Chapter 45

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As Christmas came and went things were starting to calm down with everyone as Alyssa prepared for her new baby to come. Josh hated that he had to say goodbye to Sophie once again but he was excited to go back to basketball. Max was still dealing with his bully problem and as much as he tried to ignore it Drew was just letting it go. Orianna was loving her new puppy she was so happy her parents got her one for Christmas. She had a Pomsky and she looked like a little panda bear, Orianna named her Roxy. Zoe and Zuma were preparing for Annabelle to have surgery and they were terrified but knew it would be better for her in the long run. Riley was doing much better with having Klea around and she was beginning to come out of her shell a bit more and even found a boyfriend. Marshall of course was not to pleased about this but he knew she wasn't a little girl anymore and he needed to let her grow up. Oliver was getting smarter by the day and was now even helping Sophie with her homework. Rocky and Ella were so proud of him and they new he would be destined for great things. 

Chase and Skye were enjoying a quiet evening at home, Max was walking Rex, the girls were playing in their room. Orianna was out back with her new puppy she was trying to get her to go potty but she didn't exactly like the snow. There was a knock on the door and Chase looked to Skye, "we expecting someone?" he asked her, "not that I know of" Skye said as Chase opened it to see his boss. "Hey Chief everything okay?" Chase asked, "everything is good yes but I have something we need to discuss" the chief said. "Oh well come in"  Chase said, Skye went to leave but the chief stopped her, "you need to be a part of this conversation to Skye" the chief said, "now you are making me nervous" Chase said not having any idea what this was about. "Narcotics has just notified me of a case, I need someone to go undercover and help us catch this guy" the chief said, "Its always narcotics that needs an undercover" Chase said, "yes but I am not asking you to do it Chase, I need someone younger" the chief said. "I am sorry, what do you mean?" Chase said, "Please before you answer just know we would keep him safe and Chase you will be there too. This guy we are trying to catch is selling drugs to kids, and well I think Max would be perfect" The chief said. "No absolutely not!" Skye said, "I know it sounds scary Skye but we just need him to get the guy to sell him the drugs. We know where he is and how he works. Max will be watched the whole time and he will not be hurt" the chief said. "I really don't like this, he is just a kid" Skye said as she looked to Chase. "Who is he?" Chase asked considering the possibility knowing Max would be all for it. "His name is Frank Hill and he works the corner store on 11th street, we know he sells cigarettes to anyone and we think he might be selling illegal drugs as well" the chief said. "I know the store and I think he sold cigarettes to my niece once, I think Skye and I will need to talk about it first" Chase said. "Of course just let me know ASAP Chase otherwise I will have to look elsewhere" the chief said as he left.

Skye looked to Chase, "you can't honestly tell me you are considering putting him in danger once again" Skye said. "I never said I would do it but Skye he is very capable of doing something like this. I trust he wouldn't actually use the drugs and he would love this and be all for it" Chase said. "That is why I hate it so much, what if this guy has a gun or something or knows who he is" Skye said. "I doubt that this guy is not to bright, and Max can handle himself he knows what to do in dangerous situations he learnt from the best. Skye I think we should let him do it but only if he wants to of course" Chase said. "I don't like it Chase but I trust you to keep him safe and I swear if anything happens to him I won't forgive you this time" Skye said. Max came back home with Rex and tried to run upstairs, "Max wait I want to talk to you" Chase said, "whatever it is I didn't do it" Max said. "Max you are not in trouble, I just have something to ask you" Chase said, Skye went to get the twins ready for bed a part of her hoped he said no. 

"Max, my boss was just here and he has an undercover mission that he needs help solving" Chase said. "Oh so how long will you be gone?" Max asked, "its not for me bud its for you" Chase said, "wait what? for me? I don't get it" Max said, "there is a man at the corner store on 11th street, he is selling drugs to kids your age. We need you to see if he will sell them to you so we can figure out if he is the guy we are looking for" Chase said. "Let me get this straight, you need me to buy drugs from a guy and then do what exactly? This sounds very unsafe for me" Max said, "you will be watched the entire time and also wear a wire of some sort I am sure, I will be close by and will not allow anything to happen to you. All you need to do is ask him for something stronger and if he sells it to you we will be there to arrest him" Chase said. "Mom is okay with this?" Max asked, "of course not but she trusts me to keep you safe, it is totally your choice bud and you are not obligated to do it" Chase said. Max looked at his dad and smiled, "I am so in!" Max said a little to excitedly as Orianna came into the room. "In for what?" Orianna asked, "nothing princess, come lets get you to bed" Chase said knowing now that Max was on board. Skye came down as Chase went up and she sat beside Max and hugged him. "I hate this so much" Skye said. "I know but mom I am going to be fine, and I think its awesome" Max said, "that is the part that worries me the most honestly" Skye said. Chase tucked Orianna in and informed his boss that Max was in and they were going to start tomorrow morning. 

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