Chapter 66

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Chase looked at his niece before leaving, "Callie you are sure nothing happened?" he asked her, "I am sure uncle Chase, Jax was there at the perfect moment, and now I am determined to be a better cop and stop[ punks like him" Callie said. "That is my girl" Chase said as he hugged her and went home. Everest was yet again super thankful to Chase he was honestly amazing at his job and she appreciated him so much. "Callie I am so  happy you are okay, you would tell me if something was bothering you right?" Everest said. "I am okay mom I promise, I will get stronger so that doesn't happen again. Plus I really like Melissa and I think we are going to work really well together" Callie said. "Good I am glad, I love you Callie" Everest said, "I love you to mom" Callie said hugging her knowing her mom's constant worrying is probably what saved her. Callie headed up to bed and Josh was at her door, "I am leaving in the morning and I am worried for you" he said. "I am good I am just weak and need to work on that" Callie said, "you are not weak Callie, you are strong and smart and your determination will make you great at your job" Josh said, "thanks Josh, good luck this week, I will pray for you to make it into the NBA" Callie said. "Thanks but even if I don't I will get to come back here and be  with Sophie" Josh said, "you really like her eh?" Callie said. "More than I can put into words, you know its weird I never really thought anything of it until I found out she liked me. I know how we ended up together was a little rough but Callie she is everything. I want to show her the world and have her by my side every step of the way" Josh said. "That is sweet, I wish I had that" Callie said, "you have Dylan" Josh said, "Dylan is an idiot and I can guarantee he doesn't feel that way for me, the way you described your love for Sophie she is so lucky to have you in her life. You are amazing and I am glad you are my brother" Callie said. "Thanks Callie I think that is the nicest thing you have ever said to me, I have a long day tomorrow though so goodnight and please stay out of trouble" Josh said. "I will try I promise" Callie said as she closed her door and went to bed, Josh made sure to have everything he needed before leaving in the morning.

Sophie woke up the next morning she was sad she couldn't go back with Josh but she knew her parents would let her eventually. They probably wanted a few days to themselves and she would be stuck babysitting but she wasn't going to complain. Sophie was determined to do whatever it took to spend as much time with Josh over the summer as she could. It was 10 am and she finally made her way downstairs and she screamed when she saw him, "UNCLE TUCK!!!!" as she hugged him. "Hey girlie! I missed you" Tuck said, "oh my gosh I can't believe you are here!" Sophie said, "it was time I was do for a trip plus my friends needed me they lost someone special" Tuck said. "Yeah I hate that but how long are you here?" Sophie asked, "just a few days I need to get back to work. Tell me how is the boyfriend?" Tuck asked, "Oh my um uncle Tuck he is amazing. He makes me feel like I am floating and like I am the only person in his life. I love him so much I can't describe it" Sophie said, "sounds un real and Josh is a good kid, I am glad you are doing good" Tuck said. "I am how is Tracker is he here too?" Sophie asked, "yes he is with Skye right now, but I am trying to bond with this little lady and she is giving me a death stare" Tuck said referring to Carlie. "Yeah she is a hard read, huge daddy's girl so good luck" Sophie said as she grabbed some food. "You at one point were a huge daddy's girl too" Tuck said, "she still is" Ella said from the kitchen. "Well I mean I can't blame them Rocky is a pretty cool guy, and I am glad he is taking such good care of my sister and her family" Tuck said. "I agree Rocky is pretty awesome, and he is an amazing dad" Ella said as Rocky walked upstairs and gave Ella a kiss. "Thanks babe, Sophie you busy today?" Rocky asked, "yes I am hanging with uncle tuck!" Sophie said, "good you can help him babysit I need to take your mom somewhere nice" Rocky said, "Okay but spare me the details please" Sophie said as both Ella and Tuck laughed. 

