Chapter 112 (final)

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Dr. Shepard came out and said, "Chase and Skye, Max is stable for now but he did overdose on whatever it was he was given. It was a high amount of cocaine and fentanyl. He is very lucky to be alive right now. We do have him on a ventilator at the moment as he did suffer a heart attack and given that he is only 13 we are monitoring him closely. You will be able to go see him shortly" she said. "Chase?" Skye said looking to him for some sort of explanation, "Max stuck his nose where it didn't belong once again, the guy that Ian and I have been trying to track down took him and his friends. He realized Max was my son and took advantage of that as he injected him with his drug that is killing teens, I arrested him and his partner but Max almost died and I am sorry" Chase said lowering his head. "I am not blaming you for this, Max went too far this time. I swear that boy is going to end up getting himself into more trouble one day and we won't be able to stop him" Skye said, Orianna, Lynne and Leila just sat there worried for their brother. They were finally taken back to see Max and they all sat around him, hoping that he would be okay.

"I will be moving him to a private room here shortly, we are going to keep a really close on him over the next 24 hours. I am hoping he will be able to come off the ventilator then, for now let's just let him rest" Dr. Shepard said. Chase nodded and Skye just looked sick, no one really knew what to do or say. "I can't believe he had a heart attack" Skye said, "well he wouldn't have had one if he didn't get injected with a deadly drug, he is lucky it didn't kill him" Chase said. "I think he is lucky you are our dad" Orianna said. "I would never have found him if Hunter didn't come, I never even thought the guys I was looking for took him. I just don't understand after everything he has been through why he always insists on getting into trouble" Chase said. "He has your stubborn spirit, like you said he is meant to be a cop Chase. I recall you being the same way always wanting to help and getting yourself in tight situations" Skye said. "A lot of the times I was hurt were not my fault, this could have been prevented had he just minded his own business. I mean I can tell even Hunter has had enough of his constant need to help, one of these days I am not going to be able to save him" Chase said. "Nonsense daddy you will always be able to save him you are a superhero" Leila said. Chase laughed, "thanks baby girl, I am going to call grandma to come get you guys" Chase said. "We want to stay daddy" Orianna said, "sorry girls you have school in the morning" Chase said as he called his mom. 

"Why is my grandson always hurt?" Katie said as she agreed to come pick up the girls, "he insists on getting himself into trouble, I swear he is going to turn my hair grey as he gets older" Chase said. "I know the feeling" Katie said as she hung up and drove to the hospital to pick up the girls. Katie managed to take the girls home even though it was a huge protest, while Chase and Skye stayed behind watching over their son. Chase looked up to see Hunter, "I just came to make sure he was alive" Hunter said. "He is thanks to you" Skye said, "well I am not sure I can't keep doing this. He is my best friend but I am done like I almost died today for him, he is just lucky I know how to throw a punch" Hunter said. "I know and Hunter we are very sorry for that, I promise you he will be grounded for life after this. I hope your hand heals quick" Chase said. "Thanks and just let him know I am still here" Hunter said as he walked away. Hunter went to tell Korra that Max was okay, as he knocked on her door. "Hey is he okay?" Korra asked, "he is alive yes but he is far from okay, he is very lucky" Hunter said. "To have a friend like you yes and so am I" Korra said as she kissed him. "Woah" Hunter said, "you saved my life today and I thank you for that" Korra said as he hugged him and went back inside. Hunter stood their stunned for a few seconds did she really just kiss him and what did it mean.

The next 24 hours were critical for Max, but Dr. Shepard kept an eye on him, and his blood pressure finally remained in normal range. "I think it's time for us to take this out, see if he can breathe on his own" she said. Skye and Chase looked at each other and just hoped, they couldn't even stand the idea of losing him. They watched as Dr. Shepard turned the ventilator off and Max's breathing stabilized, she took the breathing tube out. "Alright he is out of the woods, he will need to take it easy for a few days and no more drugs for him" Dr. Shepard said. "You are telling us he won't be leaving the house until he is 30" Skye said. Chase laughed, "no offense but I am not sure I want him living there until he is 30" Chase said. Max slowly opened his eyes, "mom, dad?" he said. "How you feeling bud?" Chase asked, "I am not sure what happened?" he asked not really remembering. "You stuck your nose where it didn't belong again" Chase said, "I am sorry dad but I knew you were trying to catch them. I was going to call you but he came out of nowhere and took us. I killed Hunter and Korra" Max said starting to cry. "Max, Hunter and Korra are fine, in fact it was Hunter who saved your life. Despite everything that you do he still cares and just wants to be your friend minus all the drama" Chase said. "They are alive?" Max said, "yes and so are you, now get some rest" Chase said. "I am sorry mom" Max said, "its fine honey I am just glad you are alive, but you are grounded until further notice" Skye said. "I figured, but the drugs were not really my fault" Max said. "Yes but it could have all been prevented had you just minded your own business" Chase said as Max nodded and fell asleep. Skye went home to relieve Katie from the girls and to let them all know Max was going to be fine. 

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