Chapter 38

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School started up again and Riley was nervous to start high school she didn't know if it was going to be different. She knew she had Chantelle and Klea to help her out and Sophie if she ever needed it but she was nervous. "Riley honey your bus will be here soon" Everest said, "I know mom I am coming" Riley said as she made sure she looked perfect. Riley came down and Everest smiled, "you look beautiful honey" Everest said, "thanks mom, bye see you after school" Riley said. "Be careful" Everest said as she ran out the door, Everest looked to Owen who was now 7 and said "hurry up your bus is coming soo too" Everest said. "I know mom" Owen said as he finished his breakfast. Everest wondered how Callie and Josh were doing she missed them and the house was oddly quiet without them. Once Owen left Everest had the house to herself and she did some cleaning before heading to work herself. Marshall was on shift today and had already left, she was worried for him and hoped his day went well. 

Skye was taking her twins to their first day of Kindergarten and Max was annoyed now all his sisters were in his school. "Max you will hardly see them, they are in a completely different area" Skye said, "that is what you said about Orianna and I see her everyday" Max said. "Does it really matter your sisters love you" Skye said, "I love them too but at home, at school its my time" Max said. "Whatever honey are you taking the bus are you coming with us" Skye said, "I'll go with you" Max said as he climbed into the car. Lynne and Leila were excited, "mommy is kindygarden different?" Leila asked, "it will be a little bit there will be no naps, but you will learn really cool stuff" Skye said. "Are we going to be together?" Lynne asked, "I think so, and you will come home with Max and Orianna on the bus okay" Skye said. "Okay mommy but what bus?" Lynne asked. "Max make sure your sisters get on the bus" Skye said, "I know mom" Max said as he rolled his eyes he had to do the same thing for Orianna when she started, he wasn't going to leave his sisters behind. As soon as they arrived Max and Orianna took off and Skye walked the twins to their class. They easily transitioned in and this made Skye sad her last 2 babies growing up. Skye left knowing she needed to work but she couldn't help but cry a little as her last babies started school. 

Sophie tried not to notice her boyfriend not being at school with her as she tried to listen to Marley. "Sophie are you even listening?" Marley asked, "I am trying but I miss Josh" Sophie said, "well you are going to have to get over it, I mean he is not here" Marley said, "its not that easy okay, and just because you don't have a boyfriend. I honestly just can't with your Marley ever since I have been with Josh you have been negative. You are supposed to be a supportive best friend not an annoying one" Sophie said. "Fine you are right it sucks he is not here but I am here and I will help get you through this" Marley said. "Thanks ugh this is going to suck" Sophie said, "when do you see him again?" Marley asked, "we haven't figured that out yet he said depending on how is first week goes he would let me know if he is coming this weekend. If he doesn't his first game is 2 weeks I guess I see him then" Sophie said. "Man 2 weeks okay we can do this" Marley said as she tried to find ways to distract her. Riley waved at Sophie and she waved back, she hoped everything went okay for her she knew Riley had trouble transitioning and Josh always helped her. Sophie promised Josh she would try but she just wasn't sure what was going on with Riley. 

Alyssa was trying to get Jasper to eat, she was 5 months pregnant now and he was literally fighting her everyway. "Jasper mommy can't do this anymore, if you don't want to eat then don't but you are not getting anything else" Alyssa said as she helped Jasper out of his seat. She thought once he turned 3 he would be easier but he was just even more trouble. Alyssa didn't know how she was going to manage with 2 babies at this point. She knew the saying the second one is the opposite of the first and she really hoped this was true. She could use a break as Jasper fought her on anything, he still wasn't fully potty trained and he doesn't sleep nor does he eat. Alyssa just needed an easier second baby and she secretly wanted a girl but they decided to not find out they didn't want a meltdown from Jasper. Alyssa wanted to do anything to make his life easier but the more she tried the more difficult he made her life. "Jasper please don't climb that" Alyssa said as she pulled him off the cupboards and of course he threw a tantrum, he was trying to get the cookies. Alyssa had to hide all the junk food now because Jasper would just eat that all day instead of eating actual food. Trevor was at work and he was busier these days as a lot of people were needing lawyers. Alyssa called her mom to see if she wanted to come help for a bit and she agreed. "Thanks mom" Alyssa said, "your welcome" Mayor Goodway said as she went over to her daughters house. Alyssa was thankful her mom came to help not only was she able to get Jasper to eat but she was able to get things done. 