Zoe was having a day today, Annabelle did not sleep good and Zuma had to go to work. Wyatt was currently yelling at her because she told him he needed to clean up his Lego, and Zola was trying to to calm down Annabelle. Zoe had a major headache going on and she just couldn't get rid of it and she needed some help. "Wyatt please stop yelling you are not going to get anything with that attitude" Zoe said. "No mommy I want to play Lego!" Wyatt said, "then take it to your room, the pieces are to little and I don't want Annabelle to choke" Zoe said. "She won't" Wyatt said, "Wyatt please just do what I asked, I don't need this today" Zoe said, "I just brought them out here" Wyatt said, "Wyatt if you don't take them back to your room I will take them away and you won't get them back" Zoe said as she was losing her patients. "I hate you!" Wyatt said as he cleaned up taking this Lego to his room and slamming the door. Those words stung Zoe a bit but she needed to deal with Annabelle who was currently crying, Zola went to see her brother, "Wyatt that wasn't nice, mommy only asked you to clean up your toys" Zola said, "go away Zola, I never asked you for your opinion" Wyatt said. "What has gotten into to you, why are you so angry?" Zola asked. "GO AWAY!!!" Wyatt yelled at her, Zoe at this point knew something was up with Wyatt. The last few days he has been not listening and really getting angry over the littlest things. She decided to call her mom and see if she could help with Zola and Annabelle she needed to get behind this Wyatt problem. If there was even a problem and her mom agreed to come over. Once Zoe's mom arrived she went up to Wyatt's room and knocked before going in, "Wyatt baby what is going on?" Zoe asked, "Mom please I am busy"  Wyatt said, "Wyatt honey I get you are super into this and you can play after, but I need to know what is going on?" Zoe said. "Nothing mom okay please go away" Wyatt said, "is something bothering you?" Zoe said, "no, I just need to build this" Wyatt said, Zoe was extremely worried. She decided to leave him for now and do some research, she knew that she needed to do something. The more research Zoe did the more worried she became, "Mom I think something is wrong with Wyatt" Zoe said, "he is fine honey, you are just overreacting" Angela said. "No mom like his mood changes so quickly and he is angry most of the time. He hardly eats anymore and I am just so worried" Zoe said. "I think he is fine but if you are worried take him to a doctor and explain your concerns" Angela said. "I guess, okay can you watch the girls?" Zoe asked, "yes honey" Angela said as Zoe went to get Wyatt.

Zoe of course knew that getting him to leave the house right now would be a major problem, Wyatt was angry and she knew it was going to be a challenge. Zoe managed to get him in the car and he yelled the entire time, she felt like he was going to give her a nervous breakdown. Once they arrived at the clinic, she was seen quickly as she did call ahead and they had an appointment available. Zoe explained to Dr. Pearson what was going on, Zoe was just thankful there was Lego in the toy section as he went to play with it. "He is having major mood swings, and doesn't seem to want to focus on anything other than his Lego, he snaps at everyone who talks to him. He has barely eaten his food the last few days and I am noticing he gets up in the middle of the night at times as well" Zoe said. "I see, there could be a number of things it can be and although he is still young it is not uncommon to see this in children his age. From what you are describing to me it sounds like he might have a minor form of bipolar, I will need to observe him a little bit and see if there is way to treat this without medication. If not we can prescribe him a small dose and see if that helps. I don't want you to panic about this Zoe, given that he was premature and had a hard beginning, the fact you are noticing this now is a good thing and we can get behind it early" Dr. Pearson said. "Bipolar, oh my gosh I did some research and this sounds scary" Zoe said. "I assure you it isn't, and if its treated early and properly then everything will go back to normal with him and there shouldn't be any other concerns" Dr. Pearson said. Zoe was so worried but she was determined to help him any way she could, Dr. Pearson went to observe Wyatt and he did notice over the course of the hour his mood. He did feel like he had a mild form of bipolar but also a little OCD as well. Dr. Pearson gave Zoe and couple of prescriptions and told her to bring him back in 2 weeks time. Zoe was so worried about her baby but she was going to help in every way she could. Zoe filled the prescriptions and told everything to her mom. "He is to young for this my goodness, we will make sure he is alright" Angela said. Wyatt seemed to be doing okay as long as no one talked to him, he was just determined with his Lego and didn't want anyone to interrupt him. Zoe needed Zuma to come home she wanted to tell him and have him tell her everything was going to be alright.

Callie's second day of work went a lot better and Melissa as promised drove her home, they didn't have that much of an exciting day. Callie enjoyed it as Melissa made it a lot of fun and Callie was learning a lot from her. Chase  was able to spend the day with Orianna as she really needed it, he knew he had been working a lot. "I love you daddy" Orianna said, "I love you to princess" Chase said. "Can we go camping?" Orianna asked, "sure maybe this weekend and we can go as a family" Chase said, "or jus us?" Orianna asked, "nah we need to hang out all of us together" Chase said. "Okay sounds good, but can we do something just you and me while we are camping?" Orianna asked. "Sure princess, now go help mommy set the table for dinner" Chase said. Orianna did and Skye was thankful he said it because she knew if she asked Orianna would say no and freak out. Zoe texted Skye and told her everything about Wyatt and she was hoping everything worked out. She felt like it sucked and they hoped Zuma and Zoe could work through it together. Skye assured her that they would help in anyway they could, Skye's phone rang and she answered. "Hello" Skye  said, "hey Skye how are you James here, so I noticed this young artist. We have no idea who she is and we can't find her songs anymore, she just vanished I did notice you reached out to her and I was wondering if you heard back? We would love to talk to her" James said. Skye knew Sophie wanted to figure things out first and that her songs were personal. "No I never did hear back, I do hope you find her though and if I ever do hear anything I will let you know" Skye said. "Thanks Skye" James said as he hung up, Skye made a note to talk to Sophie and see where her head was at. She wanted to let her know that the music industry was interested in her and that if she wanted to there was the option. 

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