Chapter 53

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Riley has always walked to the beat of her own drum and has literally overcome a lot in her life, she has also changed a lot. She went from being a loner to getting involved with some shady kids to becoming more independant. She made some pretty fantastic friends and was finally in a good place and Josh didn't want a boy to turn all that around for her he just hoped his girl could help. Josh fell asleep after checking in with Callie, he was making sure she was safe too, and he was thinking about Sophie. The next morning Riley was getting ready for school, and she made sure to just be herself. She knew that she was not the prettiest girl in her school and her clothes were not sexy but they were comfortable. Riley was not going to be influenced by anyone and she was definitely not going to let anyone push her around anymore. Riley said goodbye to her mom and went to catch her bus, Klea was waiting for her, "girl you look good" Klea said, "thanks, I thought so too" Riley said as she was dressed in a pair of ripped jeans, and a white t shirt with a red hoodie to go with it. "Do you like Jared?" Klea asked, "I honestly don't know" Riley said. "Don't let what Chantelle says push you into anything, I could tell she was making you uncomfortable" Klea said. "She wasn't it was Jared I could feel him staring at me and I didn't know what it meant" Riley said. "Oh well I don't know" Klea said as they arrived at school, "Klea I will be back okay" Riley said as she walked up to Sophie who just arrived, "hey can I talk to you for a minute" Riley asked her. "Sure" Sophie said as they sat in her car Riley wanted this conversation to be away from everyone.

"I am having some issues, I just found out a boy might like me and I am not sure how to feel" Riley said. "Take it from someone who had a lot of boys chasing after her, don't let any of them take advantage of you, Riley don't go out with the guy if you don't like him back, I did that and some of them were just awful. If you aren't ready to date yet then don't you have lots of time to find that perfect someone" Sophie said. "Thanks and I just want to know how do you get your make up to be so perfect?" Riley asked. "Its not perfect, but yours is and never go past that. You are beautiful Riley and I just watched you tube videos honestly. I never liked a lot of make up anyways" Sophie said. "Thanks and one more thing, one of my friends is pushing me to go out with this guy and I am not sure, I want to decide on my own" Riley said. "As you should, tell your friend to back off, this is something you should decide not them" Sophie said. "Thanks, and how do I know I like a boy?" Riley asked, "well they make your world stop when you see them, you feel like you can't breathe when you are with them. They are all you think about and when they kiss you the butterflies in your stomach literally dance and you feel like you are floating in the clouds" Sophie said. "Wow um okay" Riley said, "sorry that might have been a bit much, just follow your heart Riley and you will make the right choice" Sophie said, as they walked into the school as the bell rang. 

"Did you get the advice you needed?" Klea asked knowing she was talking to Sophie, "yes I did thanks" Riley said. The rest of the day and week went by super fast, and before Josh knew it he was heading back to Toronto. Thankfully Rocky agreed to let Sophie go with him and he was driving back with her. "I um wrote a song, and I want to know if its any good" Sophie said, "you wrote a song?" Josh said, "yeah and I wanted to sing it for you" Sophie said, "I would love that" Josh said as he drove them to his school. Sophie say and Josh was so impressed he had no idea she could even sing like that. "Damn girl that was hot, and literally every word you said was true and yes you make me crazy" Josh said. Sophie blushed, "was it really that good?" Sophie asked, "yes it was sexy as hell too" Josh said, Sophie smiled she liked to sing but she didn't think she was actually that good. "I would do anything for you girl and that song was amazing" Josh said, "thanks I have more but they are not as good" Sophie said. "I think they are fantastic just like you" Josh said. "You don't know that, you haven't heard them" Sophie said, "your right but if they are as good as that one you sang then I know they are perfect" Josh said. "I can sing you another one" Sophie said. "Please" Josh said, Sophie sang another one of the songs she had and Josh was again amazed. "How come you never say for me before?" Josh asked, "I don't know I never thought I was good" Sophie said. "Babe your voice is incredible, like its literally the most beautiful thing I have ever heard" Josh said. "Thanks babe" Sophie said, "oh and you better believe that I would treat you like a queen because you are everything to me" Josh said. Sophie smiled as they pulled up to the university and Josh pulled her in for a kiss. 

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