Chapter 107

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The next morning Skye was getting everything ready for the party she was worried about Ella and Taylor. She knew Ella was not taking it well but she also knew Taylor would not do anything at least she hoped. Skye let Chase sleep in she hoped the more he slept the more his brain would recover. It was just after 9 when he came down, "Daddy" Leila said, "hey Leila" Chase said, "yay you were right this time" Leila said, "well that is good then, I am trying" Chase said, "party starts at noon, do you want to get the yard set up please" Skye said, "sure" Chase said as he went outside and cleaned up, Lynne and Leila helping him. Max and Hunter were up late and were still asleep upstairs. "Orianna please go wake up your brother" she said, "mom that is like waking up a grizzly in the middle of winter" Orianna said. "Please I have things to do and if he does anything I will ground him okay" Skye said. "Okay" Orianna said as she ran upstairs, she slowly opened Max's door and she stepped over Hunter and shook Max, "Max mom says to get up" Orianna said. Max groaned, "Max" Orianna said, "I heard you Orianna get out please" Max said, "okay but mom needs you up" Orianna said as she left the room. "UGH!" Max groaned loudly, "dude could you keep it down" Hunter said, "shut up you are the reason I didn't get much sleep" Max said. "Not my fault you invited me over" Hunter said, "my parents are having a party I am assuming she wants my help otherwise I would go to your house and sleep" Max said. "Well good luck, I will see you Monday" Hunter said as he left, Rex licked Max he wanted to go outside. "Rex stop" Max said, as his pup continued licking him, "okay fine I am up" Max said as he opened the door for Rex. He didn't understand why Rex didn't leave with Orianna, Max went the bathroom and changed his clothes as he ran downstairs. 

"Max I am going to need your help today with the younger kids" Skye said, "yeah mom I know" Max said, "Max I mean it okay please, help out no complaining" Skye said. "Okay" Max said as he grabbed something to eat. It was just after 11 and Taylor arrived first, "Hey girl" Skye said opening the door, "hey Skye, this is Georgia" Taylor said as her daughter peeked out from behind her. "Oh my word, hi sweetie" Skye said not expecting her to have down syndrome, "Come in" Skye said, "I hope it doesn't matter that she is different, she really is incredible" Taylor said. "Girl that doesn't matter at all she is so sweet, and we are glad you both came" Skye said. Everyone arrived just after 1230 and the party had begun, everyone was having a good time. Taylor was talking to Zoe and Alyssa. Ella was watching her as Rocky was dealing with a Carlie meltdown.

"Ella let it go" Skye said, "what?" Ella said, "she is not even trying to steal Rocky you are being ridiculous" Skye said. "Am I she already told him she still had feelings for him, I mean even Carlie knows it. I just can't sit by and wait for her to swoop in and take him from me" Ella said. "Ella no one is taking him from you, Rocky can make his own choice and you don't see him rushing over they to say hey Taylor please take me back" Skye said. "No but I expect her to dig her claws into him, I mean where is the father of that little girl?" Ella said. "Who cares that is not our business, you are overreacting! please don't make a scene" Skye said. "I won't but I am watching her" Ella said as she went to help Rocky he was struggling. "Carlie baby what is wrong?" Ella asked, "I want to go home" Carlie said, "we will later bug how about we get a snack" Ella said picking up her toddler. Rocky was grateful as Chase walked over to him, "everything okay with you two?" he asked, "who knows she is pissed at me for Taylor being in town. I mean what am I supposed to do?" Rocky said, "Its not what you supposed to do Rocky its the way you show it, prove to her that you aren't going anywhere" Chase said. "I tried that already" Rocky said, "try harder dude" Chase said as he went to help Zuma with the barbeque. 

Taylor walked over to Rocky, "I know things are rough for you but I really am not trying to do anything to cause a rift" Taylor said. "I know and Ella just she is protective, she thinks you are going to steal me" Rocky said. "If she trusts you then she has nothing to worry about" Taylor said, "wait are you?" Rocky asked, "no of course not, I mean even if I wanted to you are married and I am assuming you love her do you not?" Taylor said. "Yes more than anything else in this world" Rocky said, "then she has nothing too worry about" Taylor said as Georgia came up to her, "Mommy I need to pee" Georgia said, "okay honey" Taylor said as she walked away with her daughter. Ella walked up to Rocky she finally had Carlie settled she was eating some chips, "what did she want?" Ella said, "nothing just came to say hi" Rocky said, "you expect me to believe that?" Ella said. "Believe what you want Ella, but if you can't trust me in the fact that I am not going anywhere then maybe we don't belong together" Rocky said. "Are you seriously throwing that into my face! Rocky you are unbelievable!" Ella said as she walked away. "Ella" Rocky said going after her, "oh man" Sophie said, "your parents okay?" Josh asked, "no ever since Taylor came into town they have been fighting, he is even sleeping on the couch. Something about her being his ex" Sophie said. "Man, I hope everything is okay" Josh said, "you and me both, ow" Sophie said, "What are you okay?" Josh asked her, "yeah I am good, your baby is just kicking me really hard in the ribs" Sophie said. "Really?" Josh said as he placed a hand on her tummy and tried to feel. "I don't feel anything?" Josh said, "yeah I don't anymore either, hmm weird" Sophie said as she worried about her parents.

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