Chapter 92

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This chapter will contain a POV section and we will be able to witness what is going through Jax's head. I won't go into detail but I will mention it when we are at that point.

Chase made it upstairs, "dad you came back" Max said, "of course I live here" Chase said, "I am moving with you" Max said. "Max I am not going anywhere we are sticking together as a family" Chase said. "You quit your job?" Max asked, "no listen Max, your mom and I will fight but we will always work things out we love each other, I know she hates my job but she also knows how much I love it. Your mom was angry that Leila was hurt and she said things in that anger, it doesn't always mean that we are going to get a divorce" Chase said. "Are you sure? I know lots of people's parents who fight and they all divorced" Max said. "Your mom and I are not other people. I love your mom Max so much I promise to always try work things out with her before getting a divorce" Chase said. "Okay, but if you ever do I am going with you" Max said, "Max, I am not going anywhere and your mom thinks you hate her" Chase said. "I don't hate her I just hate the situation and what she said to you" Max said. "I am a big boy Max and I can handle anything your mom throws at me. In the end we will always work it out now go apologize to her" Chase said. "Ugh fine" Max said as he ran downstairs, Chase noticed Orianna and he hugged her. "I love you daddy" she said, "I love you to princess, and I am not going anywhere okay" Chase said. "Good" Orianna said as she went back to her room, "Mom I am sorry I don't hate you" Max said, "I know honey" Skye said, "I just hate that you always fight with dad about his job and he can't help it" Max said. "I get that and I am not blaming him because I know he will do what he can to prevent any of you from getting hurt. I just hate how you are all getting hurt because people keep coming after your dad" Skye said. "Mom no offense but people will come after us even if it weren't for dad. I mean you are a celebrity and I deal with bullies at school who are sometimes worse then dad's threats. I trust dad to keep us safe and you should too" Max said. "I do baby, set the table for dinner" Skye said. "Fine" Max said as he set the table and Chase called everyone down and Chase just hoped to ate least finish dinner before getting called into work. 

Chase was thankful to get zero calls that night he was able to put all his kids to bed and sit and relax with Skye. "We are going to be okay right?" Skye said, "I want to believe we will be but I need to know that you aren't going to bite me in the ass every time I get threatened" Chase said. "I am not trying to Chase I know you can handle it but when it comes to our kids it scares the hell out of me" Skye said. "It scares me too and most of the time the threats are just looking for a reaction from me. The best way for them to get that is to go after our kid because they know it will cause me to react. I need you to know that I will do whatever I have to in order for our kids to be safe and you know that" Chase said. "I know, I just hate how this happens and if you are keeping our kids safe who is keeping you safe" Skye said. "We discussed this already and I have the best partner in the world Skye I promise I will be just fine" Chase said. As Jax lay his head on Skye's lap as if he was telling her he had Chase's back. "Okay fine, you win Jax but you make sure he comes home to me every time okay" Skye said and Jax licked her. "No more asking me to quit my job?" Chase said, "no you can keep it our town needs you but be careful please" Skye said. "I will be I love you Skye" Chase said, "I love you too" Skye said as her and Chase went upstairs to bed.

Chase received a call he looked at his phone it 3 am and he groaned, "detective Chapman" he answered. "Detective we have something major going down here and we need some help" the fire chief said. "I am coming" Chase said as he hung up and dressed quickly as he ran out the door with Jax. Once he arrived Marshall was there, "I had a feeling they would call you, its bad Chase" Marshall said. "What am I looking at?" Chase asked, "We have at least 10 bodies, and the fire was intentional, I need to know why" the fire chief said. "Alright I will see what I can find out" Chase said as he found Ian, "What do you have for me?" Chase asked him, "honestly not a lot, I mean I have no way to identify any of these people, they are burned severally Chase. They are also covered in the accelerant, and from what I can tell they were tied together. I can see traces of duct tape, I have a feeling whoever did this set them on fire or at least something close to them before he covered them in the fuel. They all suffered before they died, and they are all young too" Ian said. "Is there any way to identify them?" Chase asked, "maybe but its going to take me sometime, and these bodies will need to be taken carefully in order for me to get everything" Ian said. "Its cool take your time with this and make sure you get what you need in order to identify them" Chase said. "You got it boss its going to be a long day" Ian said, "you can say that again" Chase said. "The fire is out detective" the fire chief said and Chase and Jax were allowed to go in. Jax whined he hated the smell of the accelerant that was used, Chase scratched his ears. "Focus on finding anything bud, don't let the smell overwhelm you" Chase said as his pup did his job. 

Little humans of the future Paw patrol next generationOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz