Chapter 19

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Callie finally felt comfortable enough to go home and she was so thankful to Josh, "are you going to tell mom and dad?" she asked her brother. "I don't know are you ever going to do it again?" Josh asked, "No I swear" Callie said, "okay then I won't tell them but Callie if you are going to continue dating Dylan stop letting him convince you to do things. He might be my best friend but you are my sister and our relationship comes first. I would hate to have to stop being friends with him because he hurt you" Josh said. "Okay, but I do like him a lot" Callie said, "okay but please be careful" Josh said. Callie hugged him she loved her brother despite how much shit she put him through over the years he still cared. They both walked inside and the house was quiet so they both decided to head to bed.

The last day of school before winter break and everyone was excited, Josh was only excited because it was the last game of the year and he wanted to make it count. "You are going to be great" Sophie said giving him a kiss, "thanks are you going to be watching?" Josh asked her, "I don't know" Sophie said, "you joking right?" Josh said, "of course baby I wouldn't miss it" Sophie said, "good I need you there cheering as loud as you can" Josh said. "So loud you are going to hate me" Sophie said with a giggle, Josh loved when she did that and kissed her as the lunch bell rang. "Why is it that lunch always goes by so fast?" Josh said, "I know I noticed that too" Sophie whined as they separated and went to class. Marley sat by Sophie in English, "you know I am beginning to miss my best friend" Marley said. "Oh sorry, um we cand watch the game together" Sophie said. "Oh good, watch a game of a sport I could careless about so we can watch your boyfriend kick ass" Marley said. "Correct! my boyfriend does kick ass and you will watch the game you love because your best friend wants you too" Sophie said. "Okay fine you win" Marley said as class started and they were forced to pay attention. 

After school most of the students gathered in the gym and it was a packed house as the basketball game would start soon. Sophie blew Josh a kiss when she saw him and he smiled at her listening to his coach. "Play hard boys like you have all year, we are playing the tigers so we know its going to be tough. Get Davis the ball as much as we can and we can win this" coach said. "Wildcats on 3" the team said, "1 2 3 Wildcats!" the team said, and they were ready to start the game. It was very intense at first the tigers were double teaming Josh early as they knew he was the best player. This made it easier for the rest of the team to score but Josh was determined and he made a lot of 3 pointers. Josh was also fouled a lot and made a lot of free throws as well, and going into the second half the wildcats were up by 10. "Davis you good?" coach asked, "yes sir" Josh replied, "good I am going to try something new, I want Dylan and Tyler here and pass the ball to Josh here. Once you have the shot Davis take it" coach said, "you got it coach" Josh said he didn't know if this was going to work. Going into the second half was a little more intense as the tigers came out strong. The game was tied with only 10 seconds left and Dylan had the ball he passed it to Tyler who went for a shot but at the last second sent it to Josh who was going for a 3 pointer and at the buzzer the ball went in and the wildcats won. The crows went wild, it was a good game and Sophie ran up to Josh and kissed him. Knowing that it was the end of semester there was a big party at Dylan's and everyone went their. Josh not only had his girl but Callie was also there and his big brother protective instincts were on high alert.

Josh would not hesitate to kick his friend's ass if he even attempted anything with Callie but he hoped he didn't have to. Sophie distracted him momentarily, "I know your worried about Callie but I need some Josh time" Sophie said. "Oh well, let me fix that" Josh said kissing her and making her squirm as he ran his hand up her back. Josh watched as Melody and Dylan went upstairs, and he was looking for Callie. He didn't have a good feeling about this and he hoped Dylan wouldn't but he didn't blame Melody. "Hey have you seen Dylan?" Callie asked, "um no" Josh said feeling bad about lying to his sister. He knew he would rather walk in on them then have her do it. "Khloe have you seen Dylan?" Callie asked her friend, "yeah he went upstairs" Khloe said, "Oh man" Josh said as he followed Callie upstairs Sophie close behind not wanting to be alone. Callie walked into Dylan's room and he was making out with Melody, "are you fucking kidding me?" Callie said, "Callie wait I can explain" Dylan said, "Fuck you!" Callie said storming out. Dylan tried to follow but Josh stopped him, "From her I get it, but Dylan you are supposed to be my best friend and you crossed a line" Josh said. "I swear it was nothing" Dylan said, "I don't believe that, she was probably seeking revenge and I just thought you had more class then that" Josh said punching him in the face and leaving. Josh and Sophie found Callie and they all decided to leave. "Callie I am sorry" Josh said, "I knew he was going to do it some point I mean she is the head cheerleader, I am just a bystander and I can't blame him" Callie said in tears. "Callie, Melody is just getting back at me and she used you to do it. I am not sure what Dylan will have to say but I am sorry you were caught in the crossfire" Josh said, "Josh this is not your fault Dylan is a big boy and he can decide for himself. I had a feeling he would cheat on me I just didn't want to believe it" Callie said, Josh hated his best friend right now but comforting his sister was his top priority as he sat with her in her room. 

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