Chapter 29

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As soon as Skye came home Chase kissed her and left, he knew Max would fill her in or Orianna. Klea  followed Chase outside and he sighed. "I want to help" she said, "I appreciate it but I don't need you getting hurt, please Klea you can help by staying here" Chase said to her as he climbed into his cruiser. Klea was disappointed but she went inside she never understood why she couldn't help, she was good at solving things. Chase arrived at the station and the chief filled him in, "he is in fact Sam's son we did a test, I am not sure why he is so angry at you and he's fighting us tooth and nail right now. Says he never did anything wrong and we can't hold him" chief said. "He threatened me and my kid, but regardless how old is he?" Chase asked, "16 which means the woman Sam kept bringing in to see him is his mother, maybe you will have better luck he is in room 5" the chief said. "He is just a kid man he seemed so much older, I'm not sure what I can do but I need to figure this out" Chase said walking into room 5.

"I had a feeling I'd see you eventually, come to get what you deserve?" Kyle said, "what is it you think I deserve?" Chase asked curious, "you killed my father right here in cold blood and no one did anything you murdered him" Kyle said. "For the amount of crap your father did to me he is lucky I killed him so quickly, he threatened me enough and you are still a kid you have your whole life ahead of you. Don't  waste it on revenge for a man that was never around" Chase said. "He could have been there if you didn't look him up and kill him" Kyle said, "your father was a bad person but regardless if you want to be locked up keep going" Chase said. "You don't scare me detective and I didn't do anything wrong, and trust me I know my rights. You will not see me coming and I will get my revenge and it will make an impact trust me" Kyle said. Chase left the room he knew they couldn't hold him but he would need to figure something out. Getting his family somewhere safe was step one.

Chase explained to the chief and even though he did threaten Chase it wasn't enough to hold him for long as he was just a kid. Chase drove home and Skye was feeding the kids. "Babe" Chase said going upstairs and Skye followed letting Klea and Max know to keep an eye on the twins. "Chase everything okay, Max mentioned a threat but didn't understand" Skye said. "Skye he is Sam's son and is pissed at me for killing his dad, he is 16 and wants me to pay for what I did. I want you to take the kids on a trip, take whoever you need to but you can't stay here" Chase said. "You should come, I don't want to worry about you" Skye said, " I will be fine, just get the kids somewhere safe and I can handle the rest." Chase said. Skye kissed him and worried she always worried. Skye had no idea where to take them but it needed to be somewhere Max wouldn't feel left out with a broken leg. She figured they would leave in the morning as it was late and the twins were tired.

There was a knock on the door and Chase answered it was Klea's mom, "I managed to secure an apartment here and a job Klea we don't have to leave, thank you so much for caring for her" Rebecca said, "you are welcome, I hope everything works out and she doesn't give you to much grief" Chase said as Klea packed her things and left with her mom. Chase was relieved she was gone it was one less person Skye would have to worry about, he went up to bed and cuddled his wife hoping things went okay and he dealt with Kyle safely. Max was of course not having it he didn't want to go on a trip and leave his dad with a lunatic and now Klea was gone with her mom and it was up to him. 

The next morning Skye was getting the girls ready to leave, "mom can I stay?" Max asked, "no you can't" Skye said as she packed some clothes. "Please mom I can help and I have a broken leg what fun will a trip be for me. Plus I am still sick and could get sicker" Max whined, "No end of discussion" Skye said. "You are no fair!" Max yelled at her as he grabbed his crutches and left the house, "MAX!" Skye yelled getting Chase's attention as he was coming down the stairs, "he is upset about leaving you" Skye said. "Got it" Chase said following him out the door, it didn't take long for him to catch up. "Max, what you are doing bud is not helping. Mom needs you to help take care of your sisters" Chase said. "Who is going to take care of you?" Max asked, "Jax and the entire police department, Max I have it handled okay. I have done this before you haven't and I really don't need you getting hurt anymore than you already are" Chase said. "This trip is going to suck, I mean I have a broken leg and can't do anything" Max said. "You don't know that your mom might have something planned" Chase said. "Right whatever" Max said as he went back to the house, Chase sighed this kid as a teenager was going to be a lot of work. 

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