Chapter 57

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Max took a breathe while the door opened, Drew was standing before him, "what you want punk?" Drew said. "To figure out between us what it will take for you to leave me alone, and for your brother to leave my sister alone" Max said. "Your dad already came here and threatened me there is no need for this" Drew said. "No there is this not between my dad and you its between me and you. I need to know what I can do because I am not sure exactly what I did to make you hate me so much" Max said. Drew closed the door and sighed as he looked down on Max, "look it ain't about you okay, I have a shit life with my dad and yours is so perfect. I have no friends and you have 2 awesome ones. You even have Korra and I know the way I treat is is shit but I have nothing else" Drew said. "You could treat me better and then maybe you could make your own friends. I mean there is no need to be a bully, and if this is about Korra man you can have her, she is just my friend" Max said. "It's not and I get what you are saying but its the way I was raised, and if you tell anyone what I said here today I will beat you to a pulp" Drew said. "I won't say anything but try being a little nicer and get your brother to lay off my sister" Max said. "Don't worry I think your dad scared him straight, oh and Max remember what I said to a pulp" Drew said. Max nodded as he headed back home, he kinda wished he had waited now it was dark and well he was a bit nervous as he knew that child rapist was still on the loose. 

Max decided to run as he saw a figure in the distance and he didn't want to think anything of it, in this moment he was glad Rex was with him. Max made it to his driveway, when the figure caught up to him, "hey kid, you shouldn't be out here all alone" a man said, "I'm not, I am with my dog" Max said. "Let me take you to the police station we can get you home safe" the man said, "I am safe thanks though" Max said as he walked up his driveway, he knew the man was watching him. Max also knew he had a clear image of his face, and he knew what he looked like, the other kids who were involved could not get a full description, but he saw him clear as day. Max opened the door and Skye was staring at him, "hey mom" Max said, "I thought you were asleep" Skye said, "I was but Rex needed to go out he has the runs or something sorry mom" Max said as he ran upstairs Rex following. Skye knew he was lying but she would figure it out later as it was late and she locked the door and headed up to bed herself. 

Meanwhile Chase and Ian were trying to figure out how this guy managed to get the children to forget what he looked like. "I don't get it how do none of them remember his face?" Chase asked, "he used some sort of drug but its hard to pin point exactly what it is, because its a combination. The kids were all confused, this man has access to all these drugs and he is using it to his advantage. If I had to guess I would say a doctor or something of the sort" Ian said, "so we have a doctor out there that is a child pedophile and gets off on drugging and forcing himself onto them when they are completely out of it?" Chase said, "Looks that way" Ian said, "I swear the people in this town are starting to get on my nerves" Chase said knowing he has his own kids plus his friends kids to worry about. Max was at home he was thinking about that man and the possibility of him being the next victim. He shuddered as he fell asleep, he was hoping to talk to his dad but he knew his dad was busy.

Chase on the other hand was yawning, "I need to get some sleep, Ian I hope you don't work all night, but I will see you in the morning" Chase said as he packed up and left. Max who was still awake heard the front door. He hopped out of bed and opened his bedroom door and saw his dad, "Max buddy its late you should be asleep" Chase said, "I know but I needed to talk to you" Max said, "Can it wait till morning?" Chase asked, "No" Max said, and Chase followed him into his room. "What is going on bud?" Chase asked, "I need you to have an open mind before I tell you this as I don't want you to ground me" Max said. "Okay" Chase said as he waited for his son to finish, "I sort of snuck out of the house to go talk to Drew, I needed to know why he hated me, I know it was wrong, but on the way I ran into the child rapist dude and I saw his face" Max said. "First off why did you need to go see Drew? Second you know sneaking out is wrong and third how do you know it was the child rapist?" Chase asked, "I wanted him to leave me alone, but regardless that is not the point. He seemed to want to lure me away, like he was concerned for me at first. I could tell he wanted to take me somewhere, he used the police station as a trick to get me to follow him" Max said. "You are sure it wasn't just a random person being friendly thinking you might be lost?" Chase asked. "No he was watching me for a bit, almost like he had an agenda. I swear dad it was him, and he was wearing those things doctors wear" Max said, "scrubs?" Chase asked, "sure" Max said, "okay you think you can remember what he looks like until morning?" Chase asked, "you bet" Max said. "Then you can come with me in the morning and we will get you with a sketch artist, I will still think about what to do with you for sneaking out of the house. For now go to bed" Chase said. Max nodded as he crawled into bed and closed his eyes, he thought about the whole doctor thing.

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