Chapter 35

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Chase was called into work early and this made Skye nervous she didn't know if Orianna had her memories back. She knew it was hard for her and she just hoped her daughter was okay, "Max honey take your sisters downstairs and turn on a cartoon" Skye said, "is Orianna okay?" Max asked, "I will let you know" Skye said as Max took his sister's downstairs, Skye walked into her daughter's room and immediately felt sick. "Max honey is Orianna down stairs?" Skye asked, "No" Max said, Skye tried not too panic. Skye searched every room before she called Chase, he didn't answer and Skye was really panicking. She received a call from Everest, "Eve I can't find Orianna" Skye said, "I know she is here" Everest said, "wait she is there?" Skye said, "yes sitting in the treehouse" Everest said. "Oh thank god, is she okay?" Skye asked, "I am not sure she just keeps saying I need them back" Everest said. "Oh my goodness I am on my way" Skye said getting the girls and Max dressed. 

Josh in the meantime climbed up into the treehouse and sat beside Orianna, "Hi I am your cousin Josh, I know falling from here was scary. The fact you remember falling is a good thing" Josh said, "It is the only thing I remember, falling, I want my memories back" Orianna said. "I know and you will get them back one day you just need to be patient" Josh said, "you don't know that!" Orianna said, she was getting frustrated. "I do because it won't last forever, you are still recovering and it may take a few more days but Orianna you will get better" Josh said. "I want to believe you, but I heard if you hit your head again after it would help" Orianna said, "no that will definitely not help, please don't do that. I promise with rest and being with your family it will help" Josh said. "Okay but I am to scared to climb down" Orianna said, "I got you" Josh said as he climbed down first, "Okay I promise I am here" Josh said, as Orianna climbed down and with Josh's help Orianna was safe on the ground. Skye arrived and hugged her, "I am so glad you are okay, you scared mommy" Skye said. "I am sorry, can we go home?" Orianna asked, "of course, thank you" Skye said to Josh. "No problem" Josh said as he went to get ready to hang out with Sophie.

"You truly are an amazing human being Josh, I am going to miss you" Everest said hugging him, "aw mom" Josh said as he tried to get away from her. "Please stay true to yourself" Everest said letting go, Josh smiled at her and went upstairs. "What did he do mama?" Owen asked, "everything your brother just does everything, he is so kind to everyone" Everest said. "Oh I am too mama" Owen said, "yes baby you are" Everest said giving him a hug too, they were getting ready to head over to hang out with Wyatt and Zola. Josh received a text from Sophie,

Sophie: hey babe going to have to raincheck on our date, apparently when my dad asked me to baby sit he meant all day

Josh: that sucks, I am guessing I can't come help?

Sophie: No and I am not going to ask, I want him to trust me so I can come visit you in Toronto

Josh: Okay babe but I will get to see you tomorrow?

Sophie: of course I am all yours

Josh: okay I love you

Sophie: I love you too!

Orianna was sitting on the couch watching a movie with Lynne and Leila and they were pestering her with questions. "Do you remember this movie?" Lynne asked, "No" Orianna said, "it is your favorite one, we picked it for you" Leila said. "Girls enough let her watch" Skye said bringing them all a snack. Max was at the park with Hunter and Korra he was trying to enjoy his summer. "Mommy did I have any friends?" Orianna asked, "yes you did" Skye said, "what were their names?" Orianna asked, "Penelope and Lola" Orianna said, "can I hang out with them?" Orianna asked. "Soon baby its better if you rest until your memories come back" Skye said, "how long with that take?" Orianna asked, "anywhere from a week to a month" Skye said, "a month!" Orianna said. "I am hoping it won't take that long baby" Skye said giving her a hug. "Where is daddy?" Orianna asked, "he is working" Skye said, "he is always working" Orianna whined. "Yes he is very busy" Skye said hoping the whine was a good thing as Orianna used to do it a lot. 

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