Chapter 51

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Josh was hoping to surprise Sophie he had a week break from school, he knew playoffs were coming up. Josh went to talk to his couch hoping he could take a few days to go see her then come back with her over the weekend for the game. Josh found the couch in his office, "hey coach" Josh said, "Josh what can I do for you?" Coach said, "I know the playoffs are this weekend, and we are on reading break but I was hoping to go home a few days" Josh said. "We have practice" Coach said, "I know coach but I was hoping I could skip them, I wanted to surprise my girlfriend" Josh said. "Well we all know you don't exactly need the practice, but if anyone asks I was not okay with it" Coach said. "Thank you sir" Josh said as he went to ask Callie of she was planning on coming. "Hey you coming home?" Josh asked, "nope, Dylan is staying he has practice, wait don't you?" Callie said, "yeah I figured I'd skip it" Josh said, "Oh man will that get you in trouble?" Callie asked, "I don't know but I miss Sophie and I have a week off I am taking advantage, plus the game isn't until Saturday anyways" Josh said. "Well good luck with that and tell mom and dad I said hi" Callie said. "I will you be safe here okay" Josh said, "yes  I will plus I have Dylan" Callie said. "Yes but we all know Dylan can be and airhead sometimes so please just watch your back" Josh said. "Hey he is not an airhead, but okay will drive safe" Callie said. Josh hugged her and left as he packed his suitcase and drove the 3 hours home, he was really excited.

Zoe was trying to get Annabelle ready she was going in for her surgery and Zoe was nervous and kept crying. "Babe she is going to be okay" Zuma said, "we don't know that, I can't get this damn button" Zoe said. Zuma took over and was able to help, "I know you are scared for her and so am I, but she is going to be fine. I trust the doctors will help her" Zuma said. "She is just a baby Zuma, my baby she is so little" Zoe said, "I know honey, are you ready?" Zuma asked, "no, I don't know if I ever will be" Zoe said. Zuma had already taken Zola and Wyatt to his parents place, they agreed to let them have the time with Annabelle. Zuma put Annabelle into her car seat and drove them to the hospital, "the worst part for me is that she has no idea" Zoe said. "She is brave, she will be just fine. My girl is a fighter" Zuma said, "I am scared Zuma" Zoe said, "I know so am I" Zuma said as he parked the car and hugged his wife. Zuma carried Annabelle inside while Zoe tried to keep it together. Dr. Yang met with them and explained the procedure to them again and how everything would go. "It will take me around 3 hours, we will take a small flap and cover the hole on her heart. We will put her on bypass while we do that, and then we will make sure her heart is beating normally again. If all goes smoothly her heart will beat efficiently at 100% instead of the 75% that it is at currently. She should recover within a few days and hopefully without complications" Dr. Yang said. "What if this doesn't work?" Zoe asked, "with her young age I have no doubt that it won't work. However if it doesn't work, then we will re evaluate our options when she is older. There is a good possibility that it won't affect her daily life and she will live a normal life, she is not really showing symptoms at all right now, other then the poor weight gain" Dr. Yang said. "Okay I am ready I think" Zoe said, "alright, we will put her to sleep and I will come talk to you when I am finished" Dr. Yang said. Zoe and Zuma hugged and kissed her as they let a nurse take her away.

Zoe cried the entire time, she was so nervous. "Babe she is going to be okay" Zuma said, "I just feel like a piece of my heart was ripped out. Until Dr. Yang tells me otherwise I am going to worry like hell for her" Zoe said. It was the longest 3 hours of Zoe's life as she finally spotted Dr. Yang walking towards them. "The surgery went very well, we had zero complications. The patch is holding nicely and her heart is beating stronger as of right now. There will be a small scar on her chest but other than that I feel like it went very well" Dr. Yang said. "Thank you so much" Zoe said, "your welcome and in a few minutes you may go and see her" Dr. Yang said as she walked away. A few minutes later and nurse came to get them and they were taken to her room, "hey baby, mommy is here" Zoe said noticing she was still hooked up to a ventilator. "It is just a precaution until she wakes up from the anesthesia" the nurse explained. Zoe nodded as she held her babies little hand. Annabelle woke up about an hour later and Dr. Yang removed her from the ventilator and checked her vitals. "Looks good, her heartbeat is still strong" Dr. Yang said as she walked away. Zoe stayed with Annabelle she was to afraid to move as she cuddled her baby girl. Zuma went home to let her siblings know that she was going to be okay as he knew they were worried. Zuma also texted his friends to let them know, everyone was glad that Annabelle pulled through.

Little humans of the future Paw patrol next generationDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora