Chapter 79

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Klea went straight to Riley's house she needed to assure her best friend that they were still good. "What are you doing here?" Riley asked as she opened the door. "I came to apologize, I am so sorry I was being an idiot. I want to be friends with you not them" Klea said. "I hope so Klea because they are bad news" Riley said. "I know I am sorry besties?" Klea asked, "yes we are still besties" Riley said as she invited her inside and they ran upstairs. "We hanging out tomorrow too?" Klea asked. "I can't I am babysitting" Riley said, "Oh okay well lets make the best of it tonight then" Klea said as they watched a movie in Riley's room. Owen was trying to figure out if he wanted this new baby, he was with his dad in the living room. "Dad is the new baby going to be mom's favorite?" Owen asked, "what no of course not, you mom doesn't have a favorite honey. She loves you all the same" Marshall told him. "Everyone at school says that a new baby means that mom won't pay attention to me anymore and I will be second fiddle to it whatever that means" Owen said. "Owen people at school are wrong, your mom and I will never stop loving you. The baby is going to be a lot of work yes but we will always be here for you no matter what. You need to tell us if something is bothering you and we will always try to fix it okay" Marshall said. "Okay dad can I go to work with you again sometime?" Owen asked, "I will have to see bud, I am not sure, that day was just because I had no other option" Marshall said. "I will be good I promise please" Owen said, "I will have to see I can't promise anything though" Marshall said. Owen smiled he hoped his dad could figure something out, he really loved what his dad did and he wanted to be just like him.

The next morning Josh was in the gym early, he was staying with one of the guys on the team. "Davis you are early" the coach said, "yeah couldn't sleep" Josh said, "Well save some for the practice your going to need it" the coach said. "I will coach" Josh said as he kept making baskets, he was practicing his half court shot like his uncle Chase taught him. Things were getting hectic as the team started piling in and they started doing drills. It was a lot faster pace than what Josh was used to but it was the NBA so he didn't expect anything less. If first real game was this weekend and he was super stoked about. He was hoping his family would come out along with Sophie. He didn't expect Max and Chase to come seeing has Max had his accident but he didn't know what was going on there. Josh needed to do a check in with his mom too he hoped she was feeling better about the pregnancy, being in Toronto he felt like had a huge weight on his shoulders. "Davis! you with us?" Scottie asked, "yeah sorry, just have a lot going on" Josh said. "Our first game is Saturday we need you here" the coach said, "I know sorry I am here" Josh said doing a perfect lay up.

Riley was getting ready for school with Klea and as she was leaving she said, "Mom I am going to Zuma's after school to babysit Wyatt and Zola" "I remember yes good luck and if you need me call" Everest said. "I will bye mom love you" Riley said, "Love you too" Everest said as Riley ran out the door. Everest smiled she was happy that Riley was doing much better and that she changed so much in the past year. She thought of Josh and how he was such a big part of that and she hoped he was doing well she missed him. The school day went by fast and Riley was knocking on Zuma's door, "hi, thank you for coming" Zoe said as she had Annabelle already packed up she was going to the doctor today for a follow up. "No problem" Riley said, "Oliver is here as well I hope that is okay, Wyatt wanted a play date and Ella had a last minute client" Zoe said. "Its totally cool" Riley said, "Okay all the numbers are on the fridge, Zuma is off at 7 and I should be home before them dinner is in the oven" Zoe said as she ran out the door. Riley sat on the couch and Zola sat beside her, "they won't talk to me" she said, "Oh well they seem like they are really into that Lego is there something we can do together?" Riley asked her. "I just want to draw" Zola said as she walked away and grabbed her crayons and paper. "Okay then, Riley said as she joined her it had been a long time since she drew anything. "Did you know Wyatt has bipolar disorder?" Zola said. "I didn't know that, oh my goodness" Riley said, "yeah he is better now though mommy and daddy have been working with him on it and he is taking medicine. I wonder sometimes about my parents did you know them?" Zola asked. "Oh um no, but your parents are Zuma and Zoe" Riley said. "They aren't my real parents though, I was adopted" Zola said. "I know but in my mind they are your real parents" Riley said, "did you know my real parents? Do you think they loved me?" Zola asked. "Oh I don't know Zola I don't want to say the wrong thing here" Riley said. "Its cool I love my life now so I am not worried" Zola said, Riley noticed that Wyatt and Oliver left the living room. "Zola did you see where our brother went?" Riley asked her, "Nope" Zola said as she continued drawing, "Okay please stay here" Riley said as she went to check upstairs.

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