Chapter 67

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The next few days Josh was starting to feel more and more depressed it was lonely in Toronto by himself. He just wanted the basketball camp to be over so he could go home, but he knew things were to only get worse for him. He knew if he did make it into the NBA he would be  away  from his girl even more and he didn't know if he wanted that. He knew it would only be from October to April but still that was as long time of travelling. Josh wished he had someone to talk to about it but he was alone once again in his dorm. He was shocked when he heard a knock he didn't know if he wanted to get up. After the third knock he knew he had no choice and he opened the door. "Josh my man come party with us" Charlie said he was also trying out for the NBA. "I don't know" Josh said, "dude you just mope around, we are going to a club come on" Charlie said, "I am good" Josh said, "dude! you are coming change quick I will wait" Charlie said. Josh knew he wasn't going to back down so he decided to go get ready. A few minutes later Josh joined a few of the guys from the camp and he was not having a good time. "Dude you are like so sucking the fun out of this" Charlie said, "yeah what is going on, there are some hot girls headed this way" Landon said. "I might just go" Josh said, "no there are 5 of us and 5 girls we need you dude" Charlie said, "I am not interested" Josh said, "just pretend you are" Landon said as the girls sat down. 

"hey  cutie what is your name" a girl said to Josh, "doesn't matter I was just leaving" Josh said as he stood up. "Awe why I don't bite" the girl said, "I know but I have a girlfriend and I am tired" Josh said. "I have a boyfriend but what he don't know won't hurt him" the girl said, "unlike you I actually care for my girl so if you will excuse me" Josh said as he walked away. Charlie shook his head, "sorry about him" Charlie said, "no problem" the girl said as she started to make out with Charlie. Josh walked back to his dorm he knew going out was a bad idea, and now he was late to call Sophie. Josh finally made it back to his dorm and he sat on his bed and sighed, he facetimed his girl. "Hi babe!" Sophie said, "hey sorry I am late" Josh said, "its okay, you seem sad are you alright?" Sophie asked, "I am just I miss you and it sucks here alone" Josh said. "Do you not have any friends there?" Sophie asked, "I do but they are all lame and I was just with them and then girls started to hit on us so I left" Josh said. "Oh, well I am glad you left" Sophie said, "me too I get to talk to  you now. When you coming back here?" Josh asked, "not sure I am hanging with my uncle and when he leaves I will see what my dad says" Sophie said. "Alright, I miss you beautiful" Josh said. "I miss you too" Sophie said as they talked for over an hour and then Josh had to go he needed to get up early. 

Riley was hanging out with Chantelle and Klea and they were trying to figure out a plan to get Riley a boyfriend. "I don't want one, why are we doing this" Riley asked, "you are beautiful and trust me you want one" Chantelle said, "not really" Riley said as she rolled her eyes. The girls were at the mall and they noticed a group of boys, "hey boys" Chantelle said as they walked over to them. "Hey want to come with us?" one boy asked, "where?" Klea asked, "we are going over to his house" another boy said. Riley was unsure, "guys we don't even know them" Riley said. "Oh I am Kevin, this is Brady and Trent, now you know us" Kevin said. "How are we getting there?" Chantelle asked, "in my car" Kevin said as he lead them out of the mall. Riley was so unsure about this and she didn't know if this Kevin was even a good driver and he was older than them. "Klea please this is not a good idea" Riley said, "come on Riley there is 3 of them and 3 of us" Chantelle said. Klea was also a little hesitant but Chantelle pushed them into the car, and Riley was regretting every second of this.  As soon as they were seated Kevin blew out of the parking lot so fast and he was driving way over the speed limit. "Oh my gosh please slow down!" Riley screamed, a few minutes later a police car was pulling them over and Kevin decided to drive faster to try and get away. Riley wanted to get out so bad, "why did you do this! Chantelle I want out" Riley said. "So do I, I am sorry girls this was all my fault, I don't want to die" Chantelle said. "Chill you won't die I am an excellent driver" Kevin said as he now had 4 cop cars chasing him. "What is this kid doing?" Callie asked her partner. "I don't know but he is going to get himself and the others in the car killed" Melissa said as she tried to figure out a road block. "I don't think they are going to stop Melissa" Callie said, "they will just give me one sec" Melissa said as they now had the road block set up. Kevin had no choice but to stop, Melissa arrested him and Callie noticed her sister. "RILEY!" Callie said, "thank god I was so scared you saved us" Riley said hugging her. "What were you doing?" Callie asked, "it was my fault Callie I am sorry, ugh Riley didn't want to go" Chantelle said. "Still she knew better" Callie said, "please don't tell mom and dad" Riley said, "I can't promise that but you better get home Riley" Callie said, "okay" Riley said as she walked home after saying bye to her friends. "What was my sister thinking" Callie said to Melissa. "I don't know but she is very lucky no one was hurt" Melissa said as they continued on their patrol.

Little humans of the future Paw patrol next generationTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang