Chapter 58

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Marshall and Everest were getting ready to go watch Josh play his championship game and they were all ready to go. "Marshall have you seen Riley?" Everest asked, "nope she knew we were leaving" Marshall said. "Well I can't find her and she is not answering her phone" Everest said, "ugh that girl, I will stay honey you go with Owen. When she comes home we will meet you there" Marshall said. "Are you sure? What if something happened to her?" Everest said, "I am sure babe I will figure it out, and I will call Chase if I need too" Marshall said. "Okay please find her and keep me updated" Everest said. "I will and if we don't make it wish Josh luck for me and give Callie a hug" Marshall said. "I will, come on Owen lets go" Everest said as she loaded him in the car and hoped that her daughter was alright. Everest couldn't help but feel nervous about the whole thing. She knew that Riley would never miss an opportunity to see Josh and this was very unlike her. Marshall was calling around asking if anyone had seen her and at this point he was beginning to worry as well. No one has seen her since school and she was not answering her phone, he decided he had no choice but to call Chase. However Chase was not answering his phone either and this made Marshall panic even more he was not sure what to do. 

Chase finally managed to unlock Jax's cage, and he took the muzzle off, "alright Jax our fist priority is to protect Riley. I am going to close this cage but not lock it. You pounce when you need to" Chase said. Jax lay down he understood his assignment, "I am supposed to go see Josh" Riley whined, "I will get us out of this Riley I promise" Chase said, "how we don't even know if he is coming back" Riley said, "he is trust me" Chase said. "I trust you uncle Chase but I am scared" Riley said. "I know but I promise you will be okay, I will do whatever it takes to keep you safe" Chase said. "Okay just don't get hurt in the process" Riley said as the door opened, "well if it isn't my least favorite detective" the man said. "Take off your mask and show your real face, I mean hell you let my kid see" Chase said. "Yes and that was my mistake, soon Chase you won't even remember your own name let alone that you ever had a kid" the man said. "I would like to see you try" Chase said he was ready for whatever this man had in mind. Riley hid behind her uncle she didn't want hers or his memories wiped and she was afraid of what he might do to her. "I prefer children they are more cooperative but I think if we have the right approach we could figure this out" the man said, "You are sick man, just admit defeat and accept your punishment" Chase said. "I will never be defeated Chase, you don't even know who I am" the man said. "I can easily figure it out and you know it, that is why you are hiding your face. I am not afraid of you, but lets let the girl go and we can figure this out like real men" Chase said. "No I want her to watch, she can see you fail for the first time ever" the man said. "He never fails!" Riley said sticking up for him, "there is always a first time for everything" the man said as he walked closer to Chase. Jax was ready, the man had Chase pinned and was ready to inject him with his forgetting drug. He had a stronger dose for Chase, "Jax get Riley out!" Chase said, as he fought the man. 

Jax did as he was told and pulled Riley with him she didn't want to leave but she knew that it was what Chase wanted. Chase was a lot stronger than the man, "you know I was expecting more of a fight" Chase said. "I am used to kids" the man said, as Chase pulled off his mask, "well I should have known, some doctor you are" Chase said. "It works and its how I get these drugs" the man said. "Well Dr. Grey the jig is up and you are under arrest, for a lot of things I can't even begin to tell you. I am not even sure you are a real doctor" Chase said. "Jokes on you I am" Dr. Grey said, "well you aren't anymore" Chase said as he arrested him, dispatch was able to send more units and Dr. Grey was arrested. Riley insisted on waiting until Chase came out and she hugged him, "I am glad you are okay" she said, "I promised, no you better go or you will miss the game" Chase said. "Right thanks Uncle Chase" Riley said as she left and ran home, Marshall was so relieved. "Riley were the heck have you been" he asked, "its  a long story dad and I am sorry but the good news is I am fine and ready to go" Riley said. Marshall climbed into the car and he drove them both to Toronto and Riley explained the story to Marshall, "man thank god for your uncle, I can't even imagine. Let's agree not to tell your mother this" Marshall said. "Deal, she has enough things to worry about. What are we going to tell her?" Riley asked. "I am not sure I will figure something out" Marshall said and Riley laughed she knew her dad was the best person to keep her mom calm.

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