Josh was finding himself thinking about Sophie and not really paying attention in class, he didn't know why he chose psychology. He always liked the idea of helping people but he really just wanted to play basketball but he also knew he couldn't do that forever. Josh tried to concentrate on what the teacher was saying. The day seemed to go by slowly and he just wanted to get to practice. He knew playing basketball would distract him from Sophie and all he wanted to do right now was see her. Josh ran into Callie on his way to the gym, "hey how's your first day?" Callie asked, "Its okay I guess, I can't stop thinking about Sophie" Josh said, "you will get used to it, I know its hard Josh but we really aren't that far" Callie said, "easy for you to say that when your boyfriend sleeps beside me" Josh said. "True but Sophie and you will make this work I believe you are both soulmates" Callie said. "Thanks that is really sweet, I also believe she is my soulmate" Josh said. "Then you will make it work, hope practice goes good" Callie said as she ran off to her next class. Josh walked into the gym and he still couldn't believe he was there it was all so surreal to him as he changed into shorts. The basketball court was his happy place and he knew no matter what this was the reason he was here. 

Max was trying really hard to not focus on his sisters being in the same school but of course they found him at lunch. "MAX!" Leila squealed as she ran up to him, "Leila I am with my friends" Max said, "we know Hunter and Korra" Leila said, "right so like at home go away" Max said, "but Max we have no friends" Lynne said, "then go make some" Max suggested, "we are scared" Leila said, "and what am I supposed to do?" Max asked them, "help us" Lynne said. "Fine" Max said as he took each of their hands and lead them over to a bunch of kids their age, "guys this is Lynne and this is Leila they needs friends" Max said. The kids looked at him and at Lynne and Leila but continued playing, "there you made friends" Max said, "they didn't even say hi" Lynne said, "you have each other just play the 2 of you" Max said trying to walk away. Lynne didn't like this and she cried, Korra walked up to them. "Max they can hang out with us" Korra said, "I don't want them too, I love them I do but they are big girls now and can make friends" Max said. "Its their fist day" Korra said, "okay fine" Max said and they both looked excited as they followed their big brother. Max was clearly annoyed but he knew he didn't really have a choice as he made sure his sisters had fun. Once lunch was over they went back to their class and Max never understood why they needed him. He really hoped this didn't go on everyday but he hated seeing them so sad so he knew he would cave sometimes he wished for a brother. At the end of the day Orianna was waiting by the bus stop and Max brought Lynne and Leila, "oh right they are here" Orianna said, "yeah here you sit with Lynne, I will sit with Leila" Max said, "I am sitting with Penelope" Orianna said. "Come on Orianna help me out okay, I can't sit with them both" Max said, "we are little Max we can squish" Lynne said. "See you will be fine" Orianna said as the bus came and she climbed on with her friend. Max managed to get the twins seated but as he suspected the seat was not big enough for him, he sat in the seat next to them. Max noticed who he was sitting beside and he was nervous. "Did I say you could sit here?" Drew said, "no but I am sitting here because my little sisters are right here" Max said. "I don't care punk, no one sits with me so move" Drew said. "Why don't you move?" Max said, "what did you just say, do you want me to beat you up?" Drew said. "No but I already told you why I am sitting here and I am not afraid of you" Max said, "you should be" Drew said as he glared at him as the bus started moving. Max knew he just made an enemy out of the school bully but he couldn't move now. 

Lynne and Leila looked worried and they tried to move closer together to save their brother. "You will pay for this twerp" Drew said, "name calling is not nice" Lynne said, "cram it short stuff" Drew said. "Look you can talk to me however you want but leave my sisters alone" Max said. "Don't worry you will pay for it later and you are now on my enemy list" Drew said, "great" Max said as he rolled his eyes. He didn't much care that this kid was a bully Max could handle himself but when it came to his sisters he would not allow anyone to be mean to them. Max stood up when they were at their stop and he pushed Lynne and Leila in front of him as Drew stuck out his foot. Max tripped and fell on his face and Drew laughed, "have a nice fall" and this made everyone else laugh. Max stood up and walked off the bus, he was glad his sisters didn't see. "Max are you okay, that boy was mean to you" Lynne said, "I am fine lets go" Max said as he grabbed their hands and they walked home. Chase was home and Orianna hugged him and ran upstairs, "daddy there was a mean boy on the bus he called Max names" Lynne said, "Oh, Max you good?" Chase asked, "I am fine dad it wasn't a big deal" Max said, "are you sure?" Chase asked he hated bullies, "yeah it wasn't that bad nothing I can't handle" Max said, "Okay girls go get cleaned up and you can tell me about your day" Chase said as he helped them wash up. Lynne and Leila were excited as they told Chase all about their day, he could tell Max was bothered by the bully thing. Chase made a mental note to talk to him about it once Skye came home he wanted to make sure that he was actually okay. 

Little humans of the future Paw patrol next generationOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora