Chapter 101

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You could have heard a pin drop in the waiting room of the hospital as everyone sat to find out news about Chase. The only thing you could hear were the sobs of his family as they waited to find out anything at all. It felt like forever and the kids were starting to get impatient, "mommy why are not hearing about daddy?" Leila asked. "I don't know honey" Skye said wondering the same thing. "This is ridiculous I mean someone has to know something right?" Max said also getting annoyed, "we all need to come down okay they are doing their best and when they know something they will tell us" Marshall said. "I mean its been hours" Orianna said, "it has only been an hour but yes it feels like longer" Marshall said. "I just want to know if my dad is alive!" Max said a little loudly, "shh Max you are in a hospital" Skye said, "who is telling us nothing by the way!" Max said, "Max stop" Skye said, "has anyone heard about Jax?" Orianna asked, "grandma has him he is in good hands" Marshall said. "Right but is he okay?" Orianna asked, "we don't know that either" Skye said. "When will we know mommy?" Lynne asked, "soon I hope" Skye said as she watched the door like a hawk.

"Does anyone know who did this?" Zuma asked, "no there was no one in the building other than Chase and Jax" Marshall said. "Right but we have to have some sort of an idea right?" Zuma said, "he did tell me that Jayce was bailed out" Skye said, "and who is Jayce?" Zoe asked, "the guy who stabbed our Riley" Everest said with disgust, "Oh and we think he did this to Chase?" Zuma said. "We know nothing at this point we won't know anything either" Marshall said. "How did the fire start?" Rocky asked, "that house was so old dude it could have been so many things but we have arson looking into it" Marshall said, "That house exploded uncle Marshall clear as day" Max said. "Yes but a number of things could cause and explosion like that, from a broke gas valve to fault wiring like it really honestly could have been anything" Marshall said. "A bomb is out of the question?" Max said, "well no but at this point there is nothing left of the house so finding anything is going to be like finding a needle in a haystack" Marshall said. "This is dumb I mean I am starting to get as impatient as the kids" Zoe said, Zuma walked up to the desk, "when are we going to hear anything on Chase Chapman his family is right there they need something" Zuma said. "I will find out but when the Dr. has something to say she will let you know" the nurse said. Zuma sat back down she was not helpful at all, it has been 2 and half hours now and nothing it was like torture.

Katie arrived at the hospital, "anything on Chase?" she asked, "no nothing how is Jax grandma?" Max said. "He is hanging in there, it was touch and go there for a bit but he is stable and hanging on for us" Katie said. "I just feel like we have been here forever and aren't getting anything" Skye said, a few more minutes of waiting and Dr. Shepard finally came out she sighed at the waiting room. "I don't have good news, right now everything is critical, Chase has suffered a major head injury and we at this point don't know to what extent he is currently in a coma and on life support. We were able to stop the internal bleeding and he is on the mend there, he has several broken bones and we were able to fix those, he does also have some burns but they will heal in time. Right now the head injury is my main concern and I can't give you anymore information than that and I am sorry. He is in ICU and I can allow him 1 visitor at a time. I know you are all anxious to see him but I would like to keep it family only" Dr. Shepard said. Skye broke down she literally couldn't stand on her feet and Rocky had to steady her. 

Katie was the first to go see him and she kissed his head, "please don't leave me like your father, Jax is fighting for you. Fight for him, I love you Chase you will get through this" she said as she kissed him one more time and left the room. Skye went in with the kids as Dr. Shepard allowed it, "mommy, is daddy going to die?" Lynne asked, "no and stop saying that word, Dad is the strongest person I know he will not die" Max said as he hugged him. Skye cried even harder he just looked so helpless and literally broken. "I am really sorry but I can only let one of you stay" Dr. Shepard said. "I understand come on guys we need to go" Skye said trying to keep it together for them. "Who is staying with dad mom?" Max said, "I don't know" Skye said as she wanted to stay but she had all of them. Skye was not surprised all her friends were still there, "Skye you stay with him, we will all take care of your kids" Zuma said, "yes babe we have them" Ella said, "if you all think I am leaving my dad you are nuts" Max said. "Max you should let your mom stay with him, she will keep you updated" Marshall said. "I don't want to leave daddy" Orianna said, all 4 of them broke down and Skye hugged them. "I know this is hard but we all need to be strong for daddy, he needs to know we all love him. I promise as soon as I know anything you will all be the first ones I tell" Skye said. "Mom don't let him die please" Max said, "I will try not to but that is all up to your dad" Skye said. She hugged them tight and Zuma and Zoe took them home with them. 

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