Chapter 4

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Chase arrived at the school he was really hoping Orianna didn't see him he had enough to deal with at the moment. He went straight to the principal's office and he noticed Hunter was there, "Detective Chapman I am so sorry I should not have left him, I should have made him come with me" Hunter said he was clearly upset. "What is going on?" Chase asked, "Max found blood in the playground he thought it was cool, we followed a trail and then we found a knife. I told him we should go get a teacher he told me he would gaurd the knife and sent me. I should not have left him when I came back with a teacher both he and the knife were gone" Hunter said. "Show me where you found the knife Hunter" Chase said and Hunter took him outside to the forest, Jax immediately took off and Chase knew he also smelled the blood Max found. "This is where we found the knife" Hunter said. Chase looked around but didn't see anything, principal Mathers was with him, "take him back to class" Chase said as he heard Jax bark, Chase went to his pup and he now knew why his son vanished. "Fuck" Chase said as he called Ian, "hello" Ian answered sleepily, "Sorry I know you were asleep, I am behind the elementary school, in the forest I am looking at another dead body. I am going to need you" Chase said, "On my way boss" Ian said running out the door. Chase also called dispatch and told them what he found needing them to be discreet as he didn't need the kids to know about this. 

Ian arrived and he said, "I can tell you already this body is fresh, and she died maybe 2 hours ago and she was stabbed several times as well" Ian said, "so we have a serial killer on our hands? and why kill her behind a school, oh man this is bad I need to go find my son can you deal with this and call me?" Chase said, "yes where is your son?" Ian asked, "I don't know but I have a feeling he found this and whoever did it took him. I am really hoping this is not the case though because I know how he likes to be like me" Chase said. "Oh man good luck Chase, I will call" Ian said, "thanks, Jax buddy we need to find Max and fast" Chase said, Jax barked and sniffed and then ran as Chase followed. 

Max woke up and his head hurt a bit he didn't know where he was but he was tied to a chair, he was worried but he needed to get himself out. "Oh good you are awake, I don't like how you found what I was doing" a man said, "all I found was a knife and a shoe! my dad will find me" Max said, "No one is going to find you kid, and I can guarantee your dad won't know where to look" the man said. "He will he is the best detective in this town!" Max said, "Wait you are telling me your dad is Chase Chapman?" the man said, "umm no" Max said, "oh my god he is and this just made things so much better. Now I want him to find you but he isn't going to find you alive, hmm maybe I can get some money too. Kid you just made my whole day" the man said leaving the room. "Ugh! I am so dumb" Max said to himself as he tried to wiggle free, he knew he was in bigger trouble then he was before. "Why did I not go with Hunter, I am scared Ace help me please" Max said praying to his dad's dead pup he didn't know who else could help him. He wondered if anyone was even looking at this point or if Hunter ever came back with a teacher. Max couldn't get the ropes off they were to tight and he started to cry, as the man came back into the room, "what is your dad's number?" the man asked, "I am not telling you" Max said, "listen kid I am calling the shots here and if you want to live you will give me the number" the man said holding a knife to his throat. Max told him the number he was scared and he didn't want to die, the man dialed, "Detective Chapman" Chase answered, "Daddy!" Max said, "Detective Chase, boy was I surprised when this kid told me you were his dad" the man said, "Who is this?" Chase said, "oh you don't remember well that hurts a bit, you arrested me in the park after I tried to get something that belongs to me. Since I couldn't get it I feel like you owe me now lets say 4 million in exchange for your kid" the man said. "Officer Reynolds, Fine I will get the money where is my son?" Chase said, "no Chase that is not how this works, I get my money first and I will then decide if your kid should live. He did happen to find something today that I never intended for anyone to see. I wasn't able to finish and now I am angry" Reynolds said. "How you ever managed to become a cop disgusts me, when I find you and you can mark my words that I will there will be no justice for you" Chase said. Reynolds hung up on him, "your dad just pissed me off kid" Reynolds said as now needed to decide how to hurt him. "Please don't hurt me" Max said, "which finger do you want to lose kid" Reynolds said, "none please" Max said he was crying. 

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