Chapter 63

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Chase tossed and turned all night, he just couldn't sleep, he hated that his dad was gone, it didn't feel real. His work phone rang and he really hoped he didn't have to go in, "Detective Chapman" he answered, "sorry Chase I know you didn't want this one to be bad, but it is given the way they died it was murder" Ian said. "Ugh, this is not something I need right now" Chase said, "I know and if we knew where to even start we wouldn't call you but between you and me everyone else is hopeless" Ian said. "I am coming" Chase said as he hung up, he knew woke up Skye. "Sorry babe" Chase said, "its okay, are you okay Chase?" Skye, "no not even a little bit, I have my own problems right now but here I am stuck dealing with others shit" Chase said as he dressed and walked out the door. Skye sighed he was taking his dad's death heard and she knew right now him going to work was not good because he was not in the right frame of mind. 

Chase arrived at the station and Ian could tell right away he was mad, "I feel bad Chase I am sorry" Ian said. "Its fine what do you have?" Chase said, "Well all three girls were sexually assaulted like I told you before, and it looks to be by 3 different men. I am not sure how all of them are linked together or if they chose to do it as a group, but all 3 of them suffocated, this one here has marks on her neck, but these 2 either died from something covering their mouth or a plastic bag. There are no signs of bruising present, they all suffered before they died" Ian said. "Do you have anything from the 3 men?" Chase asked, "no they were very careful not to leave anything, there is nothing even under their fingernails. I am stuck on this one Chase" Ian said, "Jax can you see if you can find anything" Chase said to his pup, Jax sniffed around but even he came up short. "I am not sure if there is anything I can do, do we know who the woman are?" Chase asked. "Yes here are their names, but I am not sure if they have anything in common" Ian said handing him a piece of paper. Chase read the names and saw that it was only 4 am, "I will go talk to their families in the morning, its to early to do anything right now" Chase said as he left with Jax. 

Chase didn't bother going back to bed he sat on the couch and scratched Jax behind the ears, "Why dad why did this happen, I can't solve this case I am so angry" Chase said to himself, he knew he wasn't going to get a reply. Chase cried and Jax licked him trying to comfort him, "I just hate this so much" Chase said, Chase heard someone come downstairs, "you okay dad?" Max asked, "I'm okay bud" Chase said, "are you sure, you are talking to yourself" Max said, "I know bud, I am just having a hard time" Chase said. Max came and sat beside him, "dad its going to be okay, Grandpa is watching out for us" Max said. "I know, why are you awake?" Chase asked, "I had to go to the bathroom, and I heard you talking" Max said, "I am sorry bud, you should go back to bed" Chase said. "No, you said you were angry are you still?" Max asked, "yes but not at anyone in particular, I just hate that I am dealing with this and that other people expect me to just not care about my own feelings and deal with their problems" Chase said. "Are you talking about a case? is it bad?" Max asked, "yes it is, and I just really right now don't care" Chase said, "you have to dad, whoever it is that died are counting on you, your the best for a reason. Grandpa wouldn't want you to give up either, he knows that you can solve this, I know it sucks he is gone dad but he is not really gone he is here" Max said pointing to Chase's heart. "Thanks Max, you really are to smart for your own good" Chase said. "Do you feel better?" Max asked, "I do thanks bud, lets go back to bed" Chase said as he followed his son upstairs. He was surprised that Max helped him and he knew his kid was right, Chase lay back down and set an alarm for 8 so he could go talk to the families.

It was 7 am and Callie woke up she would be starting her first shift at the police station today. She knew she wouldn't be training with Chase yet but she wanted to just be a regular cop and not a detective like Chase. She didn't think she would be very good at solving crimes but she might one day. She dressed and went downstairs, "you ready for your first day?" Everest asked, "I think so I am nervous" Callie said, "you will do great" Everest said, "thanks mom" Callie said, "be careful please" Everest said, "I know" Callie said as she ran out the door, "where is she going mom?" Owen asked. "To work she is a police officer now like Uncle Chase" Everest said, "cool so she is going to solve crimes?" Owen asked. "I don't know exactly it is her first day" Everest said, "I want to be a firefighter like daddy" Owen said, "I know baby but for right now you are still little and need to eat your breakfast" Everest said. "Where is dad?" Owen asked, "he is still at work bud, but he should be home soon" Owen said. "Cool, are we going to bury grandpa in the cemetery?" Owen asked. "Yes baby we are, how are you doing?" Everest asked, "I am sad but I know he is not suffering anymore, I am sad for daddy and grandma she looked really upset" Owen said. "She is and so is daddy but we will help him get through this" Everest said, "yeah can I go play with Oliver mom?" Owen asked. "I will find out" Everest said as Owen went upstairs, Riley came down, "mom I am going to Klea's house" Riley said as she ran out the door, "be careful!" Everest yelled at her not knowing if she heard. Marshall walked in, "you okay babe?" Everest asked, "yeah I guess, Travis is giving me a few days off. I hope he is with my parents" Marshall said. "I am sure he is" Everest said as she smiled at him, Marshall went up to shower he smelled like smoke. 

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