Chapter 75

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Korra and Hunter were so wishing that their friend would just shut up but Max was not showing fear. He knew his dad was probably out there and that he could de escalate this because in the end he knew Drew didn't want to kill anyone he was just mad. "Come on man just put the gun down, you are being ridiculous" Max said, Drew looked at him and then at his gun and shot it at the ceiling, Max ducked. "Shut up or the next one goes through your face" Drew said, Korra pulled Max closer to him, "please for the love of everything just stop talking!" Hunter said, "he isn't going to kill anyone he is all talk" Max said. "He literally just shot the gun Max!" Korra said, "yes but not at anyone" Max said. "Please Max" Hunter begged his friend, Max knew he had to do something, "Drew you see that laser its aimed right for you, the police know we are in here and well I am sorry man" Max said, Drew looked down but didn't see anything and said "What laser?" Drew said, Max took advantage and charged at him knocking him down and there was a gun shot no one knew what had happened. Chase and Jax entered the room and Chase knelt down to Max. "Max buddy talk to me" Chase said, "did I win dad?" Max said as he closed his eyes, "No bud come on keep your eyes open please!" Chase said as he tried to stop him from bleeding out. Drew was taken away by the police and the paramedics were there, "Chase let me" Jessie said, "MAX!" Chase screamed, "Chase he is alive, please just let me" Jessie said as Chase let her take over. "Why Max?" Chase asked as he watched Jessie keep his son alive, "Detective Chase, I think Max should have kept his mouth shut" Korra said, "What?" Chase said looking at her, "I don't think Drew would have done anything but Max kept pushing him, he wouldn't let up. He tricked him and then tackled him when he shot the gun, I don't think it was on purpose sir" Korra said. Chase just looked at her as he followed Jessie he was furious and he now didn't know what the story was but this  according to Max's friends could have all been avoided.

"Do you really think it would have been fine?" Hunter asked, "yes look how fast after Max tackled him his dad came in, had he just shut up like we asked no one would have been hurt" Korra said. "Oh man but I hope he is okay, he is my best friend" Hunter said, "mine too but he will be okay" Korra said trying to sound positive. Chase was with Max in the ambulance, Ian agreed to take Jax home. "Jessie talk to me" Chase said, "he is stable right now Chase, but the bullet is somewhere inside him I don't know, there is no exit wound. The doctors will be able to tell us more" Jessie said. "Dammit Max! please don't die please" Chase said as he broke down he didn't know if he could handle this. He knew his dad dying broke him but his son would be a different story, he just couldn't lose him. Chase called Skye and she met him at the hospital, "what happened?" Skye said, "I don't know I was to slow babe I didn't make it in time" Chase said as he cried again, "Babe this is not your fault! Was the shooter even going for Max?" Skye asked, Chase couldn't talk he was crying to much. The middle school was shut down for the day and Korra and Hunter made their way to the hospital, "Skye" Hunter said, "Hunter what happened?" Skye asked, "Max pissed him off, he wouldn't stop talking to him. I think he wanted to be the hero and stop this from hurting anyone. Drew was scared I don't think he wanted to hurt anyone and Max knew that, he heard people outside so did we. Max said something about a laser and it distracted Drew long enough for Max to tackle him but the gun went off. I think if Max just left it alone nothing would have happened" Hunter said. "That boy better be okay, I am not sure we can recover from this" Skye said she cried too and Chase hugged her. Marshall was there, "Jessie told me is he okay?" Marshall said, "we haven't heard anything" Skye said, "okay we have the girls don't worry, Everest will bring them to our house with Owen" Marshall said. "Thank you" Skye said as she continued hugging Chase.

"Chase babe please don't beat yourself up over this, it is not on you" Skye said, "I know that,  but it is my fault he is like this. He sees me do all this stuff and he think he can be like me, Hunter is right babe had he kept his mouth shut he would not be dying right now" Chase said, "Chase" Skye said. "Not it is the truth and you know it he is 13 he should no by now when to shut up. I am so fucking scared he is going to die like I can't breathe Skye, I am mad but not at him I just want him to be okay, I need him to be okay" Chase said. "I know babe so do I" Skye said as they waited to hear anything. After what felt like forever, Dr. Shepard came down to talk to them, "Chase, Skye it was a little tricky finding the bullet, we were able to remove it and stop the bleeding. We are not sure how he will be affect from this as we did find the bullet in his spine, so when he wakes up we will go from there" Dr. Shepard said. "Wait so he is paralyzed?" Chase asked, "not necessarily we did find his nerves were in tact we did do a test but for right now until he shows us we don't know the extent of the damage" Dr. Shepard said. "Is he awake?" Skye asked, "he should be soon I will take you to see him" Dr. Shepard said, as Chase and Skye followed her. 

Little humans of the future Paw patrol next generationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora