Chapter 98

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Chase and Jax made it to the hospital and Marshall and Everest were still waiting to hear anything about Riley as she was still in surgery. "Chase" Marshall said, "I got him Marshall had to do a little extra push to get him to confess but he's in jail" Chase said, "why did he do it?" Everest as she was crying, "he was going to rape her but Riley is a strong girl and she fought back and it pissed him off. He seems to me like he is hot headed and has a lot of anger issues" Chase said. "I just don't understand why Riley?" Everest asked, "she is beautiful Eve, and honestly he is a scumbag and he would have done it with anyone, but he took an interest in Riley at the party after she turned him down" Chase said. "My baby better be okay" Everest said, with that Dr. Shepard came into the room. "Riley is stable for now but there was quite a lot of damage to her liver. We are waiting to see if she needs to be put on the transplant list, for now she is stable and is on her way to recovery you all may go see her" Dr. Shepard said. "When will we know about a liver?" Marshall asked, "within the next day or so we should know if the bleeding stops, and her liver can function on its own" Dr. Shepard said. They all followed Dr. Shepard to Riley's room and she was awake and talking.

"Uncle Chase you saved my life" Riley said, "nah Jax did he is looking out for all of you, I would never have known something was wrong if he didn't take off. Jax is the real hero here" Chase said. Riley smiled at him and patted the bed, Jax jumped up and licked her, "I could get in a lot of trouble with him in here" a nurse said walking into the room. "He isn't staying, plus he is working" Chase said. "I know and the only reason he is allowed in the hospital is because he is with you detective otherwise he would be outside" the nurse said. "Thank you I appreciate it, Jax bud lets go, Rilye hang in there" Chase said hugging her, "thanks I love you" Riley said, "love you too" Chase said as he and Jax left. Chase filled everyone in for Everest and Marshall and everyone was glad she was doing okay and hoped she didn't need a liver transplant. 

Chase went back to the station he wanted to check the progress on the arson case with Ian, "your new friend is causing a scene" Ian said, "who?" Chase asked, "DETECTIVE! I know you are here!" Jayce yelled from his cell. "Oh, well I don't care" Chase said, "he has something to say to you" the chief said. Chase walked over to him, "I am going to sue you for everything you are worth, and I recommended watching your back especially your dog there" Jayce said. "Keep threatening me Jayce but I am not afraid of you and neither is Jax, you are just digging yourself a bigger hole" Chase said as he walked away knowing his threat meant nothing. Ian looked at Chase and said "wow he is something, I have nothing new for you Chase. I am thinking that this case might just be one of those unsolvable ones" "Keep digging Ian but go get some sleep and come back with fresh eyes, I will see you tomorrow" Chase said as he and Jax also headed home. 

Riley was recovering and Marshall was sitting with her as Everest went home to be with Evelynn, Marshall promised to keep her updated. "Dad, am I going to die?" Riley asked, "no baby you are going to be fine" Marshall said, "how do you know?" Riley asked, "because I will give you my liver if I have too, I will not let anything happen to you" Marshall said, "thanks daddy" Riley said as she fell asleep. Marshall sighed he of course would donate but if he wasn't a match it would be harder, he needed his little girl to be okay. Chase didn't have much time at home before he was called back into work, he was already exhausted but he went anyways. "Sorry Chase I just don't know how we are going to handle this one" the chief said. "What is going on?" Chase asked, "there was a bomb threat in 4 different places" the chief said, "what?" Chase said, "yes I know and we can't check them all that fast obviously but we can try" the chief said. "Where do you need me and Jax to go?" Chase asked. "The hospital" the chief said, "wait what? someone has threatened to bomb the hospital?" Chase said. "Yes, that the airport, the fire station and town hall. We have the fire station and town hall covered. I also have the airport being looked at we just need the hospital and its the most important" the chief said. "We are on the way" Chase said as he drove max speed and was there within 2 minutes. 

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