Chapter 22

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It was a long night for Zoe and she was exhausted, she knew Wyatt and Zola would be awake soon. "Babe we can't leave Callie there when they wake up" Zoe said, "Why? do you want me to leave you?" Zuma asked confused. "No of course not but at least have an adult there to help her. Like one of our mom's or Chase or Skye someone please Zuma" Zoe said. "Okay I will get someone" Zuma said as he called his parents and his mother agreed to go get the kids. "My mom is going" Zuma said. "Good thank you now please get her out" Zuma said, "I would if I could hang in there babe" Zuma said as Dr. Samson walked into the room. "We ready to start pushing?" she asked. "Yes please get her out" Zoe said, Dr. Samson checked Zoe and she knew that she was ready. "Okay next contraction big strong push for me" she said as Zoe felt it and pushed, Annabelle was born February 10th at 530 am. "She looks beautiful, we are just going to have her checked out and then you can see her" Dr. Samson said.

Zoe was nervous knowing she had the heart condition and she just wanted to see her baby girl, she was nervous. After an hour a nurse came in with her, "she looks good, there is no complications with her heart. She will need checkups every 6 months for the first few years but there is no reason why she shouldn't be perfectly fine" Dr. Samson said coming in with the nurse. Zoe held her and cried, "you are beautiful Annabelle" Zoe said as she kissed her head, Zuma's parents came in with Wyatt and Zola. "Hey guys meet your sister Annabelle" Zuma said to them. "She is cute, and so little" Zola said, "What do you think Wyatt?" Zoe asked her son, "I don't know" Wyatt said he still wasn't sure about having 2 sisters. Zoe and Annabelle stayed in the hospital overnight before they were allowed to go home. They were settling in nicely as a new family of 5 and hoping Annabelle was a good sleeper.

Trevor on the other hand was planning a date night with Alyssa and he wanted it to be perfect. The only thing he needed was a decent babysitter, and he was having trouble finding one. Trevor called Everest, "hey Trevor everything okay?" Everest said as she answered, "I hope so I am planning and date night with Alyssa and I need a babysitter are any of your kids available tomorrow night?" Trevor asked. "I know Callie and Josh aren't but Riley just completed her babysitting course and she would love to" Everest said. "Think Riley can handle Jasper? I mean he is not exactly easy" Trevor said. "She can she is tough, and if she needs help she can always call me or Marshall" Everest said. "Okay if she is willing then I will give her a chance" Trevor said, "perfect she won't let you down" Everest said. Riley was standing in front of her, "you want to babysit tomorrow for Alyssa and Trevor?" Everest asked. "My first job and I am watching Jasper?" Riley said, "yup you excited?" Everest asked her, "more like terrified that kids cries if you look at him wrong" Riley said. "Have a little faith Riley maybe he has changed" Everest said, "I doubt it but alright I guess I will try" Riley said, "that's the spirit" Everest said giving her a hug.

The next day Riley was super nervous a she arrived at Alyssa and Trevor's house, " come in, thank you Riley for agreeing to doing this" Trevor said. "No problem thanks for giving me a chance" Riley said. "Jasper has eaten dinner and he we try to get him down for bed around 730, he will most likely cry for the first bit. We give him a bottle of milk around 7 and let him watch one show. Then he gets his teeth brushed a story and then its lights out" Trevor said, "Okay and if he doesn't sleep?" Riley asked nervous, "he will eventually fall asleep, he just needs to know that you are there and he usually calms down. We shouldn't be home to late" Trevor said. Alyssa came down and Jasper was with her. "Jasper you remember Riley, she is going to stay here with you tonight" Alyssa said. "No mama" Jasper said, "yes it will be fun you will love her, be a good boy, we love you" Alyssa said giving him a kiss. Trevor did as well and they left, leaving a very upset Jasper behind. It hadn't even been 10 minutes in and Riley was already regretting it, she tried everything to calm him down, and finally he looked at her. "Cookie" he said, "oh um are you allowed to have a cookie?" Riley asked him, "yes" Jasper said, Riley had a feeling he was lying but she would do anything. She found cookies and gave him one as he ate it and played with his toys. Riley played with him and things were going decent for right now, then she brought him his milk and turned a show on. Jasper drank his milk then threw a fit as she brushed his teeth. Riley let Jasper pick out his story and as she read it she noticed him falling asleep and she thought perfect until she left. "No sit" Jasper said, "okay" Riley said as she sat and every time she would try to leave he would wake up.

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