Chapter 85

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Coral had heard about what Moby did and she was disgusted by her ex like she had no idea why she ever liked him. Coral went to her cousins house she wanted to make sure Max was okay, she knocked on the door. Skye opened the door and she was shocked to see her, "hey how are you?" Skye asked. "Good I heard what Moby did and I am disgusted I am so sorry, I came to see if Max is okay" Coral said. "I am not sure he is asleep, he was given pain meds, I am still not really sure what happened and of course once again Chase is not here" Skye said. "I feel like this is somehow my fault" Coral said. "What how is it your fault, I mean if anyone is to blame for this it is Chase" Skye said. "I don't think you should blame Chase he was my ex and I never told him I was leaving. So I am assuming when he got out of prison he came looking for  me, Max was just in his way" Coral said. "Everyone my husband arrests comes back into his life and they are affecting me and my family. I am done with this, I can't do it anymore" Skye said. "What are you saying?" Coral said. "I don't know, I am just angry I am sorry, you can come in if you want" Skye said as Coral entered the house. They sat and talked for a little but before Chase came home he was suprised to see Coral.

"Hey I was going to come see you tomorrow actually, Moby was at my house today" Chase said. "I heard and that is why I am here" Coral said, "I am not sure why he was here he told me he wanted to find you and he told my son it was because of me. He has been arrested again and the court is dealing with him, I would really like a real explanation" Chase said, "What can I do?" Coral asked, "talk to him see what he really wants I feel like he will tell you" Chase said. "Alright I will, good luck Chase and Skye be nice" Coral said as she left. "Skye" Chase said, but before he could finish she interrupted him, "Chase don't I can't do this anymore" Skye said, "Do what?" Chase asked her, "have my children in danger every time someone you arrested gets out of jail, I am done Chase" Skye said. "What the hell does that mean? I obviously don't want it either, and its not like I aske them to come after me! Its like you are blaming this on me once again, Max is fine is he not?" Chase said. "I wouldn't know Chase he is asleep, the girls are also asleep, and I have no idea if someone is going to come and hurt my children again! I hate your job so much sometimes! I can't do this anymore Chase" Skye said. "You can't do what Skye?" Chase said, "Live like this! My children are everything to me and I can't go to work everyday and wonder if I am going to come home to one of them dead because of you" Skye said. "Wow Skye I can't even believe you just said that. I can't control other people! I don't want our kids hurt either and every time you get mad at me you say my kids as if I am the one hurting them" Chase said. Things were getting escalated and Skye raised her voice, "you might not be physically hurting them yourself but it is your fault" Skye said. Max was at the stop of the stairs he heard it all and he was angry.

"STOP FIGHTING! JUST STOP FIGHTING!" Max said as he went back to his room, "you see what you started" Skye said. "Oh get over yourself Skye you are the one who started this" Chase said as he ran upstairs to talk to Max. "Max" Chase said as he entered his room, "why are you always fighting with mom?" Max said, "I don't know, I am not sure what is going on but your mom and I will argue sometimes bud" Chase said. "She said she was done what does that mean?" Max said, "I don't know but know that your mom and I love each other and we love all of you very much" Chase said. "I don't want you to go anywhere I am fine, and mom is overreacting. I mean I don't know what that guys deal was but I am okay" Max said. "Are you though? you aren't hurting at all?" Chase said. "It hurts a bit but I mean I am still walking and I feel like I might not need the crutches soon" Max said. "Don't push it but I am glad you are okay" Chase said as he hugged him, "Is mom leaving?" Max said, "no bud she isn't because I won't let her" Chase said as he left the room. 

Chase sat beside Skye on the couch and he pulled her close and hugged her, "babe please don't do this" Chase said. "I just hate it so much Chase" Skye said, "I know so do I, in the end Skye I will do whatever it takes for you and our kids to be safe. I really can't control the bad guys, and I don't think Moby meant harm he is really dumb and he was looking for Coral" Chase said. "I know Chase but what about you who is going to keep you safe?" Skye said, Jax barked from his bed, "well I guess there is that, I am sorry I overreacted" Skye said. "Its cool I get it, and Max is worried you are leaving" Chase said, "never I love you Chase" Skye said, "I love you beautiful, I always will" Chase said as he kissed her. Orianna was at the top of the stairs, "awe" she said, and Chase looked at her, "bed princess now" he said, "I heard fighting" Orianna said, "its all good baby go to bed" Skye said, "daddy can you come tuck me in?" Orianna asked, "sure princess" Chase said as he ran up the stairs and followed his daughter to her room. Skye went to talk to Max as well. "Max you doing okay?" Skye said, "yeah I guess mom are you leaving?" Max asked. "No baby I am not I love you so much and even though I yelled at your dad I love him too more than anything and I promise I am not going anywhere" Skye said. "Okay because it was my that Moby was in the house. I was expecting Lillia to show up and of course she didn't, I feel so dumb thinking she actually wanted to be my girlfriend" Max said. "Awe honey, maybe something came up you never know. I think you need to not lose hope, and you should know better than to open the door without asking who it is" Skye said. "I know it was my bad so please don't blame dad okay. I am fine" Max said. "You are fine this time but you might not be next time" Skye said, "sorry mom I won't open the door to anyone without asking" Max said. "Okay night bud" Skye said as she kissed his forehead and left the room. 

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