asked, "I am not 100 % but I am trying to get there, I am sorry for pushing everyone away. I just hate this so much, I will get there babe" Chase said. "Okay because your kid are dealing with it too" Skye said, "I know, I am sorry guys" Chase said and all 4 of his kids hugged him and he squeezed them all. "Its okay daddy we still love you" Leila said, "good because I love you all so much" Chase said, "awe so sweet" Cassie said, "hey Cassie, I heard you came here to tell me something" Chase said, "yes but first are you going to be okay?" Cassie said, "I am trying, how are you doing?" Chase asked, "I am doing okay, its hard and mom is also struggling but she is getting there just like you. I have something exciting to tell you though" Cassie said. "Tell me I am listening" Chase said looking at his sister, "I feel like this is dad telling me everything is going to be okay, I am having a boy" Cassie said. "That is awesome, Cassie I am so happy for you" Chase said as he hugged her, "yes a boy!" Max cheered and Skye laughed, "okay Lynne, Leila it is time for bed" Skye said, "why ,mommy?" Lynne said, "you both need to sleep your bodies are tired" Chase said, "I not tired daddy" Leila said as she yawned, "I think otherwise, night girls" Chase said as he hugged them and gave them both a kiss and they followed their mom upstairs. "A boy eh, he will give you a run for your money mine did" Chase said, "I did not" Max said, "you did bud, always trying to be a hero. You have gotten better though" Chase said. "I like the idea of a boy, I think I have the perfect name for him" Cassie said, "you have his name picked out?" Chase said. "Yup I knew as soon as Dr. Samson told me it was a boy" Cassie said, " are you going to tell me?" Chase asked. "I don't know, I kinda want to wait" Cassie said. "Oh come in you can't tell me you have his name and not tell me" Chase said, "I can it is my baby" Cassie said. "Ugh" Chase said, "can you tell me auntie Cassie?" Orianna asked, "nope sorry, you will have to wait till he is born" Cassie said, "fine be that way" Chase said as his work phone went off and he rolled his eyes.

"What do you have Ian?" Chase answered, "a lot its not good" Ian said, "I am on my way" Chase said, as he hugged and kissed Orianna and Skye as she came down the stairs, "I am happy for you Cassie" Chase said as he and Jax ran out the door. "He does seem to be a little better" Cassie said. "One can only hope Cassie, I am happy you are having a boy, and I am sure whatever name you have will be perfect" Skye said. "Thanks I should go though, I have to work tomorrow" Cassie said as she gave her niece and nephew a hug and left. "Mom can I take Rex for a walk?" Max asked, "I would rather you didn't its a little late" Skye said, "just around the block mom please" Max asked, "I can take Roxy too mommy" Orianna said. "Roxy is asleep she doesn't want to go" Max said. "Fine Max just around the block okay" Skye said, "thanks mom, let's go Rex" Max said as he grabbed his leash and ran out the door with him. Skye really hoped he would be  back because she had enough on her plate to worry about and Max was not one of them. "Orianna time for bed" Skye said, "awe mom please let me stay up" Orianna said, "nope sorry honey its already passed your bedtime" Skye said, "fine come Roxy" Orianna said as her little pup followed her upstairs. Skye tucked her in and went down to wait for Max. 

Wyatt was having a hard time adjusting to his new meds and Zoe felt like it was making his mood swings even worse. "Wyatt baby its time for bed" Zoe said, "NOOOOOOOO" Wyatt screamed and Zoe was worried he was going to wake up Annabelle, "please baby, it is late and you are tired" Zoe said. "I am not, don't tell me what I am!" Wyatt said, Zuma came in the room, "babe I got this Annabelle is awake you deal with her" Zuma said. "Ugh!" Zoe said as she went to deal with her infant. "Hey bud I need you to calm down, okay, what is it I can do to help you go to sleep?" Zuma said. "I am not tired" Wyatt said, "I know bud but just try closing your eyes and see what happens" Zuma said. Wyatt closed his eyes and within a few minutes he was asleep and Zuma knew he was tired. Zuma left and went to help Zoe, "I think we need to adjust his meds" Zoe said as she just put Annabelle back down, "make an appointment and hopefully we can figure it out. I just hate that he is going through this it sucks so much" Zuma said. "Me too, like I still feel like it is my fault somehow" Zoe said. "Its not babe and I need you to stop thinking that it is your fault. Our kids are amazing and I know we can help Wyatt get through this we just need a little extra help" Zuma said. "Thanks babe" Zoe said as she kissed him and they cuddled in to watch a movie before going to bed themselves.

Max was heading past the Alley by his house and he hated it as it always creeped him out of course Rex had to stop and sniff everything. "Rex please let's go" Max begged as he saw a figure in the alley and he swore he saw him holding a knife. "Hey kid what you staring at?" the figure asked, "nothing" Max said as he started running pulling his dog with him, the figure chased after him not sure what Max saw, he ran into the house out of breath really hoping this figure didn't know where he lived. "Max you good?" Skye asked, "yeah mom fine, night" Max said as he ran upstairs, Rex following him. the figure knew Max saw something and he also knew that the detective lived in the house he ran into he just hoped this kid could keep his mouth shut or he was going to pay. The figure went back to the alley and finished doing what he was doing as he ran off leaving the dead body. Chase just so happened to be coming home and as soon as he let Jax out of the car he ran towards the alley, and Chase followed. "Aw man" Chase said as he called it in, he hated that this was in his neighborhood. Ian just having finished working a big case yawned as he examined the body, "he was stabbed several times, this one here in the chest is probably what killed him" Ian said pointing to it. "Get info on this guy and give me a call, and Ian try get some sleep you look exhausted" Chase said. "I am but I will figure this out and call you" Ian said as they were able to get the body back to the medical examiners. 

Chase locked up the house and checked on his kids, he noticed Max was awake, "hey bud bedtime" Chase said. "I was waiting for you, dad I saw something" Max said, "what did you see?" Chase asked worried, "I was walking Rex and there was someone in the alley by our house, he had a knife" Max said. "You saw what happened? Jax just found that body" Chase said, "I don't know what I saw but the figure saw me and ran after me. I am scared dad" Max said, "don't be bud, we are on it and I promise you are safe, did you see what he looked like?" Chase asked. "No it was dark, I am sorry dad" Max said. "Don't be your dad will figure this out I promise" Chase said giving him a hug and heading to bed hoping for at least a little bit of sleep before Ian called him with news. 

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