Chapter 87

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Max looked behind him and saw Riley, "you didn't have to follow me" Max said, "are you kidding? Of course I did Max you could get hurt" Riley said. "I am already hurt! I can't let my dad be in danger again while I sit around and do nothing. I just can't" Max said, "you have too Max do you know what would happen if you were to get hurt!" Riley said. "Like I said I am already hurt, please go and cover for me with grandma" Max said. "No I am not letting you do this alone" Riley said. Marshall came back at this point and he didn't see Riley or Max, "you guys seen Riley or Max?" Marshall said. "They are just over there" Katie said pointing to nothing, "Oh man they can't be far" Katie feeling bad she didn't noticed her grandkids missing. "Its okay I will go look you stay here with Ryder and the others" Marshall said as he headed in the general direction that Max and Riley did. 

"Well well what do we have here?" the cheetah said she was working with Codi to try and get her cousin out of jail. "This can't be good" Riley said to Max, "nothing go away" Max said to the cheetah, "oh no see you are going to be my leverage" the cheetah said. "You are crazy if you think I am going anywhere with you" Max said. "I had a feeling you would say that so I grabbed something of yours I believe" the cheetah said showing him a sleeping Rex. "REX!" Max said as he moved closer and the cheetah pulled him into the van. "MAX!" Riley said knowing this was not going to be good. "Say bye bye to your friend girlie!" the cheetah said as the van took off and she slammed the door. "NO!" Riley said as Marshall approached her, "Riley where is Max?" he asked, "he was taken in that van they took him dad! and his dog Rex! she said something about using him as leverage" Riley said. "SHIT!" Marshall said, "go back to grandma please Riley I will get Max" Marshall said. "No offense dad but what can you do?" Riley asked, "I can go tell his dad, no you back to grandma now" Marshall said and Riley went back to the hotel they were at and found them all at the pool.

Meanwhile Codi sent a picture to Chase of Max tied up along with his dog with a caption, "Do I have your attention now detective tik tok" Chase was pissed, "FUCK! why is it always MAX!" he said out loud. Skye looked at him, "pardon me? What is going on with Max?" she said looking at her husband. "Nothing" Chase said forgetting she was there, "no you are lying! you tell me right now Chase!" Skye said with anger. Chase showed her the picture and she cried, "I will get him babe" Chase said. "I somehow just don't feel very confident in that statement this is always happening! I am done Chase I can't do this anymore I just can't" Skye said. "Its not like I planned this okay! Fuck Skye its like you blame me for all this" Chase said. "I do Chase! your job has gotten him into more bad situations then he should be in! I will not just sit here while my son is in danger once again because of you!" Skye said. "Woah let's just take a breath and figure this out guys" Rocky said. "No Rocky I have had it! I am done" Skye said, Chase couldn't worry about what she was saying right now he had to get Max back. "Ian I need you to track my kids phone" Chase said hoping Max had it with him. "On it" Ian said as he searched his number, "he is in Foggy Bottom" Ian said. "Of course he is, Callie let's go" Chase said, "wait why are you bringing my daughter into this" Marshall said, "she is a cop and a damn good one I need back up" Chase said. "DO not let her get hurt" Marshall said, "I will be okay daddy I promise" Callie said as she followed her uncle and Jax.

"Skye what did you mean you are done?" Ella said, "I am done! like I am not doing this anymore, I have had it with my kids being in danger" Skye said. "Meaning? you want to divorce him?" Ella asked. "I don't know! ugh I just hate that his job is always putting my kids at risk. I hate this so much Max has been through enough!" Skye said. "Skye before you jump to divorce know this, Chase is doing everything in his power to prevent anything for happening to Max. I also know that Max left on his own and he only was taken because they had Rex. Max is a smart kid and he just wanted to help but I get that it turned bad. It is not Chases' fault Skye and you blaming him for it is just going to make things worse. The kids love him so much and I know you do too, Chase can't control the bad guys, and they know he would do anything to keep his kids safe" Marshall said. "That doesn't make it better, and I know they love him but I just can't do this anymore" Skye said. "I don't blame you Skye it sucks but I think whether you leave him or not people are still going to come after those he loves because they know he would do anything to save them like Marshall said. I really think about this before you do something I know you will regret" Ella said. Skye just stated to cry she knew her friends were right and she just really needed Max to be okay. Ella hugged her friend hoping that Chase and Callie could figure this out,

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