Chapter 61

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Katie sat in the waiting room as she called Chase she was crying and super worried, "hello" Chase answered a little sleepily. "Chase" Katie said, "Mom what is wrong?" Chase asked as he sat up, "its your dad honey, we are at the hospital" Katie said, "is he okay?" Chase asked getting dressed and waking up Skye, "I don't know" Katie said, "I am coming mom" Chase said as he hung up and looked to Skye. "My dad is in the hospital I need to go" Chase said, "oh my gosh, okay keep me updated and whether I need to bring the kids" Skye said. "I will and I don't want to worry the kids if I don't have too" Chase said giving her a kiss and rushing out the door. He made it there in record time and he hugged his mom. "Did you call Marshall?" Chase asked, "he is working" Katie said, "he will want to be here mom and Cassie too" Chase said. "I had Cassie paged she is working tonight" Katie said, Chase called Marshall hoping he would answer, "Hey Chase I am working" Marshall said, "I know but dad is in the hospital, mom said its bad" Chase said. "Shit, um okay I will talk to my boss" Marshall said as he hung up. Within a few minutes both Marshall and Cassie arrived. They all sat and waited to hear news, it felt like an eternity and Katie just hoped she wasn't too late. 

Dr. Shepard finally came out and said "I am afraid its not good news, he suffered a massive stroke. He is currently in a coma and at this point the chances of survival are very slim, I am very sorry" Cassie and Katie cried even harder. Chase and Marshall just looked stunned, was this really it. Chase didn't want to believe that his father was dying he just didn't accept this, he hated death and everything that came with it. Being a detective he saw way to much of it and he wasn't ready for this loss. He thought of his kids and how much they loved their grandpa and how this would affect them. He mostly worried about Max and how he would take it knowing he saved his life once. Chase started to cry at this point and Marshall broke the silence, "how do we tell everyone?" he asked. "I am not sure but, lets not tell anyone tonight. We don't know that he isn't fighting like heck to come back to us" Katie said. "Mom, a stroke is bad, even if he does live he won't be the same" Cassie said. "He will still be my husband and the love of my life, I am not ready for this not yet" Katie said as her kids hugged her. They were finally able to go see Ryder and they all sat by his bedside. Ryder was in a private room as Dr. Shepard knew how much family he had. "Please don't leave me Ryder please" Katie sobbed into his chest, she was taking this really hard. 

Marshall was being paged and he called his boss and explained the situation and they agreed to give him the rest of the night off. Chase texted Skye but he had a feeling she was asleep and she would get it in the morning. He hated that his kids were going to see their grandpa like this but if it really was the end then he wanted them to be able to say goodbye. They all just sat there in silence not really sure what to say at this point. Marshall received a text back from Everest and she would bring the kids by in the morning. Chase was googling stroke and trying to figure out what his dad's odds were. "What kind of stroke did he have?" Chase asked, "well it was massive so I am going to assume it was hemorrhagic" Cassie said. "That is literally the worst one, awe man" Chase said. "Daddy please don't go" Cassie said as she hugged him, Ryder was hooked up to so many machines and Katie knew he didn't want this. "I know this is all a lot to take in right now and we are all devastated but we need to talk about this" Katie said. "Talk about what?" Marshall asked, "what we are going to do, guys you dad doesn't want to live on a machine, he told me that when it came down to it that we should just let him go" Katie said still crying. "Mom do you realize what you are saying?" Chase said. "Yes honey I do, and as much as it kills me inside I am doing what you father wanted. He would want to be able to move on and not live hooked up to a machine. We need to consider the fact he might not wake up" Katie said. "Okay say we do unhook him and he dies but there is a chance that we could have saved him. We are basically just going to give up?" Chase said. "No, I don't know" Katie said, "Chase, due to the severity of this stroke, we don't know how long his brain was deprived of oxygen. He might never be able to talk, move, eat, or even open his eyes again. Would you want to live like that" Cassie said still wiping tears. "No of course not but we don't know how bad it is yet" Chase said. "I don't think its good Chase" Cassie said trying to comfort her brother but she still felt the pain hit hard. 

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