Chapter 14

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Alyssa woke up with a start as she heard her toddler crying yet again, "why does he hate sleeping?" Trevor asked. "I don't know it is making me a bitter person" Alyssa said, "I will go you sleep" Trevor said, "are you sure you work in the morning" Alyssa said, "I am sure" Trevor said, "thanks Trev" Alyssa said as she went back to sleep. Trevor walked into his son's room, "Jasper my dude why are you awake?" Trevor asked him. "Dada out" Jasper said, "but Jasper its barely 4 am can't we get some more sleep?" Trevor asked sounding hopeful, "Dada out!" Jasper said with more anger now. Trevor picked up his toddler in defeat and changed his diaper, as he set him down to see what he was going to do. Jasper walked into their room and climbed onto the bed and cuddled into Alyssa. "Okay then you wanted to cuddle with mommy" Trevor said as he climbed back into bed too hugging them both. Alyssa also cuddled her baby she hated that he liked to co-sleep but if this was the only way then what was the harm.

Chase rolled into his phone, "detective Chapman" he said noticing it was only 5 am and he groaned. "Chase I have something for you" Ian said, "can it wait till a decent hour?" Chase asked a little to desperately. "I wish, and it isn't something good either" Ian said, "of course it isn't, I am coming" Chase said. "If it makes you feel any better they called me first and now I just call you" Ian said. "It doesn't" Chase said hanging up and getting dressed as he rushed out the door with Jax. Max heard his dad leave and even though he received a big lecture every part of him wanted to go help. He felt like he was good at it and his parents just didn't understand, he knew he didn't want to get into more trouble though so he went back to sleep.

It was morning and Skye was making breakfast for her kids, "Can someone go get Max please?" Skye asked her daughters. Leila ran upstairs as fast as her little legs could carry her and climbed on top of her brother, "morning Max mommy said to get up" Leila said, "ugh" Max said as he rolled over and put the pillow over his head. Leila started jumping and Max knew she wasn't going to give up, "okay I am up" Max said, "yay!" Leila said as she climbed down and went back downstairs. Max came into the kitchen and sat down to eat, "morning you okay?" Skye asked, "fine" Max said. "You sound angry" Skye said, "I am I hate being grounded" Max said, "well you have school soon so I suggest getting ready" Skye said. "School I get to go?" Max said, "yes you have to go to school" Skye said, "but I thought I was grounded" Max said confused Skye laughed, "yes honey from friends and video games not from school" Skye said, "oh" Max said as he finished eating and ran to get dressed. This meant he would actually be able to see Hunter and tell him everything he was excited. 

Orianna was doing a lot better about Chase being at work and Skye was so happy about that, he called and wished her luck in school. Orianna was able to find Korra quickly and they ran off to play. Orianna had noticed that Korra was always watching Max, she wasn't sure what it meant but she didn't like it. "Korra why are you always staring at my brother?" Orianna asked, "I am not staring at him, I just wish I was his friend" Korra said. "Why do you want to be his friend?" Orianna asked, "because I like him and I was hoping being friends with you would make it easier but it hasn't" Korra said. "What do you mean?" Orianna asked, "nothing" Korra said not wanting Orianna to hate her, "are you only friends with me to get to my brother?" Orianna asked, "maybe I don't know. Obviously it isn't working so what is the use" Korra said, Orianna ran off crying and Korra didn't really feel bad. She watched Max and he saw his sister crying and went to her, "Ori are you okay?" Max asked, "do you actually care?" Orianna said, "of course I do, why are you crying? is it about dad?" Max asked. "No its Korra" Orianna said, "what about her? I thought you guys were good?" Max asked, "she told me she was only my friend so she could get closer to you and that it wasn't working" Orianna said crying again. "Are you serious she said that to you?" Max asked feeling a bit angry, "yes but please don't do anything" Orianna pleaded with her brother. Max was not just going to let this go he walked up to Korra and she smiled, "you will never get to be my friend. I don't like you and I probably never will now, stay the hell away from me and my sister" Max said walking away from her. Korra's smile faded into sadness and anger and she now wished Orianna was never her friend. She would have had better chances of getting Max to like her on her own, Korra walked up to Orianna with anger and said "thanks a lot now he hates me" "you brought it upon yourself" Orianna said just as angry, Korra didn't like that and she punched Orianna. This caused her to cry even more and a lot of people to react, Max ran over and pushed her, "what the hell!" he said not worried that he was about to punch a girl. A teacher came over and took all 3 to the principals office. The teacher also had a nurse look at Orianna's eye as they waited for their parents. Skye was flying today so they were waiting on Chase who said he would be there when he could. 

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