Chapter 39

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Skye came home shortly after and kissed everyone and noticed Max was missing, "he's upstairs I do need to go talk to him though" Chase said. Skye nodded as she started on dinner and Chase knocked on his son's door. "Come in" Max said knowing it was one of his parents, "hey bud you doing okay?" Chase asked. "I am fine dad" Max said, "you say that but is it the truth? your sisters seemed concerned about the bully" Chase said. "It really isn't that big of a deal, I am not letting it bother me. I needed to sit beside Lynne and Leila and Orianna was being dumb. I honestly could have avoided all of this is she would have helped me" Max said. "You are blaming your sister for this?" Chase asked, "Sort of yes, I mean if she let one of the twins sit with her then I would have had to sit next to Drew and he wouldn't have bullied me, but no she had to sit with Penelope" Max said with frustration. "I see well as long as you are good it shouldn't matter, I am proud of you for not letting the bully get to you but please be careful Max" Chase said. "I will be fine dad" Max said as he went back to his homework. Chase went back down and spoke to Orianna next. "Princess come sit with me for a sec" Chase said, "what is up Daddy?" Orianna said sitting next to him. "You need to help your brother out at school with your sisters, I know you want to hang out with your friends but you are also their big sister. Max helped out a lot with you and since there is 2 of them its harder for him. So please help me and mommy out by helping your sisters at school" Chase said. "They were fine, but okay daddy I will help" Orianna said. "Thank you princess" Chase said as he kissed her head and let her continue to play. Chase's phone rang and he sighed, "Detective Chapman" he answered. "Guess who" Ian said, "is it bad?" Chase said. "Define bad?" Ian said, "you know sometimes you think your funny" Chase said, "in this case nothing really funny about it, yes Chase its bad" Ian said. "Alright I am coming" Chase said as he said goodbye to everyone and left.

Zoe was having a hard day Annabelle would just not let up, she cried the majority of the day and Zoe even took her to the ER but was told she was fine. Zoe was not convinced her baby screaming all day was an indication that she was clearly not fine, "mommy why is she so angry?" Zola asked. "I don't know sweet girl, she is just having some issues today" Zoe said, "where is daddy?" Zola asked. "He is working he should be home soon" Zoe said, "Can I help?" Zola asked, "yes you can go find your brother for me" Zoe said, "okay" Zola said as she ran upstairs to find Wyatt. Zola found him in his room he was building Lego, "hey mom wants you downstairs" Zola said, "its to loud down thewe" Wyatt said, "I know but mommy needs you" Zola said as she went back downstairs. Wyatt followed her even though he didn't want too, "what mommy?" Wyatt said, "baby do me a favor and go next door and get aunty Skye okay" Zoe said, "okay" Wyatt said as he ran across the street and knocked on the door. "Hey bud everything okay?" Skye asked, "nope my mom needs you" Wyatt said, "okay, Max honey just watch your sisters I am just going next door" Skye said as she followed Wyatt. Skye heard the problem as soon as she walked in, "Skye this has been going on all day, the doctors said she is fine but like I can't handle it anymore" Zoe said. "Chase is the baby whisperer but he is at work, has she been eating?" Skye asked, "not really, but I took her to the ER early and was told she was fine, she has no fever and they said her heart is fine" Zoe said. "I don't know Zoe I am sorry" Skye said, "Its fine I am not even sure why I asked you here I just am exhausted" Zoe said, "Zuma is at work?" Skye asked, "yes but I am hoping he is going to be home soon" Zoe said, "Okay let me take Wyatt and Zola next door and you can sort her out" Skye said, "thanks that would actually help" Zoe said, "no problem" Skye said as Wyatt and Zola followed Skye and they played with Orianna outside. 

Zoe did everything she could to calm Annabelle down and was finally able to get her to eat something. Once Annabelle ate she finally fell asleep and Zoe could feel the tension lift off her shoulders as Zuma came home. "Rough day?" Zuma asked, "yes I finally got her to sleep she cried all day, I am so tired" Zoe said. "I am sorry babe I am here go get some sleep or have a bath. Where are Wyatt and Zola?" Zuma asked, "next door, I needed a break and Skye offered" Zoe said, "Okay go get a bath I will go get them and deal with Annabelle" Zuma said, Zoe kissed him she was thankful he was home. Zuma brought his 2 kids home and helped them get ready for bed. "Night daddy" Zola said, " night baby girl, I love you" Zuma said, "I love you too" Zola said as she fell asleep, Zuma tucked in Wyatt as he was also asleep. Zuma loved this room so much every time he was in it he thought of Rubble. He was the inspiration behind it and he loved how his son was following in Rubble's footsteps he felt it kept his spirit alive. Zoe was able to get some much needed rest and Zuma dealt with Annabelle who did sleep for a decent amount of time.

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