Chapter 33

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Everest woke up crying and Marshall rolled over fast, "Babe are you okay?" he asked, "no my babies are graduating today" Everest said as she sobbed into her pillow. "Oh thank god, I thought it was something serious, Everest they are not babies anymore" Marshall said. "We were still in highs school when we had them, and now they are graduating. I feel so old and I am not ready to lose them" Everest said. "Aw honey, we aren't going to lose them, they are just all grown up. I know Josh will come visit lots, and Callie wants to be like her uncle so she will be around too. We aren't going to lose them" Marshall said. Everest cried and Marshall knew how hard this was for her. Callie woke up she was excited she was finally getting out of high school and she was going to be on her own. Josh on the other hand was sad as he would be leaving his girlfriend, he was however excited to play basketball on a more professional level. "Callie, Josh are you guys getting ready?" Marshall asked them. "I am so excited dad! I am almost ready" Callie said coming out in her graduation gown and hat, Marshall smiled at her. "You look beautiful honey" Marshall said giving her a kiss on the forehead. Everest noticed her and started crying again, Marshall knocked on Josh's door, "you good bud?" Marshall asked, "I don't want this" Josh said. "No you do, you just don't want to leave Sophie behind. Josh she will be here and not going anywhere" Marshall said. "That doesn't exactly make me feel better dad" Josh said, "it wasn't meant too, what are you afraid of?" Marshall asked. "Losing her" Josh said, "well if you both care enough about each other than you won't lose her. I see how you both look at each other and if you trust her than you won't lose her" Marshall said. "Ugh okay, fine lets just get this over with" Josh said. "Bud you have all summer don't waste it by being sad about leaving for college" Marshall said. "Okay" Josh said as he followed his dad in his graduation gown too. Everest lost it again and Callie rolled her eyes, "this is going to be a long day" she said. "Give her a break Callie you guys were here first babies" Marshall said.

Everyone met at the school, Chase hugged both Callie and Josh, "I can't believe you guys are graduating. I mean I remember holding you little knuckle heads in my arms and now you are graduating" Chase said. "Don't turn all weepy like mom, uncle Chase" Callie said, Chase laughed, "I won't but I still can't believe it" Chase said. Katie was just as bad as Everest and she was crying even harder. "My babies graduating high school, yesterday it was Chase and Marshall now my grand babies!" Katie said. "Jeeze mom, I am leaving before this gets mushy" Chase said walking away. Everyone was seated and Lynne and Leila were getting annoyed from sitting to long, "Leila honey you need to sit still" Chase said, "no daddy I don't want too" Leila started to freak out. "I will take them to the field over there let them run around" Orianna said, "thank you princess" Chase said as he let his daughters run into the field as he kept an eye on them. Everyone cheered extra loud as Callie and Josh both received their diplomas, and they had a huge cheering section. 

Dylan ran up to Josh, "dude we graduated!" he said, "I know" Josh said, "why do you sound so bummed" Dylan asked his friend. "I am not bummed, I am just not sure what to do" Josh said. "What do you mean we go to Toronto University and kick some college basketball ass" Dylan said. "Yeah sure" Josh said as he watched his girl, "man you are a buzz kill" Dylan said. "Go away" Josh said as he walked over to Sophie. "What is up with your brother?" Dylan asked Callie, "he is sad leaving Sophie behind is going to be hard" Callie said. "Hmm well he needs to get over it, he will be a mess on the team if he is only thinking of her" Dylan said. "Dylan, he loves her and long distance is hard" Callie said punching him. "Ouch babe, she can come visit and we are only 3 hours away by car" Dylan said. "You are so insensitive, just don't bug him this summer he needs time with her" Callie said pulling her boyfriend along with her. "Hey I am so proud of you" Sophie said as Josh approached her.

"Thanks, I am going to miss you" Josh said, "hey don't get all weepy on me now, we have all summer. Let's make the best of it and not think about you leaving okay. I am not ready" Sophie said. "Okay I want to take you somewhere special tomorrow are you in?" Josh asked, "of course, I would go anywhere with you Joshua Davis" Sophie said. "Ugh please don't use my full name" Josh said, "Why? I like it Joshua" Sophie said, "not cool Sophie" Josh said as he tickled her making her squeal, "okay fine Josh please stop" Sophie said. Josh stopped and gave her a kiss. "You coming to my graduation party right?" Josh asked. "Of course" Sophie said as Josh took her hand and let her over to his family. Josh and Callie were hugged and congratulated by everyone it was a good day. They celebrated back at Marshall and Everest's the kids all playing the back yard. 

Little humans of the future Paw patrol next generationOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora