Chapter 88

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This was a requested chapter for @CoralxTuckforever as it was her birthday. Happy birthday love and I hope you like this chapter! I do what I can for my followers so everyone please respect that this is for you guys. I hope everyone enjoys it and understands!

Josh was so excited they were finally having another home game and a few days off and he was excited to see Sophie. It was Friday too so he knew she could stay for a few days, Sophie was going to drive there after school. "You excited for your girl to come?" Angela asked, "more than you will ever know" Josh said, "good then you can stop stealing mine" Rory said, "hush you he is not stealing me" Angela said, "you got that right babe cuz I would never let that happen" Rory said kissing her. "Get a room" Josh said, "I would but you are in my house so deal with it" Rory said as he continued kissing his girl. Josh laughed as went to his room and cleaned it up for Sophie even though it wasn't really that messy. Sophie was so excited as school finally ended, "bye have fun this weekend and Sophie be safe" Marley said. "You sound like my dad" Sophie said to her friend, "good!" Marley said as she hugged her and Sophie drove straight from school, calling her dad on the way. "Please be careful Sophie and call me when you get there" Rocky said, "I will" Sophie said as she hung up so she could concentrate on driving she made it there just in time for the game as she took her seat. Josh saw her and smiled and he ran to her and kissed her. "I missed you so much" he said, "I missed you too, now you better win this game" Sophie said, "I will" Josh said as he went back to his team, the coach was giving them the play by play. 

Josh as promised was able to win the game with his teams help, "you are amazing my NBA player!" Sophie said. "As are you my beautiful singer!" Josh said, "Oh jeez that no one will ever find out about" Sophie said, "I still don't get that, why don't you want people to know you can sing you are incredible" Josh said. " I just don't I sing for me not for anyone else, and I don't need to be famous I have you to do that for me" Sophie said. "I guess so" Josh said as he took her back to his place. "Welcome back Sophie its good to see him smiling again" Angela said, "oh he doesn't smile?" Sophie said, "nope he mopes when you aren't here and steals my girl" Rory said. Sophie looked at Josh "its fine he is full of it, and I do nothing with your girl" Josh said, "yeah because you know I would kick your ass if you tried" Rory said. "Or he is not interested in me you dummy, ignore him Sophie my boyfriend is a pain in the butt" Angela said. Josh took advantage of this and took Sophie to his room she looked worried. "You have nothing to worry about babe okay I am not interested in Angela she is just a really good friend" Josh said. "I know, I trust you" Sophie said. "Good now I get to have you for a whole weekend and I am stoked" Josh said as he made out with her on his bed. Sophie and Josh had some fun before they fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms. 

The next morning Josh woke up and kissed her, "I could get used to this I for one can't wait for you to graduate" Josh said. "Me too its almost Christmas are you going to have some time off?" Sophie asked, "I think so, but we have today and I don't have a game" Josh said, "perfect" Sophie said as she kissed him and they had sex again before heading to breakfast. Sophie and Josh ended up having a great weekend together and she was sad when she had to head home, "I will be home in 4 weeks for Christmas just hang in there" Josh said, "that is going to be so long but I love you Joshua Chase Davis" Sophie said. "I love you too Sophie Ariella Green! text me when you get home please" Josh said. "I will" Sophie said as she kissed him one last time and drove off. It was going to be a long 4 weeks but all his home games were during school and she would not be able to come, but she was going to get through this. Sophie made it back home and she invited Marley over to talk about her weekend. 

Max hated being grounded and he couldn't do anything plus he missed Lillia as she was finally his girlfriend and he wasn't allowed to see her. "I learned my lesson please can Lillia come over?" Max begged his dad. "Sorry bud the weekend is not over yet and I said 2 weeks, so you will have to wait" Chase said. "This sucks" Max said, "you know what would have sucked more if you were to actually get hurt so I am sorry bud you are going to accept your punishment until it is over" Chase said. "Ugh I can finally walk and I am stuck doing nothing" Max said, "we are glad your finally walking again but you can wait till tomorrow I am sure" Skye said siding with Chase. Max was in his room he was annoyed, Orianna came in, "hey you okay? "she asked, "fine being grounded just sucks" Max said. "Well you brought this upon yourself, I mean its your fault but are you going to be going back to school in January?" Orianna said. "I hope so I mean I have my legs back and I can walk so I want too" Max said, "then you will get to see more of Lillia" Orianna said, "yeah and Hunter, I hope I get to go back" Max said. 

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