Chapter 103

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Skye explained how Chase had no memories and that the kids needs to let Chase figure things out on his own. "Just like me mommy" Orianna said, "yup so let's all try to be there for him but first school" Skye said as decided to get her kids to school before going to check on Chase, she hated how he didn't have his memories. She didn't want to overwhelm him but she really needed his memories back she missed him. "Mom I want to go see dad" Orianna said, "you will after school okay" Skye said, "promise?" Orianna said, "yes I will pick you all up and we will all go see your father okay" Skye said, "deal" Orianna, Lynne and Leila agreed. Max also agreed as Skye dropped them all off, Korra ran up to Max when she saw him. "Hey how is your dad doing?" she asked, "he's okay he no memories of us but he will get there" Max said, "I hope so, we are all praying for him" Korra said, "thanks" Max said as they both found Hunter.

Chase woke up and he looked around he was still in the hospital, "hey how you feeling?" he heard a voice. "Fine, I wish I could remember who you are" Chase said, "its cool man, I am Ian and I am your tech guy I help you with all your cases" Ian said. "Right because I am a cop?" Chase said, "you are the world's greatest detective! I mean at least I think so" Ian said, "thanks" Chase said, "your welcome so um I actually came here for a reason" Ian said, "Oh okay" Chase said, "there is this girl her name is Beth and she was on death's row because well she is a psycho and obsessed with you" Ian said. "Okay but if she is on death's row then why are you telling me?" Chase said. "Well she is missing Chase, and we are worried since you have no memories you might not know what to do" Ian said. "So you are telling me a psycho stalker of mine as escaped prison and is out to get me?" Chase said. "Well I am not sure if she is out to get you but yes she has escaped and we wanted you to know we are looking for her but she is really good at getting herself out of situations" Ian said. "I understand I will be careful I promise, and thanks for the warning" Chase said. "No problem, hope you get your memories back soon" Ian said, "you and me both" Chase said as Ian laughed and left.

Chase really hoped that this girl didn't come to do anything, he didn't want to have to deal with it. Skye arrived and sat down beside her husband, "hi" she said, "hi" Chase said back, "still don't know me huh?" Skye said, "I know what you told me but sorry I have no memories of you" Chase said. "Its okay, the kids know now I told them, I didn't want them to keep wondering. They are determined to help you remember" Skye said. "Cool, this guy I work with I can't remember his name just told me that some psycho is out there she is obsessed with me" Chase said. "What?" Skye said, "I don't know ugh sorry its all just so much" Chase said, "its okay babe, I will find out just try to relax" Skye said as she called Ian. Ian explained it to Skye and she sighed she really hoped that Beth didn't come after him, "its okay babe I won't let her anywhere near you" Skye said, "that is good, my head is killing me" Chase said as he closed his eyes. Skye called in a nurse and she agreed to get him some pain meds and call in Dr. Shepard. 

"I am going to take you for another CT Chase I am just hoping it can tell us something" Dr. Shepard said as she came into the room. "Thank you" Skye said, as Dr. Shepard took him and Skye was joined by Rocky. "Hey how is he doing?" Rocky asked, "he is still confused and he went for a CT, not only that now we have psycho Beth to deal with again" Skye said. "What I thought she was on death row?" Rocky said, "she is but she somehow escaped" Skye said, "hmm sounds like the police department needs to help upgrading their cells. I wonder if I can do something about that" Rocky said. "That would be nice and then we can keep all Chase's threats contained" Skye said. "I will look into it Skye and in the meantime maybe have security or something sit on his room" Rocky said. "I think someone is, and the nurses and doctors are all aware of her" Skye said. "Good" Rocky said as Chase was brought back, "hey" Chase said trying to figure out who this friend was, "Hey I am Rocky, and I just came to check on you" Rocky said, "right my supposed best friend right?" Chase said, "the very same, if you will excuse me your wife has given me a task I will see you later Chase" Rocky said. "Okay cool see you later man" Chase said as Rocky left and Chase looked to Skye. "Did you get any info on your CT?" Skye asked, "um if I did I don't remember" Chase said. "Its okay I am sure Dr. Shepard will be back soon, maybe get some rest" Skye said. "Yeah thanks" Chase said as he closed his eyes and fell asleep shortly after. 

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