Chapter 99

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Chase, Callie, Ian, Jax, the chief, and Melissa were kept super busy over the next 24 hours trying to figure out this threat. "Is it even real? I mean every time we go somewhere it ends up being fake" Callie said, "yes but I have a feeling he is setting us up for something huge" Ian said, "what though? I mean how many more places can he threaten?" the chief said. "I am working in that I don't have a theory yet, but it could also be a she" Ian said. "I have a feeling its not, from the way the bombs are described I have a feeling its a guy" Melissa said. "I have a feeling we are not going to get any sleep" Chase said. "Come on uncle Chase you are the best one to figure this out don't be wimping out" Callie said. "I am not wimping out, I am just so tired, I haven't slept for a while okay" Chase said. "Its true Callie I haven't either and we are working on 2 cases right now and its not exactly easy to do on no sleep" Ian said sticking up for Chase. "Thank you Ian" Chase said as Jess brought them all more coffee. "Drink up Uncle Chase we need you bright eyed and ready for action" Callie said. "I will give you action after I sleep" Chase said, "haha you wish" Callie teased him. Chase drank the coffee and tried to figure this out he wanted the threat done with so be could sleep. "Okay so who do we think it is?" Ian asked, "the only people I know that aren't currently dead or in prison at the moment that could possibly pull this off are, Humdinger, but he is old and I just am not sure. Rex he has been quite for a while and he is high possibility and his whereabouts are currently unknown. I am not sure if Jimmy would he has been doing so good and Charlie but he also has been quiet" Chase said. "I agree about Humdinger I think at this point would not be able to pull it off, and Rex has been quiet but maybe he is pulling over a new leaf? I am not sure Jimmy would be able to pull this off. I am wondering if it could be that red headed kid Danny?" the chief said, "all good possibilities but we can all guess hypothetical here we still need to figure it out. We aren't going to do that sitting around" Melissa said. "Okay what do you suggest?" Chase said noting the time and his kids would be going to school. 

Just then the phone at the station rang and everyone looked at each other as Jess answered, "Adventure Bay police department" she said. "It is time! Prepare for 3 booms! Can everyone be saved in time, I doubt it better hurry detective or you lose those you love most" the mystery threat said before hanging up. "What the hell!" Chase said, "3 booms so that means 3 more bombs?" Callie said, "in a place that Chase will lose those he loves most? What do you suppose that means?" the chief said. Everyone thought about it and Jax barked as he ran off, "I sometimes wish he could talk" Callie said as they followed him. Jax ended up in front of the middle school it was the closest to the police station. "The schools! they are the target" Callie said, "Damn, Jax and I have the middle school, Callie Melissa go to the high school and Ian you go with the chief to the elementary school. Make sure everyone gets out!" Chase said worrying now for his kids.

"Damn I was hoping they wouldn't figure it out" the threat said, "the detective's dog is a problem he is to smart for his own good" Jimmy said. "Well then we have to get rid of him, then Chase will be to sad to do anything" Rex said as he laughed, "you are really evil" Jimmy said, "I know but Chase needs to suffer, now are you with me" Rex said. "I guess I mean not like I have a choice" Jimmy said. "That is right, now get to the high school and make sure your sister keeps Max inside the middle school, I have the elementary school" Rex said as he and his 2 recruits went to each school. Desiree was helping him only because she hated how Chase made her father turn against her. Ever since she was deemed a bully by him she was treated different and she needed to get things back on track. Jimmy was helping him because he had issues and he was the only one Rex knew would be capable of building the bombs since Harold was in prison. Rex just really hated Chase ever since that day he beat him at basketball, and he was determined to make sure Chase suffered. 

Chase was in the middle school and Jax was searching for the bomb as Chase went to the office, "I need the school evacuated now" Chase said. "What why?" the principal asked, "we have reason to believe there is a bomb" Chase said. "Just like every other fake bomb around the town?" the principal said, "listen there are innocent lives in this school get the children out now unless you want the death of 200 students on your conscience" Chase said. The principal didn't hesitate as he pulled the fire alarm and evacuated the whole school. The students all though confused all evacuated the school, Max of course hesitated when he saw Jax. "Jax buddy what is going on?" Max asked him, Jax barked at him as if to tell him to get the hell out. "Max come on, this could be bad" Korra said, "we don't know that? It could be fake like all the threats" Max said, "I don't know Max please" Korra begged her friend. Jax growled at Max for the first time ever he was warning him to get the hell out. "Even Jax agrees please Max" Korra said pulling him Max followed her he didn't want or need to get in trouble. Just before Max and Korra could leave the school they were stopped by Desiree. "I am sorry you can't leave" Desiree said, "what the hell why?" Korra said, "you can Korra sorry, but Max needs to stay" Desiree said. "Who the hell are you and I am not going to stay inside a school that is going to blow up" Max said. "Sorry it was part of the plan" Desiree said as she pushed Korra out of the school trapping Max inside. Desiree also left the school but she barricaded the door. "You are going to kill him!" Korra screamed, Desiree ran off before anyone could stop her. 

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