Chapter 86

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Chase and Ian made it to Chase's house in record time, "Max go inside" Chase said seeing his son at the door. "I want to know what is in the box" Max said, "I don't care go inside now or I will call grandma and make you leave altogether" Chase said. "Fine" Max said as he closed the door, Jax sniffed the box and whined then he sat down, "its safe to open Ian" Chase said, knowing it wasn't going to explode. Ian opened it slowly and almost wished he hadn't, "ugh" he said, "is that a head?" Chase asked, "yup looks somewhat fresh too, there is a note too" Ian said handing it to Chase. "A little gift for you detective, this is what you can look forward to if you don't give me what I want" Chase read it out loud. "I am so tired of all these damn threats, like honestly who is it this time" Chase said. "I don't know I haven't noticed anyone released lately" Ian said, "then it is someone I haven't arrested, take this to the lab and have it tested find out who she is" Chase said. Just then Max opened the door, "um dad you are going to want to see this" Max said and Chase and Ian followed him to the back yard. "Ian please tell me that is not what I think it is" Chase said as he saw the red in his pool. "Um it looks to me like blood, so I can't tell you what you want to hear" Ian said. "Damn it!" Chase said as he called his mom, "hey honey" Katie answered, "hey mom I need you to come get Max and then get the girls from school please" Chase said. "Okay is everything okay?" Katie asked, "No its not" Chase said, "I am coming" Katie said hanging up. "Dad I want to stay" Max said, "no its not safe I have no idea who the threat is and I swear Max if you come anywhere near the house you will be grounded until you are 18 understood" Chae said. "Yes dad" Max said even though he so badly wanted to stay, Katie arrived shortly after and took Max.

"Ian tell me what is going on?" Chase said, "I can't identify the blood it being mixed in the pool is making it near impossible but give me a few minutes, I will have the results of the head here shortly" Ian said. Chase waited for his tech to get the results as he drained his pool he was beyond frustrated. He left a message for Skye to go straight to his mom's after work and not to ask questions. "Chase, I have the results" Ian said, "alright who is she?" Chase asked, "You aren't going to believe this but the head is fake" Ian said. "I'm sorry what?" Chase asked, "Yeah whoever did this made it look so real, I mean it even had fake blood and everything, I have a feeling the blood in the pool was fake too. It was damn convincing" Ian said. "That at least makes me feel a bit better knowing there wasn't a murder" Chase said.

Meanwhile the anonymous threat had the rest of the fake body parts and he gave one to each of Chase's friends and family and left them at the door. Zuma was the first to notice, "Chase" Zuma called him seeing the box. "Ian I think we have a bigger problem" Chase said as he opened the box seeing a hand. "Man this just became a puzzle, I think if we find the rest of the parts we might be able to figure something out" Ian said. "I have a feeling I might know where they are but I need to get everyone safe first I will bring the parts to the station" Chase said. "Roger that" Ian said as he took the parts he did have with him. Chase texted all his friends,

Chase: I need everyone to pack a suitcase and get yourselves to the airport ASAP, I have a threat to deal with and none of you are safe. Please don't ask questions just do it"

Chase ran into his house and packed stuff for his kids and dropped it off with his mom, everyone at this point had questions but they all did what they were told. "Dad what is going on?" Max asked, "nothing Max, mom take them to the airport, Skye is going to fly you all somewhere" Chase said. "This worries me you know, like are you going to be okay?" Katie said, "I will be fine" Chase said but Max worried he didn't believe his dad. Katie went to get the girls and she drove them all to the airport. Skye knew everyone was coming, "Katie what is it this time?" Skye asked, "someone delivered body parts to all of our houses" Max said, "what?" Skye said, "yeah it was at our door someone's head and everyone else received a piece too" Max said. "That is just sick" Skye said as she prepped her plane they had a safe house for this very reason. Callie stayed behind, "Uncle Chase I want to help" she said, "I appreciate that but I don't want to worry about you" Chase said. "I will be fine trust me I am a good cop" Callie said, "I know okay but please if things get to much you promise me you will leave" Chase said. "I promise" Callie said as they headed to the station.

Little humans of the future Paw patrol next generationحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن