Chapter 52

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Josh was a bit nervous as he knocked on Rocky and Ella's door, they weren't expecting him so it was as surprise. "Josh honey, Sophie is at school, but she will  be so excited to see you" Ella said. "I have seen her actually, this morning but I am here to speak to both you and Rocky if that is okay" Josh said. "Of course come in, I will just get Carlie settled and get Rocky" Ella said. "Thanks" Josh said as he took a seat on the couch, Rocky came upstairs he had no idea what Josh was going to say, Ella was able to get Carlie playing with some toys. "You have our full attention honey" Ella said. "Okay I am not exactly sure how this is going to go, but I just want to say I respect you decision either way" Josh said. "I am not sure I like where this is going" Rocky said, "I assure you its nothing bad and I am asking you out of respect first so Sophie doesn't get her hopes up" Josh said. "Okay Rocky, let the boy finish please" Ella said, "I am hoping to get into the basketball camp this summer and see if I am eligible to play for the raptors. I know it is a big ask and I won't be disappointed in your answer. I know its going to be pretty busy with my schedule but I was hoping Sophie could come stay with me for a bit over the summer" Josh said. "I am sorry what?" Rocky said, "Well Rocky sir I just won't have a lot of time to come back and forth and I don't really like her driving so much by herself. I was just hoping she could stay longer than just for the night. I promise nothing will happen and I will keep her safe" Josh said. "I don't know" Rocky said, "Josh honey we will discuss and it get back to you" Ella said, "okay thank you, and I just wanted to say that I love her very much and she will always be safe with me" Josh said as he said goodbye and left.

Rocky looked at Ella and said, "I know what you are thinking, and I am not sure I am okay with it" "I get that but think about it this way, you worry about her driving by herself, so does he. I think it would be good for her to see more of Josh. She is always so sad, honey this way she won't be depressed all summer. Despite what you think I trust Josh and I know our little girl will be safe with him. She is a good girl Rocky, and we need to let her live her life, she is almost 17 years old. She will be going into grade 12 and it will give you more time to spend with Oliver" Ella said. "I spend enough time with Oliver, babe you are telling me you are comfortable with her spending several nights with her boyfriend 3 hours away from us?" Rocky asked, "yes because I trust her, and Oliver just told me the other day he misses you so I feel you don't spend enough time with him" Ella said. "Okay I will spend more time with him, he does seem interested in what I do, but I still feel uncomfortable with this" Rocky said. "I know but you are going to allow it Rocky, we need to let her figure this out, keeping her distanced from him is not healthy either. If we want to find out if Josh is her forever we need to let her experience it" Ella said. "I don't want her to find her forever" Rocky said. "Keep in mind here mister hypocrite we were 15 when we met and you are my forever. Sophie is 16 and a lot more mature than you were at her age, so before you make a choice I know you will regret you think about that" Ella said as she kissed him and took Sophie for a walk. 

Rocky did think about it long and hard he knew Ella had a valid point but was he really ready to let his daughter be with her boyfriend on a long term basis. Rocky needed to think so he went where he did his best thinking and sat down. "Hey Rubble buddy, I need some advice. I am not sure I am ready to let Sophie grow up. I can't understand what is holding me back, I know I don't want to make the wrong choice here. I just don't want her to get hurt like I did, how much my life sucked, I want to be a good father unlike mine but the more I push the worse I feel. Am I a terrible father?" Rocky asked his friend. Of course he knew he wasn't going to get a reply but just being in front of Rubble's grave made him feel better. "You are not a terrible father Rocky, in fact you are a great father and need to stop doubting yourself" a voice said. Rocky looked up to see Zuma. "I was terrified for a second there, I thought you were Rubble" Rocky said, "if only I wish, I come here all the time and seek advice too" Zuma said. "Thanks Zuma, Josh just asked us if Sophie could spend more days with him in Toronto over the summer and I am not sure how to feel about it" Rocky said. "I see well I say if Sophie has done well in school, give her the chance too. Josh is a good kid and she will be safe with him, but I of course know where you are coming from I am so not ready for Zola to date" Zuma said. "Its a nightmare, you just wait, but I do trust her and him, that is not my problem" Rocky said. "What is the problem then?" Zuma asked, "the sleeping together part she is only 16" Rocky said. "Soon to be 17 yes but need I remind you Josh was conceived at 15 so I am pretty sure we know how he feels on the subject. Rocky trust your instincts but most importantly trust hers, Sophie is a smart girl and she will not ever do anything that she is uncomfortable with" Zuma said. "I know you are right, okay and thanks Rubble" Rocky said, "hey I did all the work there" Zuma said, "I know and thanks Zuma but something about being here with him helped too" Rocky said, "I feel that I came here to ask him to protect Annabelle" Zuma said. "Awe and I am sure he will, how is she doing?" Rocky asked, "she is getting better her heart is still doing really well and Dr. Yang thinks we can bring her home soon" Zuma said, "that is great news." Rocky said as he left and let Zuma have his time with Rubble alone.

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