Chapter 34

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Orianna was allowed to go home the next day she was worried not having any memory of her family. The only one she trusted was Chase, he made her feel comfortable and she cuddled with him on the couch. "Can I get you anything honey?" Skye asked trying to make it easier on her, "no" Orianna said as she clung to Chase. "She's good Skye this is all a lot for her, we need to just let her process things" Chase said. "I am trying Chase but I am so worried" Skye said, "I know so am I but we need to let her do this on her terms or we are going to make it worse, I know how she feels I lost my memories too" Chase said. "Only briefly you gained them back super fast" Skye said, "she will too we need to trust the process Skye" Chase said as his phone rang and he literally felt sick. "Detective Chapman" he answered, "hey Chase I know things with your daughter are a bit scary right now but we have some missing teens and we need some help" the chief said. "Okay give me a few minutes I will come" Chase said, "alright" the chief said hanging up, "Princess daddy has to go to work okay, I will be back as soon as I am done" Chase said, "don't go please" Orianna said as she cried, "I have to baby its my job but I promise I will come back as soon as I am done. Mommy will take good care of you" Chase said kissing her head and leaving with Jax. Orianna cried she was terrified she didn't like this at all.

"Orianna honey I know you are scared, but we are your family and we love you" Skye said, "I know" Orianna said as Skye turned on a movie for her and started on dinner. Max sat beside her, "hey so um I know you don't remember me but I wanted to show you this" Max said handing over a phot album. "What is it?" Orianna asked, "pictures, of all our trips and memories, maybe they can help you" Max said. Orianna took the album and looked through them Skye smiled, she loved how Max was trying to help. "Where is this?" Orianna asked, "that is Disneyland with Grandma Lynne" Max said. "Grandma Lynne?" Skye asked, "yeah um she was sick and this was the last thing we did with her before she died. I am sorry this is a bad memory" Max said. "Its okay Max, I like you are trying to help. Do I have another grandma?" Orianna asked, "yes Grandma Katie and Grandpa Ryder" Max said, "oh are they still here?" Orianna asked, "yes" Max said. "Can we see them?" Orianna asked wondering if it would help her memories, Max looked to his mom. "I will call them honey see if they want to come for dinner" Skye said giving her in-laws a call. Katie agreed to come over and help Orianna and they would be over soon.

Josh was loving the summer vacation already although they all felt bad for Orianna and hoped she gained her memories back.  Josh was with Sophie and he took her up to Jake's mountain, they were inside the waterfall cave. "This is beautiful" Sophie said, "yeah this is the place where my uncle Chase and Skye were trapped for an entire day" Josh said. "Trapped?" Sophie looked at him early, "yeah but its cool we won't get trapped" Josh said as they sat on the picnic blanket, "I love you" Sophie said, "I love you too baby girl" Josh said giving her a kiss, Sophie lay down pulling him with her. "Are you sure?" Josh asked, "yes I want this" Sophie said and Josh went easy just in case she did change her mind. Sophie was beginning to get aggressive and Josh liked it as they ended up becoming intimate. Sophie was breathing hard after she loved every second of it. "I never expect that to be so perfect" Sophie said, "it was perfect, everything with you is perfect" Josh said. "Are we going to be okay when you leave?" Sophie asked as she had tears. "Baby don't cry, I am not going far and I will come visit every chance I get, plus you are going to come watch my games" Josh said kissing her and wiping her tears. "If my dad let's me" Sophie said, "I hope he does because I won't be able to come home every time, maybe if you bring your friend Marley with you or something" Josh said. "I will work on him I am sure my mom will be on my side" Sophie said. "I feel like this summer is just going to go by so fast" Josh said he was also sad. "Me too, I hope girls won't be throwing themselves at you, the cheerleaders worry me" Sophie said. "I will never hurt you Sophie, I know I did in the past with Melody, but you make me feel so alive and I never ever want to make you cry. I love you so much and I promise I will always be thinking of you" Josh said. Sophie kissed him, "thank you and I will always be thinking of you too, high school will so not be the same without you" Sophie said. They cuddled for a bit longer before packing up and heading home for dinner.

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