Chapter 82

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Sophie woke up the next morning she was sad that she had to leave, "I am going to miss you" she said to Josh as she kissed him awake. "I will miss you too beautiful, I have a few away games coming up hoping you will watch me on TV" Josh said. "Are you kidding I wouldn't miss it" Sophie said as Josh smiled and they headed to the living room. "It was really nice to meet you Sophie, I haven't seen him smile so much. It sucks you won't be able to come on our road trip but he is in good hands I promise" Angela said. "Thanks Angela, I worry about him" Sophie said, "I will keep him in line, plus he is younger and more mature than my boyfriend so you have nothing to worry about" Angela said. "I heard that babe" Rory said, "Its true and you know it, Sophie good luck in school" Angela said giving her a hug. Josh walked her out to her car, "you still worry about her?" Josh said. "No I can see how much she loves Rory, and I trust you so I am not worried. I just am going to miss you so much" Sophie said hugging him as she started to cry. "We will see each other again soon and know I will be thinking of you every second of the day" Josh said. "Me too, I love you" Sophie said, "I love you to babe and I always will" Josh said kissing her one more time as she climbed into her car and drove home. Sophie tried to be positive about her boyfriend being the NBA but she missed him. Her drive home was peaceful but she started to cry as soon as she drove into her driveway. She ran into the house and slammed her bedroom door, "oh man I wonder what happened" Rocky said, "Josh is leaving on a road trip and she is going to miss him, its super obvious honey" Ella said. Rocky rolled his eyes he couldn't understand why is daughter at this age was so attached. "You roll your eyes but you and I were just like her at her age. We just never had to experience the long distance so cut her some slack she is taking it hard" Ella said. "I get it babe I am not questioning her sadness but I just I am not ready for her to be in this kind of relationship" Rocky said. "Oh I see and what kind of relationships is that?" Ella asked curiously, "Oh um the forever kind" Rocky said, "I see well I for one feel like she made the right choice and I would be honored if Josh chose to marry our daughter" Ella said. "Woah she is barely 17 no one is getting married" Rocky said, "maybe not today but I believe he will ask her one day and you are going to give him your blessing when he asks" Ella said giving Rocky a kiss and taking Carlie upstairs. Rocky sighed he did feel the same way about Josh but he hoped it wasn't for a long time he wanted Sophie to remain his little girl for a little longer.

It was a lazy Sunday for everyone and Max was sitting on the couch and Leila sat beside him, "Max?" Leila said, "yes Leila?" Max said, "are you going to play with me?" Leila asked, "oh um depends on what you want to play" Max said, "tag" Leila said. "That might be a bit hard for me as I can't really run" Max said. "You didn't even try!" Leila said, "hey kiddo how about if daddy plays with you instead" Chase said trying to rescue Max, "No I want Max" Leila whined, "I would love to play with you Leila but tag is a little hard, I am just barely walking with the crutches and I would get tired so fast" Max said. "You are no fun anymore" Leila said as she ran away crying, "don't let it bother you Max she just doesn't understand she will be okay" Skye said, "I know but this sucks I mean I can't exactly help it and now my sister hates me" Max said. "Leila does not hate you she is just sad, she will be fine and I promise in like 10 minutes she will be over it and everything will be fine" Skye said. "Whatever I am the worst" Max said as he grabbed his crutches and went to the backyard. "Man its hard to please everyone these days" Chase said, "they will both be fine, which one do you want to handle?" Skye said, "I will take Max" Chase said as he followed his son outside. "Max, what is really bugging you? I know for a fact its not Leila" Chase said. "nothing dad its fine" Max said, "no don't we talk about everything, I want you to be able to tell me anything I will not judge you ever and I will always try to understand" Chase said. "Its dumb and I honestly don't think it matter" Max said, "it matters, talk to me bud I will try and fix it" Chase said. "Well seeing as you can't force a girl to like me I don't think you can fix it" Max said as he rolled his eyes. "I see now we are talking about Lillia?" Chase said, "ugh dad you wouldn't understand" Max said. "I understand more than you think, I know that you had a good time with her on your date. She hasn't really spoken to you since then and ever since you were hurt she hasn't been around much and you are unsure of where you stand" Chase said. "I guess something like that" Max said. "Well I can't speak for Lillia but you are an amazing kid and if she doesn't see that she is missing out. Max you need to remember that you are only 13 and have a long time to find a girlfriend" Chase said. "Its not about that, I just thought I liked her and now I am not sure" Max said. "Like I said you have lots of time and maybe she does like you but she just isn't ready to date" Chase said. "I guess thanks dad" Max said as he went back inside.

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