Chapter 32

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Sophie was looking at prom dresses she couldn't wait to go with Josh, she found the perfect dress. Sophie ran to show her mom, "Mom can I get this dress for the prom" Sophie asked. "Prom?" Ella asked confused she was feeding Carlie, "yes I am going with Josh to his prom and I need a dress" Sophie said. "Oh" Ella said looking at the dress, "Please" Sophie said, "that dress is expensive, can't we just get one from Alyssa's store?" Ella asked, "Mom I want this one please, I need it to be perfect" Sophie said. "Sophie let me talk to Alyssa I bet we can get her to make this one but better" Ella said. "Okay fine" Sophie said leaving the picture with her as she went back to her room. She was trying not to think about how fast this summer would go by and that her boyfriend would be leaving her. She called her friend Marley and she was coming over soon, Josh was busy today and she missed him already. "What is wrong with me, I am such a mess" Sophie said to herself as she thought of Josh.

Meanwhile Skye was trying to find something for all her kids to do while Chase worked, she was having a hard time keeping them all happy. Max was miserable because he wanted his cast off which would be soon, Orianna was miserable because Chase was at work. Lynne and Leila wanted to play outside but it was raining and Skye knew they would get muddy. "Mommy outside" Leila said, "its raining Leila and you will get dirty" Skye said, "dirty fun mommy" Lynne said. "Okay fine get your rain gear on" Skye said knowing she would not win this argument, Max huffed on the couch. "What is wrong?" Skye asked, "everything, I want to hang out with my friends but I am stuck with this stupid cast" Max said. "It is a boot and you can still walk, be thankful. Plus you will be getting it off soon" Skye said. "Not soon enough, can Hunter come over?" Max asked. "Not today Max, with daddy working I just have a lot on my plate" Skye said, "Can I go to Hunter's?" Max asked. "I need you here helping with your sisters" Skye said, "ugh!" Max said with anger as he went upstairs, his mom never let him do anything fun. He wished it was his birthday again he loved everything about that day. Max whined in his bedroom he just wanted to be better so he could leave the house.

Ella had talked to Alyssa and she agreed to make Sophies' prom dress she was excited and decided to come over with Jasper. "Sophie honey come down here" Ella said, Sophie ran down with Marley, "Alyssa is here to make your dress, can you tell her want you want" Ella said. Sophie showed her the picture, "I can probably do this, let me get your measurements" Alyssa said as she wrote them down. "You really think you can make this?" Sophie said, "of course, do you want the color too?" Alyssa said, "yes! I love everything about this dress" Sophie said, "alright it might take me a bit but I will get started" Alyssa said. "Thanks Alyssa" Sophie said as she ran back upstairs with Marley. "You are so lucky that you get to go to prom with him" Marley said, "I am but prom means school is ending, and school ending means he leaves" Sophie said. "You will have the whole summer, plus he is not moving far" Marley said. "I know but he is still moving and I won't see him everyday" Sophie whined, "are you going to go visit him in Toronto?" Marley asked, "as if my dad would let me, I mean I would love to but I have a feeling its mostly going to be him coming here" Sophie said. "Let's hope he doesn't find some hot college girl" Marley said, "thanks for putting that image into my head" Sophie said. Marley laughed she was jealous of her friends relationship. 

Callie was also getting ready for prom and she had her dress already, Josh found her in her room. "Hey can I ask you something?" Josh said, "sure" Callie said, "you think I could be prom king?" Josh asked. "I think the possibility of you being prom king are pretty high why?" Callie said. "I just know that Sophie can't be prom queen and if I am King it would be hard on her" Josh said. "I think she would be happy for you, Sophie doesn't seem like the type to get jealous" Callie said. "I know but I want her to be my queen" Josh said, "I am not sure what you want me to do here" Callie said, "nothing, I just have to make this night for her amazing" Josh said, "its your nigh Josh this is our prom, and we will be graduating I can't believe that" Callie said. "I know and graduating means I am leaving, and that hurts me" Josh said. "Oh my god you are only going to me 3 hours away I am sure she will survive, unless you are breaking up" Callie said. "No way I love her and I will do whatever I need to in order to make our relationship work" Josh said. "Well good for you, I am busy here so if you could leave please" Callie said and Josh left her room. He wanted so badly to make his relationship work but the long distance and school would make it hard. He also knew Rocky would play a huge factor as he probably wouldn't let her come visit that much. 

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