Chapter 28

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This is a dedicated chapter to @cartoonlover18 as it was his birthday yesterday not sure if its what you had in mind but I hope you like it. Thank you for reading and voting <3 and Happy Birthday!

Callie sat her on her bed and sighed she knew Josh was mad she could feel it and she hated him being mad at her. She knocked on his door, when he opened it she surprised herself by just hugging him. "What is wrong?" Josh asked, "everything, I am sorry" Callie said as she cried into her brother. Josh sighed he hugged her back and pulled her into his room, "Callie what's going on?" Josh asked. "I am such an idiot, I have been acting so stupid lately and I don't even know why. I am not this person Josh and I don't know how to fix it, ever since Dylan cheated on me I have had this anger inside me. If grandpa had died today and I didn't get to see him I would hate myself forever. what is wrong with me?" Callie said, "Callie, nothing is wrong with you. I hate that you were so hurt by Dylan, and I am still pissed at him for it but he is my best friend. If you are so angry with him why did you agree to go to prom with him?" Josh asked her, "I love him Josh. I have forever but he hurt me and I am not sure I can ever get that hurt back, he broke my heart and my head is reacting to it by being an idiot" Callie said. "Oh Callie, I am sorry I know I did the same thing to Melody so I am a hypocrite if I say anything. I know it was just a kiss but that is no excuse. In the moment I didn't think about my actions I just felt something with Sophie and needed her to know. In the case with Melody and Dylan I honestly think it was all her, she was getting back at me and you were in the crossfire. So I am sorry Callie I promise you Dylan is a good person and if you want to give him another chance you should. I promise as your brother to protect your heart and if he does anything to hurt you he will regret it" Josh said. "Thanks Josh, and I have been thinking of taking him back, but what about grandpa why did I ignore mom's calls" Callie said. 

"Grandpa is fine for now Callie, but you need to realize that he is getting older. I hope he lives forever but I know that it won't be the case. I can't answer the question about why you didn't answer mom's calls but don't ignore us. You are 18 and you are allowed to go out but if we call 20 times maybe you would wonder something could be wrong. Just saying it doesn't hurt to answer" Josh said, "thanks and are we good, I hate you being mad at me?" Callie said, "I am always here for you Callie, even when you irritate me to no end. We are good just stop acting like a fool" Josh said. "Okay thanks for being my brother" Callie said hugging him again, Josh hugged her back and she left his room. Callie of course knew things were not perfect but she at least felt like things were on the right track. Callie was thinking about taking Dylan back and she just hoped that it was the right call she wouldn't be able to handle him hurting her again.

Max was having a hard time getting to sleep, he was so stuffed up and his cough was keeping him awake. "Ugh!" Max said as he sat up in bed, of course he couldn't go anywhere without making to much noise as his leg was broken. Rex looked at him, "I am good Rex" Max said as he blew his nose for the billionth time and lay back down. Rex watched him he was worried, and he felt responsible. Skye could hear him coughing, "my poor baby" she said as she went to check on him she had some medicine. "Max honey are you okay?" Skye asked, "no I can't breathe and my cough hurts" Max said. "I have some cough medicine for you" Skye said, "this stuff is gross and I don't feel like it helps" Max whined, "it helps trust me" Skye said as Max sat up and drank it. Skye also turned the humidifier on in his room and kissed his head. "Night baby" Skye said as she left crawling back into bed. Max was able to fall asleep after his mom left and he was thankful she heard him. He dreamt about Korra and that worried him as he didn't know what that meant.

It was 4 am and Chase groaned looking at his phone, it wasn't Ian and he didn't recognize the number. "Detective Chapman" he answered, "Well well asleep on the job, I can't say I am surprised big hot shot detective" a male voice said. "Who the hell is this?" Chase said getting the attention of Skye next to him. "In time that will be revealed but for not detective there is a gift for you just outside your door" the male voice said as he hung up. Chase was annoyed he didn't need anymore threats in his life or ones that knew where he lived for that matter. "Everything okay babe?" Skye asked, "its fine Skye go back to bed" Chase said as he rolled out of bed and dressed. He opened the front door with Jax by his side and there was a box, Jax sniffed it and whined, "what is it bud?" Chase asked. Jax sniffed it again and he obviously didn't like what was inside as he whined again. This made Chase nervous, Chase decided to take it to the station he didn't want to risk opening it in front of his house. Chase called Ian on the way and he agreed to come in and take a look. Chase tried to figure out who was a threat this time and didn't have the energy for it at this hour. Ian arrived at the station and he looked over the box, as he slowly opened it he regretted it instantly. "Man I am not even sure I want to know whose this is" Ian said pulling out a severed hand. "Well whoever it belongs to he wanted me to find it he put it on my door. Why did Jax react to it so badly, he hated the smell?" Chase said, "It has a strong ammonia smell, and it might not bother us but to him I can see why he would whine" Ian said as he analyzed the hand. Chase gave Jax a pet and a dog biscuit that Jess left on her desk for him, she wasn't there yet but he loved how she kept them for Jax. "Chase I can't get anything off this, I won't be able to give you anything. The fingerprints are burnt off and its been dead for so long there is no blood left. Plus its been sitting in ammonia so I am sorry Chase" Ian said. "I kinda had a feeling, what about this number can you trace it?" Chase asked as Ian checked. "Its a burner phone so nope, sorry I wish I was more helpful" Ian said. "I am sorry I woke you up for this" Chase said. "Meh whatever" Ian said as they both decided to go back home.

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